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  2. I am aware. But I do not believe that SBMM would autonomously go ahead and do this without EBMM telling them to do so, hence my props going to EBMM.
  3. Saying "Ohms and Watts" is just lazy. Please use the full version , i.e. "Holmes and Watson".
  4. Rather handily the trim pots for the pickups (and also the three jog wheels for the bass/treble frequencies) are accessible when the pre is installed so should be realtively pain free. Should just need a screwdriver to adjust them. I've just put an East Uni in my backup bass, it's pretty transformative but unfortunately I want one in every bass now.
  5. EBMM don’t make the Sterling by Musicman instruments - it’s a completely different company and the SBMM instruments are made in the far East - that’s why the price is that much lower than an EBMM, California built instrument - those are on a par with (but actually cheaper than) Fender Custom Shop (team built) instruments 😉
  6. Today
  7. I once tried to park outside Tesco on the high street but Mick Jagger pointed out it was a clearway between 8:00am and 4:30pm, Monday through Saturday and, as it was 2:45pm on a Thursday, I was not allowed to park there.
  8. Hiya On my shuker it seems the washer and a nut have decided to go on holiday...no idea how , they are probably in the office /man cave ,hiding under some unexpected object but I can't locate them. I am so struggling to find a nut and washer without buying a new toggle switch which is wasteful https://photos.app.goo.gl/eSfyDThUBwZv5x6A7 Here are the pictures, it's an S2 with a Shuker circuit hooked up to EMG soapbars. Most of the ones I have seen now use a round locking nut rather than usual hexagon nut I might be being a bit dim Help !! Many thanks Ben
  9. Cheers lemmy - will have a look in the morning. No rehearsals till next friday, so i have time.
  10. Check the trim pots for the pickups aren't all the way down
  11. Fantastic box - I have an EC1 and 4x Camden 500 preamps. It’s an absolutely wonderful bass preamp ond top of being a top quality mic pre, studio processor, headphone amp, etc etc etc… If I ever start gigging double bass again it will definitely be my rig, be it with a mic or a pickup (though you can’t blend between the two to send to FOH)
  12. They might be the ones that belonged to the chap earlier in this thread who was selling 4 of them at once. I'd love to try a Longhorn but I'm 6'3" and can't help but think it'd look a bit silly on me. I'm fortunate to already own 2 late 90's Danos. A "Commie Red" DC59 and a Hodad in blue sparkle. Both have flats and sound superb.
  13. Supremely amicable. We knew that 2023 was going to be the last year due to geographical differences. So we booked all of our favourites venues and had a bloody whale of a time. Played some of our best shows and went out on a real high after 13 years. We're all still good mates, the WhatsApp group is still lively and we're all meeting up in Coniston in August for a bit of a reunion set at a little local mini festival.
  14. Thanks for sharing that. It's good to know what the issue was. Glad it's sorted.
  15. For little , quiet gigs I used to enjoy the SWR Workingman Since 1998 my #1 gigging amp has been Ashdown Klystrom 400. It’s still going strong My all time favourite amp isn’t always suitable for gigging - Ashdown CTM 300. An amazing piece of kit
  16. Ah that rings a bell actually. That’s a lot of quite challenging material to cover too! Good on him.
  17. Thanks @neepheid. I hadn't thought of OD. I'll have a play around. Like you said, I'm not after a perfect match, just good enough that adds something familiar sounding to the playing. Have you played it much since learning it?
  18. I'd rather play that bassline than the guitar part! Learnt it as it'll come up at jam nights, if not the band.
  19. Sorry for getting the wrong end of the Joanna!😬 I used to play with a guy who now fronts Purple Zeppelin - so he morphs from Gillan/Coverdale to Plant (who he most resembles) at half time…😉
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