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  2. Just sold Dunc an XR18 mixer. Lovely to get to know him a bit with all the messaging. Great guy and easy sale if it wasn't for parcelforce not delivering when they said they would Arrg!! Many thanks Dunc
  3. Not for me, you couldn't. They tried that with Sid and that didn't end well. As @Lozz196 has already mentioned, all four of them brought something to the table. And nobody can go chug-chug-chug on a guitar like Steve Jones! Good point. You can't help but think that they might do more shows though, depending on how well these two go.
  4. Fantastic! Sadly (for me), I can't have it but someone will get an absolute treat. Glwts
  5. ^^ this If that's not an option for your inputs, wondering if something like the Hosa GPP-419 TS Mono Jack - TRS Stereo Jack Adapter | Bax Music (bax-shop.co.uk) might be your answer?
  6. Open to offers, not using this currently. Trades always of interest
  7. Is still available!😉
  8. That’s binned then 🤷‍♂️
  9. Agreed and I totally understand and respect that we all have our own preferences as to how we do business. Apparently BD didn’t ignore the email but was slow to respond for some reason? It may simply have preferred to close an immediate straight sale vs a less certain P/X delayed for a couple of days. I understand that too. When a deal worth several hundreds or thousands of pounds is important to me, I'll definitely want to speak with the dealer. I've dealt this way with Mark on many occasions with no problems ever since he opened BD.
  10. That piqued my curiosity enough to actually look at it. He might be a guitarist, he's not a web designer.
  11. I’m going to be getting rid of lots of stuff to save for a new hobby, and this is stuff that needs to go. 1 x K&K Bassman pickup - boxes, instruction, used once - £75 1 x Jam-Tone pickup - £25 Postage on top or collect from Bristol (currently sunny!)
  12. So…like…well… yeah… Think I’ll unlist the basses I’m selling and just admit, I have an issue
  13. Yes, the mic itself doesn't, it's a standard stereo unit in many respects (albeit a very high quality one), but they work with UAD software to model the characteristics of a wide range of mics. Much like other modelling tech, it takes a bit of time to accept the break with time honoured traditions, but once you do, wow life gets easier, especially given you can switch mic models/placement/axes in post-production, meaning you don;t have to faff around with mic selection when tracking. Great kit Shameless plug for a Universal Audio Sphere LX modelling mic for sale elsewhere on the forum, even I don't need three of them 👍
  14. Would be happy to consider trade for high quality bass or high quality amplification, some electric gigs coming up 👍
  15. Highly recommend Mark and team at Bass Direct. Had an issue with Backbeat G2 not charging properly, and Mark arranged a new unit to be sent along with a paid returns label for the faulty unit - no questions asked. Top customer service. Well impressed!
  16. Actually, most manufacturers use 1W/1M for their sensitivity metrics, not 2.83V. This gives more easily comparable sensitivity figures, especially when a manufacturer offers the same cabinet in 4 and 8 ohm versions. With the Ampeg maximum SPL figure, ~3dB of the gain comes from low frequency mutual coupling and ~3dB comes from double the power handling.
  17. Wow thanks for that. That is double what I sold it for, I like it but not that much 🤣 It always has been a strange market. Buying from main land Europe is just not a option anymore it seems. Such a shame.
  18. Having listened through good headphones to these (and previously other) examples of ‘upright sounds from an electric bass’, I’m going to say that the best of them do manage to replicate an OK double bass sound… but none of them manages a really good double bass sound, the sort I’d be trying to make if I were a double bass player. I like how that Ibanez SRH sounds on its own terms though, without the double bass IR.
  19. @Lozz196 I wasn't quite sure what to expect as I haven't played another bass with CS60s. I'd agree that they have transformed the bass into something much more than it was before!
  20. I will trade this for decent envelope filter with a downsweep.
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