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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. 4 of us in the covers band, but just me in my recording project.
  2. It's crazy. I sold mine for £650 and I thought that was cheap. They're unquestionably superb basses, I just don't get why they're out of favour right now, and Warwicks too, it's mad. Personally, if I was selling one now, I'd refuse to let it go for less than £600 minimum, I'd just hang on to it. Depends how desparate folks sre for the cash I guess.
  3. I didn't get on with the DOD FX25, but I did like the Ashdown filter, and it's cheap. Edit; £350 for an effects pedal is madness to me, I just don't understand why stuff like the Deep Impact for instance commands such mad prices, after all, it's just a bleedin effects pedal.
  4. My gig setup, I just wish I had a decent camera to take the pics with.
  5. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  6. My H1 Jazz is still my #1, workhorse bass, big tone with the Villex pups, and every bit as good as any standard US Jazz. The difference I've found with mine is how dark it sounds. Jazzes are generally quite bright and honky, but mine wasn't, even with it original pups it was quite moody sounding, silly I know, but it just seemed different to a regular jazz tonally. So, I banged in some Villex pickups hoping to give it more top end. The bass itself was having none of that, and still sounded quite dark, even with the massive range available from the pups. The pups are just magic though, massive bottom end great clear top end, but the bass still has a character of its own, and I like it that way. Between the Jazz and the brighter sounding Lakland DJ4 I've got all the sounds I need live. H1, great bass, build quality, mojo, I wouldn't be without it:
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  8. Ritter make the best bags there are. All my basses are in Ritters, I wouldn't have anything else.
  9. MIM P bass, in the hands of my oldest (who looks very young here) best all round precision I've ever played bar none; 70s/80s Yamaha BBs, L-R, Fretless 400S, stunning 3000S in the middle, and an 1100S; Epi Thunderbird, Fender Marcus Miller, 70s Ibanez P. Three truely great basses; Fender deluxe P; One I should NEVER have sold, Lakland JO4. LOVED it, but needed to raise some cash; Beautiful Stingray, just not right for me; Lovely Ibanez K5, great player; Schecter Model T; ............and the final two for now, Fender Highway One Jazz with Villex pups, BIG tone, old faithful, and my gorgeous Lakland DJ4, stunning in every way, thanks Mike, along side my Trace rig; This was the edited version. Honourable mentions to the Geddy Jazz, great bass but no pics of it, and the OLP Tony Levin I still have for mucking around at home on, again, no pics of it.
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  11. DJ5 is on my list too, since I got the DJ4, which'll be the last grands worth of bass I'll get for a while too. I just tried to add my list of gear too, but there were too many pics for the thread to take, it wouldn't let me download them all .
  12. Top gear there pal, love the Bacchus there at the end, and the Streamer too, I'd love a Streamer, especially when the Zender sig comes out.
  13. If you want a combo, loud but portable, awesome punch, versatile EQ, for pub/club gigs, for a ton and a half? Look no further, you will NOT be disappointed. One of these two was my baby for three years, and NEVER let me down. Superb bit of kit, make no mistake about it.
  14. I'd LOVE to see her live, but I can't be arsed driving down the M1 to do it. It seems to me that many artists like this feel that a gig in London is all they have to do for the UK. Marcus Miller is the same. I guess it's down to demand, and the lack of it for a full scale tour of the UK.
  15. I find "Spy In The Cab" by Bauhaus is very uplifting when you feel down, or even "The Tennant" by Play Dead, I just want to dance and sing when I hear them.
  16. I've got one, it's fine. Bought it to use on a couple of Muse covers, which it did well for me, haven't used it since, enough said.
  17. They have quite a tight and punchy tone, should be interesting with LaBella flats, any particular reason for that choice of string?
  18. [i]Wicked[/i] bass that, I love T-40s. I think the black pearl looks great too.
  19. As a former user/collector of 70s/80s Yamaha BBs, I have to say I'm not keen on James' bass aesthetically, it's too cluttered on the front, one too many P bass pups IMO. They're superb basses, BBs, both the old ones and the newer re-issued ones. I still miss my old BB3000S a lot.
  20. If you watch the vid for "Spread It" by the Blockheads on you tube, there's a few frames (if you pause it) part of the way through of Norman next to his amp, and a good shot of the graphic, mids boosted, but more of a peak in the mids, rather than a curved sad face.
  21. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='277632' date='Sep 5 2008, 10:09 AM']Sorry mate I was speaking to Rayman as he's just round the corner from me in Stockport[/quote] Cheers Steve, I might take you up on that. Trouble is, I might end up leaving with one of Your DeArmonds .
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