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Everything posted by hiram.k.hackenbacker

  1. I can’t really speak as I’m as guilty as the next person, but some do get drawn into the Fender CS market expecting something that’s going to be better or equal to a quality vintage instrument. For a lot less money you can order a bespoke Shuker. You’ll get exactly what you want and it will probably sound better too. Co-incidentally I took one of my CS Precisions and my Shuker P to a gig last night. I played about half and half with each. There really wasn’t anything in it apart from the fact that the Shuker was substantially less £ and it felt more me as I played a part in how it turned out. Horses for courses, but if I was going down the P route again, I’d go Shuker.
  2. Never seen anything like that, but it’s got a bit of Punisher thing going on at the bridge end of the body. Nice.
  3. Agreed with the last three comments. No excuses for anyone involved in the supply chain in this example, but I can’t believe the non-functioning bass left the Custom Shop like that. They do have some quality control and the check that it actually makes noise is probably fairly near the top of the list. Regarding the other bass, how many other people has it been shipped to and returned? The reality is, we just don’t know. I’d be interested to know what dealer the OP bought these basses through. Thomann perhaps? I’ve played loads of Fender CS basses and own quite a few. The only two I’ve had issue with was a Pino Signature which had a really chunky neck that I didn’t particularly like and a Van Trigt Master Built which my brain couldn’t correlate the price tag with (£8k). It was a nice bass, but not 8 thousand pounds of nice.
  4. John doesn’t take commission builds though.
  5. Lots of copying and pasting with little regard to the actual instrument. I never take any spec measurements they list as legit. I always ask and invariably it’s not what they’ve shown.
  6. I'm not trying to dissuade you from trying/buying a Precision, but I'm not sure I understand why you think you need one because the new band is playing more blues. Tommy Shannon got by just fine with a Jazz.
  7. Fully insured door to door service for £60 (UK mainland only). PM me for the number.
  8. I’ve done loads of deps and not once have I been offered or given any charts/notation. All I need to know is which version they’re playing and in which key and, if it fades, how they end it. I’ll make my own notes from there, usually handwritten and scan and import to On Song. It’s rare that I can’t get a whole song on one A4 sheet.
  9. I actually didn’t mind that, apart from the appearance of it being mimed.
  10. I did this a couple of years ago. I’d not attempted anything like it before and it turned out great. I think I made a thread on it. I’ll see if I can find it. The best thing is that if you get stuck, Basschat is a great resource for assistance. You’ll be fine. Good luck 👍
  11. This definitely. I’ve played this song live more times than I care to remember in various different outfits. Current bands: Jovi tribute do it with talk box on guitar and it’s ace. Cover band also do it on guitar but with a pedal effect - good, but not great. Obviously I don’t know what it’s going to sound like with your suggestion, but I’d have to get guitarist to step up.
  12. "Concord's deal does not cover contributions from Gabriel and another former member, Steve Hackett, but includes top 10 hits like Invisible Touch, Mama, That's All and Abacab." No harm done then 😎
  13. That’d be cool - and worth it for Alanis Morissette 😎
  14. Any of you interwebz guru's know if the USA tribute is online anywhere? I looked at the web site mentioned above and couldn't find it. I don't even know if it was streamed, or if it was, whether it was viewable in the UK.
  15. I wasn't aware they had been discontinued. All the more reason to hang on to mine. Great basses these. GLWTS.
  16. I bought this used Ken Smith under a year ago, but have only recently started playing it exclusively. The more I play it, the more it wins me over. It's just an extremely well put together instrument. I find some pre-amps can be a little overbearing sometimes, but this one is just perfect. Granted I wouldn't want to use it with the bass boost on max for any length of time as I don't think I'd have any speakers left, but it has a great sound through my gig rig. I generally prefer jazz width necks, but this one isn't far off it and isn't too deep either. The action is also stupidly low, which I like, and it even at that height, it doesn't buzz. I'm well aware that I'm a fussy b***ard at the best of times, but I really can't think of anything negative to say about this bass. I just thought I would ask if anyone here has owned it and wondered what happened to it. It's a 2015 White Tiger. If it's you and you sold it for whatever reason, know that it's in good hands and it's being appreciated.
  17. If it bothers you either get a razor blade and slice them off or extend the strings away from the bridge plate so the silks don't go over the saddle.
  18. I quite enjoy looking at set structures and content for bands that I see and even ones that I don't. I'm a regular visitor to setlist.fm. This has never really occurred to me before today, but I saw a set today from a band I really like that are touring at the moment and they had a brand new song as the first tune in their three song encore. It's been released about a month as a single and only a couple of days as a song on their most recent album. In fairness I think they have been playing it for a bit longer than either, but is it a bit arrogant to put such new material in an encore? I can't actually decide myself. I guess for the people that that are at the gig that don't know their material that well, it doesn't matter and for those that do, they'll be familiar anyway. I guess I tend to think of encore material as a couple of absolute bangers that are known to the majority. Perhaps I'm in the minority? (Yes, I know the arguments around the daftness of encores - I am sympathetic to that view also)
  19. I think my wife and your wife should get together for a competition for The Most Disinterested Wife of a Bass Player 🤣. Good luck with the sale mate.
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