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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. [quote name='Thunderthumbs' post='260970' date='Aug 12 2008, 04:25 PM']I've got white pearl on my Lake Placid Blue, but I'd go for the black pearl on yours.[/quote] [size=3][color="#0000FF"]DITTO[/color][/size]
  2. Ha, I knew it'd go quick this one. Superb little amp.
  3. Peters' Les Evans bass is very nice. Very thin neck if that's your bag, well built too. I guess it's just not a name people know. Plus, I think decent pictures are a must, and the ones in that link aren't exactly brilliant.
  4. Very nice set up there sir, very nice indeed. A DJ5 is on my hitlist.
  5. Rayman

    ibanez K5

    Don't over cook the mid control Barry, it'll give you a great big thumping tone without much top end. I seem to remember having the mid rolled back just under the central indent, with every thing else on full, Try rolling the neck pup off a bit too.
  6. I used a white Epi TB in a rock band for over a year. It was completely stock and completely fantastic, I loved it. I fully expected to have to upgrade the guts when I bought it, but I was wrong. It sounded immense straight out of the box, just a bit of a set up and it was ready to go. BIG thump from the stock pups no problem at all, great bass. For your price range though, I personally would be looking for a second hand Precision, US or MIJ would fit the bill perfectly, and as a big fan of the Seymour Duncan Quarterpounder, I'd be thinking of dropping one of those into it for a [i]massive[/i] thumping tone. Edit: or an Epiphone Jack Casady, that'd have a great tone for what you're after too I'd say, superb with flats.
  7. [i]GGAAHHH[/i]!!! That's gorgeous, and I'm skint.
  8. I feel faint. A Wal is my ultimate bass, a dream, and I'm sure I'll never have one.
  9. Take my word for it, these are two superb basses, I owned them both very briefly, and was knocked out by both. The Geddy is a dream to play. I gigged it two weeks ago and had a fantastic tone through the Trace with it, it played itself with a pretty low action IMO. The Schecter is pound for pound one of the best basses I've had. BIG powerful punch, but back the QP off a bit, roll back a bit of tone and you've got a fantastic funk tone too. Very versatile bass indeed. Excellent build quality too. I was [i]genuinely[/i] sad to loose them, but I desparately wanted the Lakland DJ4, so out they went. You [i]will not[/i] regret buying either of these great basses, I promise you.
  10. Very very nice indeed, I fancied it too. You lucky swine.
  11. Saw him play with TGTBTQ a couple of years back. He's certainly a cool geezer, with a very distinctive style, but I have to confess, I didn't make it to the end of the gig, I'd heard enough after an hour and left, one of only two gigs I've ever walked out on. The album is OK if I'm in the right mood, and he's the best thing on it IMO. Glad to have seen him play up close though having never got to see the clash, the man's a legend.
  12. [quote name='Bassassin' post='251461' date='Jul 30 2008, 04:37 PM']Definitely a bargain price for any JapCrap Rick copy - even more so in the unlikely event it is an Ibanez branded one. It even has a hard case - eagle-eyed JapCrap spotters might be aware they can fetch a bob or two on their own: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=140252094550"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=140252094550[/url] Too bad Exeter's a bit of a bike ride from Edinbugger... Jon.[/quote] Good grief, that's identical to the one the 2366B you got from me was in isn't it? Blimey, I should have asked for more .
  13. Only if you still want it mate, if you do, smart, if not, I'm happy to have it back. See you at the gig.
  14. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='249551' date='Jul 28 2008, 01:22 PM'][/quote] I'm after one of those puppies too. I've got the single version, but want a double. Was it the Salford PMT you went to Al? That Euro 5 was a stonker, beautiful thing, and what a [i]sound[/i] !! Best low B I've ever heard. Can't wait to see the new Rebop, hopefully next Saturday in Orrell.
  15. I love that colour, I nearly bought a MIJ Jazz the very same colour a while back. Superb.
  16. Quality gear there Dave, I really MUST come and see the ZZtop tribute.
  17. Yamaha BBs are great basses, I can recommend them for that price. Squier Vintage Modified Jazz is about the best bass you can get for that kind of money in my opinion. Anything by Ibanez should be a good bass, but try before you buy. If I wanted a bass for around 150 quid, I'd be looking for the Squier. Edit; just noticed it's a fiver you want, so I'd look for a Yamaha BB.
  18. [quote name='Alun' post='249860' date='Jul 28 2008, 06:41 PM']I like Janek's writing a lot , and he's a great player. His solo set at Bassday 06 was superb I know he ran into some "issues" here for whatever reason, but I've met Janek twice and he's always been very friendly and nice. Cheers Alun[/quote] He did that gig minus his drummer who'd been delayed somewhere on a plane. He spent all afternoon in front of a laptop programming Pro Tools in order to do the gig. Top bloke, his mum was nice too (no not like [i]that[/i]). Issues with people here were blown all out of proportion at the time, by people who didn't "get" what he was trying to say.
  19. I reckon a Stage 1 Streamer will sound just fantastic as it is.
  20. I'd [i]love[/i] his new album, I thought "Mystery To Me" was brilliant, but it's $15 for the CD then $24 dollars postage?? No ta.
  21. I can't watch this hanging around any more, I want it.
  22. I use it because I want to. I slap on a couple of songs in the set (a rock set mainly), and it always seems to go down well with people. S&P is great when used sparingly, and not on every track. Of course it helps when you can do it as well as Mr Clayton, which I can't.
  23. Which is a shame. I for one would like to see more of them here.
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