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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. Bloody hell, I had to look twice at the price myself, that's a £500 bass if ever I saw one.
  2. I sh*t you not, this bass is as good a precision as it gets, beautiful player, fantastic sound, and if I had the cash, it would now be mine without hesitation. [i]£325????[/i] Someone snap his hand off quick.
  3. Good man Al, very nice bass that.
  4. [quote name='Paul_C' post='189629' date='May 1 2008, 12:07 PM']Bongo[/quote] I knew you'd say that .
  5. The for sale activity on here is so high, that people get carried away when they spot something they want, but can't afford. Trades are very common of course, and I've done a few myself on here with no problem at all, because most of us don't have spare cash, but we do have spare basses, and quite often, if there's a bass you don't use much, you fancy a change. However, to commit to buy, then pull out is bloody irritaing to say the least. I had a Gibson Les Paul for sale on BW (many of the old BW crowd will remember), a member (albeit a new member), commited to buy it. He couldn't pay me straight away, so I agreed to put it on hold until the end of the month when he was paid. Meanwhile, I bought my current Stingray from Nash with overdraught money, knowing I'd get the Les Paul cash within a handfull of days to pay the overdraught back. Needless to say, after I'd waited a month for the money, the buyer pulled out after changing his mind. I was rather upset. This used to be a very honourable place for trading, and in my opinion, was a friendlier place altogether a handful of years back, but I'm afraid if you're selling/trading stuff here now, with members you don't know, you have to be very careful, and business like. I feel sorry for Chris, because he's a good bloke, and the basses for sale are nice too, I just wish I could afford to buy one of them. Now.............what else have I got to trade?
  6. Rayman


    Your advert sucks . Have a bump. Top bloke, top bass.
  7. Try them all out mate, they're all different in many ways, and simillar in others. I have a Stingray, powerful and punchy, and my mate has a Sterling, a bit more mellow sounding, but with more tone options. Most versatile is the Bongo, but you have to live with its looks. Single pups for the classic tones, two pups for versatility, on any of the models. Try them all out before you go any further.
  8. Top band this, a great opportunity for a good drummer.
  9. [quote name='ped' post='188809' date='Apr 30 2008, 01:56 PM']As my music doesn't ever call for a certain bass sound (jazz, precision etc) then I can use 'my' sound and my favourite bass on everything, which I really like being able to do.[/quote] Yeah at the end of the day that's what I do to, even though I'm playing covers. I have "My" sound on the Villex loaded Jazz, and I [i]inflict[/i] that tone on most of the set, hence sticking with that one bass most of the time, with the Marcus Miller Jazz backing it up. I really could do without the other three altogether.
  10. [quote name='jake_tenfloors' post='188619' date='Apr 30 2008, 08:22 AM']Wow, that is one the ugliest basses i've ever seen. Whats it like to play?? Jake[/quote] Yeah that's not helpful in the for sale section at all, if you have nothing good to say, don't say anything. Good luck with the sale GP.
  11. I'm currently hooked on my 2 jazzes for live work, but the Stingray is always there in the wings too. The other two basses I have are 5ers, and get used at home but not live. I have to say, 5 basses for me is a bit OTT, I don't need them all, so........... Another vote for a Stingray/Jazz combination.
  12. Ged fitted me the same set into my jazz (not these [i]actual[/i] ones), and make no mistake, these are outstanding pickups, buy with confidence.
  13. I personally think that some of the gear around today is as freaky as it gets. Look at some of the custom makers like Ritter for instance, beautiful woods twisted into the most pig ugly looking monstosities I've ever seen. Admittedly some of these makers, Ritter included, make some fabulous looking stuff, but there's a lot of mad looking designs floating about on the current crop of builders that should never see the light of day. Give me an 80s pointy thing any day of the week.
  14. Yeah it was a good day, and fettled P #1 was a cracker. I must get down to another gig, especially the ZZ top outfit, I must see that.
  15. Are you still with Dr Blue? It'll look smart along side the guitarists blue Les Paul assuming he still has it.
  16. Good man Dave, as good a jazz as one is likely to find, wherever it's from. So how was it at the gig? Russ.
  17. I'm underwhelmed too. I agree with NJ, should be much more seductive IMO, it's sterile looking and still a bit clunky.
  18. What a stunner...............someone's going to be a very happy bunny after buying this.
  19. Sorry for the slow replys to this one folks, but I did get a couple of irritating time wasters who said they were up for it and never turned up, that slowed things down quite a bit. The band have now found a bass player, so thanks anyway.
  20. There's absolutely [i]nothing[/i] wrong with Elvis Presley, what's wrong with him? I saw the original Vegas band when they toured a couple of years back, with Jerry Sheff playing bass, and the fantastic James Burton on guitar. Great night, great songs. Sounds like a hoot Al, I remember you telling me about it a couple of weeks ago. It'll be a hoot at the gig itself I'm sure. Pity about the drumming situation, any chance Mick will come back?
  21. [quote name='Foggy2oh' post='162851' date='Mar 24 2008, 09:31 PM']Hi Rayman If Stagefright are still looking for a bass player. could you please pass on my contact details - [email protected] and tel: 07802 730133 I live in the Preston/Blackpool area but travel to Manchester most days - I can be available for rehearsing and gigging around the Warrington area. I used to play with a Manchester band and contacted Stagefright once about 3 years ago (I think) when we couldn't take a gig. I can supply more details if Stagefright are interested Cheers LAnce[/quote] Hi Lance, sorry for the slow reply mate. I'll check with them to find out where they're up to, it's been a couple of weeks since I spoke to them, and they had a couple of bassists trying out for them last weekend I think. I'll certainly put you in touch with them if they're still looking.
  22. [quote name='Bassassin' post='162477' date='Mar 24 2008, 01:20 AM']Much less corporate, & not just concerned with instruments that feature in this year's catalogue: [url="http://www.ibanezcollectors.com/forum"]http://www.ibanezcollectors.com/forum[/url] Could do with a few more bassists. Jon.[/quote] This is a good one, very knowledgable blokes, German or dutch I seem to remember, but helped me a lot when I was asking about a 70s Ibanez 2366B Precision I had at the time.
  23. Superb. Very nice colour that too, and with the Markbass rig you've got a cracking set up there.
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