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  2. I'm genuinely pleased for your fortuitous change in circumstances, but gear is gear, this is not an "educational purchase" (the bit you omitted when quoting that sentence) - you know that means books and lessons and stuff. I'm sure your resolve will be bulletproof next year now that your gear is sorted. Hey, I'm not the sole arbiter here. Help me out, I'm not the boss. Opinions, BC massive?
  3. I assume your setup is like mine? Everything plugged into the AVR box and a single HDMI into the back of the telly? Could it be a duff HDMI cable? A duff TV input? Duff output on the Humax? Is there another HDMI input in the TV that you could try? Or another TV that you could use for test purposes? Or try the Humax box direct into the TV? You’ve probably tried those permutations but there might be one you’ve missed…
  4. I think there's a case that the best value DAW is the one you know and doesn't get in your way - my time is my most precious and limited commodity so anything that speeds up my music creative process is a Good Thing. I have been using Cubase since VST 3.5, circa 1997. I know it inside out, it's quick and intuitive and I have no need to invest time into learning different software. However, I have dabbled in Logic when collaborating, and a couple of specifics I found slowed down my workflow: I record most of my VST instruments from live input, either keyboard or wind controller, and record guitar, bass and vocals live; I very rarely program anything. As project sizes increase, this means I am frequently changing the buffer size for recording a part vs project playback. Logic seems to reload the whole project each time I did this; Cubase is near-instant. Big deal for my particular workflow. I try to minimise my use of audio pitch and time correction, but when I do need them Cubase's built-in tools are so intuitive and well-integrated that you can easily use them for a tiny correction and are not tempted to over-use, as you might be if you had to load and set up a plugin. But it comes down to what you know and what fits with your workflow. For example Cubase can't do what Ableton Live or Bitwig do in non-linear music creation. And one massive omission in Cubase (and even Nuendo) that many DAWs have is the ability to easily export loop sections with tails rendered back into the beginning... there are workarounds but I really don't know why this isn't implemented as a basic feature since anyone working in video game music or loop production needs it.
  5. Thank the catholic god I've not once cared about what the pope thinks.
  6. That has just arrived at the start of a long, slightly tedious, teams meeting. I must resist reading it, as otherwise I will miss the one solitary relevant sentence in the next three hours, and I have no idea when it will be or what it will be!
  7. Paging @pepe1001 Edit: Works for Eich, but hasn't been here in almost 3 years. Maybe not so effective.
  8. Yes please. I have built a few effects pedals so I am confident I can do this.
  9. I suspect "class D" could be replaced with "small and lightweight" in this case
  10. Well yes it would be, but you'd have to have a new nut and bridge made to go back to that set-up. I really don't know why anyone would want to though, as you don't notice the B-string is there until you come to use it. Peter did a really great job and got all the angles just right so there are no access issues, it's really easy to play.
  11. Wow, just noticed the tailpiece. So it’s actually quite simple to go back and forth between 4 and 5? Switch the nut and bridge, change strings and adjust the sound post?
  12. Darkglass B3K overdrive. Slightly older model with tone switches rather than knob. Good, fully working condition. Velcro on base. £140 posted.
  13. Its a bit shameful that the Pope had no such objection https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cpvvyxr79glo
  14. @stevie is this within price range for you?
  15. Looks nice, and a great price. Must resist temptation! Good luck with the sale, Phil
  16. Its a deadly serious Q. TV people arent stupid, far from it, and Im totaly familiar with what passes for music today....Cant go in a shop or store so yes I know. So where are ur Adels, Sheerans, girl bands, boy bands, guitar bands etc....Im hearing none of them apart from the odd bit of watered down ....Rap? in current TV advertising. Guess its a simple answer . Old tunes tended in the main to tell very clear stories and were very well written....TV people know.
  17. I use an Electro Harmonix Small Stone phaser + a little chorus and I've been assured by other bassists that it pretty much nails the sound... but other options would work equally as well!
  18. It's satisfying how the number of "steps" tallies pretty closely with your calculation about the BPM and duration of the music! Only way to know for sure is to play a three hour bebop set at 250bpm and see if the numbers go correspondingly higher
  19. I think you are close enough. You can really chase your own tail trying to get an "upright" sound. Most folks would accept a thumpy, Middy, muted kind of tone. My belief is that most folks who want an upright sound really want the visual appeal of the double bass on the band stand. To me, this is going back about 300 years in technology. I don't see keyboardists hauling an acoustic piano (harpsichord?) around, nor do many guitarists bring along a lute. Leo had a really good idea...go with that, mute it, and you will be fine...
  20. Today
  21. Paint it if that is what you want.....it's already been refinished, so you aren't defacing a classic (old boomer self wants to mention that we used to scoff at 70's vintage Fenders...:)...NOT scoffing now, though...)
  22. I'm not hearing any drive, just envelope and lots of compression.
  23. Hey @Steff, Is this still available? Thanks
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