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Everything posted by toneknob

  1. +1 for Shadows, look out for What Duck Done as well.
  2. [quote name='roman_sub' timestamp='1436120358' post='2815155'] looks great, can't attend tonight but will try to attend one of the subsequent shows [/quote] Cool! Will update the thread when I've got a bit more info, but we're set for August 2nd.
  3. It's tonight! We're expecting our support band Selectric to be obn at 7.30, then Velcro Pelmet at 9.30pm. I've had multiple threads merged for this ongoing night, in case anything is looking odd. I'll update this one thread to advertise future nights at the same venue.
  4. I saw them at Wilderness last year, and they were pretty good. Missed the Glastonbury set though, so rummaged on the BBC site and er oh hello
  5. Thanks! It's a well-established venue but it's a new thing for them having a regular jazz-themed night. Velcro Pelmet - helping pubs serve beer via the medium of jazz-rock
  6. Check out my update in the Gigs forum for details of this month's event on July 5th - and drop me a line if you're interested in appearing at future gigs.
  7. Thanks Thomas - I'll be sure to update the forum for the next night, hopefully August 2nd.
  8. [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Hi, My band Velcro Pelmet ([url="https://www.facebook.com/VelcroPelmet"]https://www.facebook.com/VelcroPelmet[/url]) are back at the Tooting Tram & Social in Tooting SW17 for the next instalment of or monthly jazz night. We play a mix of jazz fusion originals and reinterpreted versions of material originally by the likes of Miles Davis, Weather Report, Mike Stern, Herbie Hancock, Billy Cobham, the Jaco Pastorius big band, Pat Metheny and others. In the set last time were the following... All Blues, Soul Intro/The Chicken, Birdland, Blessed Relief, Phase Dance, Stratus. We'll be presenting a few different numbers this time around.[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Supporting us this time are Selectric - all-original math rock from London. See [url="https://selectric.bandcamp.com/"]https://selectric.bandcamp.com/[/url] and [url="https://www.facebook.com/selectricmusic"]https://www.facebook.../selectricmusic[/url] for more info. We hope to have another band with us, stay tuned for more on that. [/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]See the Tram's web site at [url="http://tootingtramandsocial.co.uk/map/"]http://tootingtramandsocial.co.uk/map/[/url] for location. [/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]We're still on the lookout for bands to join us on the bill (or headline if you're really good). If you're interested, send me a PM with some info about band and links to youtubes, soundcloud etc. Thanks! Tony [/font]
  9. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1435256388' post='2807076'] They did that at Manchester last night - a comprehensive romp through all of the albums (only exception was Antipop) as a trio, then the Wonka set. Encores with the cellist and percussionist were brilliant! [/quote] That's what happened at Brixton as well *drinky drinky motion*
  10. Some pictures from Brixton... https://www.facebook.com/o2academybrixton/posts/10152894126797019
  11. [quote name='Bradwell' timestamp='1435242282' post='2806905'] Although there was some cracking xylophone & cello solos. [/quote] Yeah, they got the biggest cheers at Brixton as well - they really made a difference tbh
  12. Setlist now available at http://www.setlist.fm/setlist/primus/2015/o2-academy-brixton-london-england-4bc9773a.html Did anyone else hear an Oom-pah** version of La Villa Strangiato in the interval? ** as in German brass band, not Oompah Loompahs. At how many other gigs does one need to make this distinction?
  13. They played Wonka in its entirety so the repeated songs were probably the Oompah Loompah theme. I was central downstairs for the first set, not great sound but not terrible. In the interval I got a drink (2-pint plastic of Tuborg = £10.50) and watched the Wonka set from off to one side, a bit further back - much better. Full setlist will appear here at some point http://www.setlist.fm/setlists/primus-6bd69e5e.html - or you can cobble it together from previous shows. I really enjoyed it, but probably wouldn't have done on a mix of Guinness, lager and cider. Happy day off!
  14. This, specifically the part at 1m52s ish http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-I_T3XvzPaM
  15. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1434997784' post='2804586'] Tell me what your budget is and I can put you in touch with loads of folk. [/quote] Thanks Bilbo - will drop you a PM.
  16. By the way, also on the bill for July is Selectric, listen to them here: https://selectric.bandcamp.com/ "Like if Andrew W.K played with Charles Mingus" says their facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/selectricmusic
  17. Thanks! I'll be promoting this month's show in the Gigs section of the forum as well.
  18. Hi, My band has started running a monthly jazz night at the Tooting Tram & Social on the first Sunday of every month. The first event was in early June, and we're now looking for bands to join us on future nights. My band is Velcro Pelmet, you'll find us at http://www.velcropelmet.com, on facebook etc - while we do a mix of our own tunes and some re-interpretations of jazz-rock classics, we're looking for anyone jazz-related to join us. In fact the more varied the line-up the better as far as we're concerned - acoustic, electric, vocal, instrumental, drop us a line if you're interested in joining the line-up. We've got one slot available for the July 5th gig, and interested in hearing from more bands for ongoing gigs. Drop me a line! ps. Apologies if this is posted in the wrong place - just wanted to maximise views!
  19. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1434977715' post='2804311'] [url="https://youtu.be/j3nM2Ul4rLU"]https://youtu.be/j3nM2Ul4rLU[/url] Bloody hell! Someone remind me how to embed YouTube would you? [/quote] Get a link that looks like** this: [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3nM2Ul4rLU"]https://www.youtube....h?v=j3nM2Ul4rLU[/url] and remove the "s" from "https" [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3nM2Ul4rLU[/media] ** ie not youtu.be, not m.youtube, etc
  20. Rupert Bear tv theme... cracking bassline here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaC2K34SLhc (Singer Jacky Lee also sang the equally brilliant White Horses theme, and early episodes of Pipkins - then known as Inigo Pipkin)
  21. A Shot In The Dark, the second Pink Panther movie... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5enOsT3kdVc
  22. [quote name='jezzaboy' timestamp='1434749517' post='2802609'] Joe 90. The begining and end titles. Barry Gray at his finest. [/quote] nice one, best of the Supermarionation lot.
  23. Thanks! Long story (although I think it's explained on the website somewhere)
  24. [quote name='slumjacket' timestamp='1433701541' post='2793231'] Good luck for tonight, I was going to try and get over but not going to make it. Please post again for next month, or PM me, this is definitely my sort of thing. [/quote] No worries, we're booked in for next month, July 5th. Will update accordingly, but sign up at https://www.facebook.com/VelcroPelmet for up to the minute news. You'll find last night's setlist on the event page, btw.
  25. It's tonight! Come and say hi if you're there. (I'm the bassist in the third band )
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