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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. [size=5][font="Impact"]REVELATION[/font][/size] I rehearsed last night with the band, and decided to try the afore mentioned sad face on the graphic, boost the mids etc. Awesome sound, instantly!! I'm just knocked out. I'd tried all kinds of settings, but never got what I wanted from the amp, to the point where I put it up for sale thinking I'd never get what I wanted. A couple of pointers from you guys and I've got the perfect tone, the Norman Watt-Roy punch that I was after. Thanks to all the above comments, it was, needless to say, very very useful in the end. Anyone else with a graphic they can't suss out, or get the sound they want from, try the sad face, not the smiley face I expected to use. Boost the mids, the mids are your friend. So between the Lakland DJ, Fender Jazz and the Trace, I've all of a sudden got the sound I wanted live, in spades.
  2. OOHH what's the name of that pub in the vid, I've played there, it's in Shaw isn't it?
  3. Seems a couple of us are having Trace issues at the moment.
  4. Well done mate, glad it went well. Can't see what you're doing because of the lights? Can't hear what you're playing because of the monitors? Sweaty? Nervous? Welcome to the wonderful world of live music.
  5. Ta, I'll have a look into that.
  6. Ebay. It's a Vince Ray design, I'm a big fan of his artwork.
  7. Here's the blurb the guy I bought it from put in his ad: This is an exceptional example of one of the best amps ever made. It's in supurb condition, and looks like new. There are no tears or rips on the tough vynal covers.The combo has 2x10" speakers and horn and is rated at 200W (400W peak). The extention cabinet has 1x15" speaker, also rated at 200W (8ohm). I'll also throw in the original covers aswell. The sound produced by this rig is exceptional. It's been gigged a fewtimes in the past, but hasn't been used for the past 4 years. I've tested it recently and it still sounds supurb. The features: 7 band graphic (50Hz to 5kHz). Input gain with peak indicators Passive & Active inputs. Pre-shape selectable as In or Out. Graphic selector with In or Out. Compression in / out with level control Effects send & return Balanced 3 pin D.I. out selectable as pre or post EQ Volume control Line out socket Back panel: Tuner Output Two speaker outs (4 Ohms minimum combined)
  8. [quote name='tonybassplayer' post='273171' date='Aug 30 2008, 02:59 PM']Have fun[/quote] That's all that matters.
  9. A mate of mine had a Samick, maybe 15 years ago, a 5 stringer, no idea what model. It was a really nice bass indeed, we gigged with it a few times back then and it always sounded the dogs. Your 6er looks very nice indeed.
  10. Did someone say mojo'd Highway 1s? Great basses, and I wouldn't mind a P to go with my jazz. Nice P indeed.
  11. Hmm yes, I guess it's down to me, but a few comments from others will give me a few ideas.
  12. Good luck Kiddo, you'll be great I'm sure. There's nothing quite like playing live, you'll never be the same again.
  13. Drool............... This thread is really making me miserable. I always wanted either a Wal or a Jaydee MK, and have never been able to afford either. Mark King and Mick Karn were my heroes in the 80s, along with JJ Burnel. All thses Jaydees are giving me very bad GAS indeed, especially as there's one for sale too.
  14. A quick question for all you Trace owners. How do you have your EQs set? Smiley face? Flat? I'm using my GP7SM200 with the pre set classic Trace sound and the graphic switched out altogether. I want to have a play with the graphic though and wondered how you all have yours set. I've tried the smiley face, mids flatish with the bass and trebles boosted, and I've tried it flat with all the sliders level just about the indent, but I can't quite get what I'm after. I want bright and punchy, but with some bottom end thump too. I really should book the rehearsal room on my own, and spend an evening with it, without the rest of the band moaning that I'm fiddling about and holding them up.
  15. I [i]love[/i] the early Level 42 stuff, and have been a fan since the start, but strangely, I'd never gotten around to seeing them live until a couple of years ago at the King Georges Hall in Blackburn. It was truely awful, I was very dissapointed indeed. I think the venue was to blame to be fair, it was a sh*t view, with a stage about 6 foot high. I was on the front row and couldn't see a bloody thing as we were all sat down. The sound was terrible too, and I ended up moving from the front, to the circle upstairs (the place was half empty). The sound was better up there but not great. The band just looked out of sorts to me, and MK seemed to be just going through the motions. There's two basses I've always wanted, a Wal and a Jaydee Mark King, don't s'pose I'll ever have either, but I still dream about slapping away on a Jaydee in front of my Trace Elliot pretending to be MK. New album? Nah, I haven't bought a Level 42 album since World Machine.
  16. I'm missing my Roland, and may well buy that back. The Trace is great, just not for me at this time.
  17. It's superb, it really is. It was bought from a guy who hadn't used it for years, and so it's in very very good condition. Beautiful tone if Trace is your bag, it's just not right for me at the moment, and I don't have the space to store it. It is [i]heavy[/i] though Ped, your back just wouldn't hold up .
  18. [font="Lucida Console"][i]Withdrawn[/i][/font]
  19. Bugger me, is this still here? Why hasn't anyone snapped it up? I played it when Alan had it, superb bass in all respects. I wish I had the dosh, I'd have it in a shot.
  20. I've loved almost everything Jay Kay has produced, Stuarts' stuff on the early albums is of course outstanding, but to be honest, I've liked every album since he left. Dynamite is a top album for instance. Anyone else looking forward to the Warwick Zender sig bass coming out in the next year or two?
  21. Top basses from a top bloke. I'd have 'em both if I could.
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