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  2. The Stranglers Nice 'n' Sleazy. Man, that bass 🥰
  3. The rig looks great. I have always heard good things about Trace Elliot amps. Daryl
  4. I've had two 3-EQ 4 string Stingrays - identical apart from colour and one is fretless (with flat wounds) - for approaching 25 years. They both play and sound solid and are reliable (give or take the battery wire design issue). Of course I play plenty of other basses in shops, owned by others etc., and I bought my kids a short scale Ibanez P/J style which is fine, but nothing is quite as solid and familiar as the Stingrays. Would I buy 16 HB's (or 32 as I have two Stingrays) - of course not! I can't see what 32 HB's would give me apart from storage issues!
  5. Jack, believe me we have plenty of places that aren't intoto comping food. And to be honest I think we might have held the owner up for the ribs. Lol I had 1 comped diet coke. Daryl
  6. I used to own this bass and originally imported it from Japan. Great bass, full on MIJ for a fraction of the price.
  7. There was a time when I thought this day would never come, but hay ho This is my Walkabout combo with the 12" speaker. I've used this rig almost exclusively at 4ohms with a Berg AE112 cab. Although it's been said they can run at 2 ohms I've never felt the need to as I've never been in an indoor situation where the extra power is necessary I bought this combo probably something like 8 -10 years ago during my ideal tone hunting days to find out what all the talk was about, it's been my go - to rig ever since. I've done something like 1000 + gigs with this combo and it's never missed a beat, it's been absolutely faultless and 100% reliable. If I could carry on with the weight I honesly wouldn't be letting it go, it's not that heavy compared to many rigs but the reality is I'm not getting any younger, my personal circumstances have changed and lighter rigs are the way to go now This rig has been the benchmark against which all other amp have been judged since it came to me, it has the oomph or wallop or whatever you want to call it, along with the tonal flexibility to adapt to any situation I've found myself in. I also like the basic voice of the combo, which isn't always the case with other amps. I've tried more that a few class D amps and none of them have the weight to their basic sound that the walkabout has. What's more, although the walkabout is rated at only 300 watts at 8 ohms, that 300 ohms is louder than the 800 ohms of other class D amps it comes with the four wheel flight case, which is probably why it's in such nice condition. There's some light scuffing to the corners, but that's it. Apart from that, it's in good condition or better. I won't be splitting the amp from the speaker, it's selling as a combo or not at all. I'm not that worred if it doesn't sell, as it's one of the best pieces of equipment I've ever owned. If you wnat to find out what gives the Walkabout it's reputation, this is the one for you. I'll stand by this combo, it's been faultless all the way and if it's treated right, I don't see any reason why it won't continue for years to come. it's £700.00 firm, I paid slightly more for it when I bought it and I've never regretted it since. I'd prefer collection, but will talk about other options if needed
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  9. My mate Iain rocked up one day sporting a Martinez Goochi hammer 😁 £417.50 for the basic hammer, another £100 for the colour coordinated handle + face plate cover 😮 Funny thing, in all the years I've known 'The Purv' I don't recall seeing him use a hammer, he leaves that stuff to us mere mortals swinging the same Estwing we've had since laddies 🤣 The Martinez only made one appearance, just so folk knew he'd bought it. Tool theft is pretty bad on sites hence the reason nobody is dropping big bucks for their kit.
  10. Lost Boys soundtrack perchance?
  11. Still on sale - down to £1700. Anyone feeling flush ?
  12. I was listening to Don't Bring Me Down by ELO the other day, and realised it's essentially a bastardised 12-bar blues (aside from the bridge).
  13. I have the Fender SS bag, a Protection Racket one (now discontinued I think) and 2 Maruszczyks. The Fender is the best fit of the bunch.
  14. Cheers! You could probably sell a few small ticket bits and this will still be around -crazy slow market at the moment.
  15. I was wary of it, but surprised that the bassline is quite fun to play, especially the little double-stopped part.
  16. By having the PA mixer send a signal to a wireless box that transmits a custom mix to in-ear-monitors (posh headphones). Problem is that these set ups can be very expensive and make you feel a bit isolated. This way you can keep stage noise to a minimum but still have the PA pumping out good quality sound. I have done gigs with no amp but using the stage wedge monitors as my way to hear my bass sound, that works but isn't ideal.
  17. It's the one top notch bass all day long for me. My yardstick of quality is my US Stingray. The Stingray sound isn't for everything though, and I do like to mix things up to keep me interested but it's got a bit silly (6 basses, 4 amps, too many pedals...). One of my basses is a Harley Benton fretless jazz and it's great for the price, but it's not the same quality as a Sire or MIM Fenders. It's still perfectly giggable though and it does come out on gigs as a first choice instrument sometimes. But loads of cheaper options and no single great bass? No thanks. I don't see the point. As someone already mentioned there's the bonding and familiarity with your "number 1" bass, then the reliability, then forming your own sound, and I'd rather do that with one special bass than be constantly rotating multiple functional but not special instruments.
  18. And that's the difference between gig in the States and gigs here; it would have cost me 175 bucks to do the gig and I'd have had to have bought my own ribs!
  19. Don’t worry found a thread 🤪
  20. I would hope people still get the same sense of excitement about music that I did as a teenager. I learned about the Doors via Echo and the Bunnymen. From the Doors I listened to lots of 60s music leading to a love of the blues and country.
  21. I am about to show my ignorance so bear with. If you don’t have an amp or at least a monitor how do you hear yourself? I do own a Line 6 bass pod live and a couple of di pedals that will send a signal to the desk but I am still competing with a keyboard monitor, a guitar amp and mics with monitors plus a drummer. Is it a case of all go amp less or no one does plus ditch the drummer lol
  22. All of these are great suggestions. Would also be worth considering GK Legacy 800, Aguilar AG700, Bergantino Forte D (750W I think) or Forte HP2 )1200W).
  23. Vintage solid wood Hungarian bass in good playing condition. Sounds great & plays nicely. Recent work done has included a new handmade bridge, fingerboard plane & re-positioned soundpost. The neck has never been broken. All of the White is hand painted to make the bass really stand out. Comes with a slighy tatty but very useable hard styrofoam case on wheels.
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