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Everything posted by hiram.k.hackenbacker

  1. Yeah, he has bit of a history of gypsy's kissing people off. I seem to remember reading something about his bass player leaving as a result. Maybe he came back after, I don’t know. I’m sure I read it somewhere.
  2. I still have my double vinyl copy of’ Swelled & Spent’ (Birmingham Hippodrome 1975) which was the Holy Grail of Genesis bootlegs at one point. I think it was the only full Lamb set back then.
  3. First album I bought was Selling England By The Pound and have devoured everything they did before and since (apart from CAS obvs). Went through a phase of getting just about every bootleg I could lay my hands on. Some of them are rather excellent.
  4. Very much agreed. As @BigRedX mentioned, I think it can be very difficult for originals bands as they can rarely find someone with a head start i.e knowing most of the material to begin with, but covers band deps are fairly easy to find. You just need to know the right people. I've depped for and had loads of deps in for many gigs this year already. We had a rehearsal for a dep guitarists benefit just last night for a gig this Saturday. Sent him the charts, he turned up, smashed it. He was that good he'll be our first call for any of our theatre gigs if we need him.
  5. As above, there seems to be an issue with my yearly renewal. Who is best placed on the Basschat team to message?
  6. Not sure about the Vitamin String Quartet. The String Ensemble come up as an artist on iTunes, but not the songs. I don't recall seeing any other Neil's House Music lists on the site.
  7. Mmm, not sure about that. Looks like a standing type gig with everyone up on their feet.
  8. Apologies if I've remembered this incorrectly, but I think this was around the time of the Vapour Trails Tour.... I was an avid reader of the Rush website after it's launch and I found, in the murky corners of the site, a list of songs that formed Neil's House Music i.e. the tunes that were played over the PA whilst the house filled on that tour. I've put the songs in a playlist and I hope the link works for you all....https://music.apple.com/gb/playlist/neils-house-music/pl.u-Zmbl32GS0ZDPM0 It's a fine collection of tunes IMHO. NOTE: The two String Ensemble tunes (2112 Overture & The Temples of Syrinx) don't appear to be available on iTunes for some reason. I guess you probably know what they sound like though!
  9. I'm not a massive Pearl Jam fan, but this kind of thing really doesn't do it for me. Yeah I know, It's his gear and he can do what he wants with it blah blah blah, but seriously, his young kids were at the other side of the stage apparently! Seems like he really lost the plot and toasted his pedal board as well 🤷‍♂️.
  10. Ha - you beat me to it. Was just going to name check you 😎
  11. Crikey, you’ve just reminded me that I have dealt with PMT more recently than I thought and it was at PMT Romford! I popped in there with a bass I wanted to p/x, not really knowing if they would be at all interested. I walked out with a Fender Am Deluxe (just before they turned into whatever the face lifted model was). They had three of them in the shop and the Olympic White one was the best of the them. The guys in the shop were super helpful and gave me an excellent deal on the p/x. The Am Deluxe is a bass that I still have and is a keeper.
  12. There was nothing offensive or rude in what @wateroftyne said, unlike your retorts. No need for it towards any member here, Mod or otherwise. I can't understand how PMT are still in business. They're nothing like the company they used to be. A friend of mine used to work for them and the mind boggles at some of the stuff that went on. Don't get me wrong, I've shopped there in the past and they've had a bit of money off me, but not for many many years. Good to hear it's all working itself out though.
  13. Well, you didn't ask for my opinion either, but as it's a forum and you've posted the thread, I'm entitled to have one. The way the thread reads (although I note you've edited it, so I don't know what it said originally) is that you've quite rightly taken issue with the condition of the bass and then rung them. I for one would have made the call first and included that in your first post. Right to reply and all that. I know he's a bit more thick skinned than most of us, but I think you were a bit harsh or @wateroftyne. Calling out a Moderator on a forum he helps run for you is also not classy.
  14. Well, that's a first for me: being offered money NOT to play a gig!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. hiram.k.hackenbacker


      Yes @Rich, they're a great bunch of lads with a good reputation. To be honest, I was quite chuffed that they asked me in the first place. They must have been really desperate 🤣

    3. Cat Burrito

      Cat Burrito

      I struggle to get paid for the ones that I actually do on occasions! If you want me to not do it for you, I can send bank details! 

    4. Daz39


      Cor - getting paid for not doing your job. You should run for Parliament!

  15. Mmm, I've never noticed one on mine. I shall have a look and report back. Thanks for the tip. Much appreciated 👍.
  16. I kept all of mine from my longest enduring band (about 20 years). It’s all in date order in a filing cabinet, but I rarely look at it to be honest. I have too much going on with my current projects.
  17. As you mentioned before, it's rare, but it can happen. I depped for a popular rock covers band around these parts just last month. There were two gigs back to back and a dep guitarist had been drafted in for both. We get to gig #1 and the alarm bells went off as soon as words started coming out of his mouth. I was hearing all the wrong signals about parts in various songs he hadn't played before. The gig wasn't a disaster, but we had to drop a few tunes and he blagged a couple of the others. A post gig conversation ensued regarding gig #2. Early afternoon on the Saturday I get a call saying a different guitarist has been roped in for gig #2. He doesn't know half the set, but he's supposed to quite good. I get to gig #2 and this guy turns up. About half my age (git) and is the polar opposite of the guy from the night before. It's clear he is not familiar with a lot of the set, but he says he'll be right next to me and will be watching for keys/cues etc. He played an absolute blinder and I very much doubt anyone sober or otherwise would have known he hadn't been in the band for years. His name is Robbie Blake from The Karma Effect. Their album is jolly good too.
  18. Absolutely. There are quite a few scenarios I could imagine where saying that would be detrimental to one’s playing career.
  19. Anyone know if Barefaced silver cloth cab fronts are easily removable?
  20. Quite right and as described by the OP, it's a conversation that has been had many times by the sounds of it, which is a lack of respect.
  21. I think I'd probably factor in how the band sounds as one of, if not the most important things. If guitard doesn't get his act together = game over.
  22. ….and I really don’t get this ‘it depends what you want out of it’ train of thought. I can’t imagine anyone wanting to be in a scenario where they have a guitarist that can’t be bothered to put in the work. I’d end up hating every minute I was in their company.
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