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Barefaced 4x10 announced!


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[quote name='bigjimmyc' timestamp='1461224732' post='3032532']

Looks like its only available as 8 ohm or 2 ohm. I ordered one anyway! What have I done?

I appreciate that you and LewisK1975 pointed this out! Having looked at all the comments on here, I understand both why Barefaced made the cab AND how there's still a potential market for 1 4 ohm cab solution.

I guess I'll have to have another look at the Barefaced website! ;-)
Hope you have fun with your purchase!

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[quote name='bigjimmyc' timestamp='1461342095' post='3033886']

Does this work?

If you put the picture under the 'Public' folder in Dropbox, you can generate a 'public link'. You can then use that public link to embed an image here easily... just click on the 'picture' icon above (see the tweeter T above, three more to the left, that's it) and paste that link, et voila!

If you are using the Dropbox application on a PC, just navigate to the Public folder and locate your picture, right click and the menu will contain a 'copy public link' item. Or using the website, again navigate to the file and a similar option will be there, as long as it's within the public folder.

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[quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1461342411' post='3033895']
If you put the picture under the 'Public' folder in Dropbox, you can generate a 'public link'. You can then use that public link to embed an image here easily... just click on the 'picture' icon above (see the tweeter T above, three more to the left, that's it) and paste that link, et voila!

If you are using the Dropbox application on a PC, just navigate to the Public folder and locate your picture, right click and the menu will contain a 'copy public link' item. Or using the website, again navigate to the file and a similar option will be there, as long as it's within the public folder.
Jeez. I used to be technical. Guess I'm getting old cos that sounds like hard word. Thanks anyway!

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[quote name='bigjimmyc' timestamp='1461342549' post='3033897']
Jeez. I used to be technical. Guess I'm getting old cos that sounds like hard word. Thanks anyway!


it isn't! You already did the hard work which is getting it in dropbox!

the rest... it's just too many words for something simple. Give it a try, you'll see ;)

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[quote name='indiegrungesound' timestamp='1461342215' post='3033888']

I appreciate that you and LewisK1975 pointed this out! Having looked at all the comments on here, I understand both why Barefaced made the cab AND how there's still a potential market for 1 4 ohm cab solution.

I guess I'll have to have another look at the Barefaced website! ;-)
Hope you have fun with your purchase!

Cheers. I am not disappointed!

I was pretty hung up on the 8ohm / 2ohm thing, but I'm blown away by the loudness of this cab compared to my outgoing 4ohm pairing.

I'll be way lower on the output dial next jam I reckon.

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[quote name='bigjimmyc' timestamp='1461342095' post='3033886']

Mean huh?

Wasn't quite prepared for how loud this thing would be. Everything in the room shakes. Pretty sure it set off a car alarm - across the road!

That looks great. Not bulky at all and the perfect width for a valve Head.

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[quote name='bigjimmyc' timestamp='1461336531' post='3033839']
My ABM500 looks perfect on top. Roll on Monday night rehearsal, I'm going to melt a drummer!

Really interested to hear what you make of it with the ABM. They're my favourite head by quite a long way...

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Mine arrived yesterday. Only had a quick 10 mins with it at low volume but it sounds really really nice. I'm looking forward to band practice on Weds very much.

Here's what it looks like with a 40 yr old Fender Bassman on top. A very cute half stack IMO.


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[quote name='omikin' timestamp='1461404307' post='3034325']
Mine arrived yesterday. Only had a quick 10 mins with it at low volume but it sounds really really nice. I'm looking forward to band practice on Weds very much.

Here's what it looks like with a 40 yr old Fender Bassman on top. A very cute half stack IMO.



Oh my, a Fender Bassman. I might need to change my under garments.

Edited by Marvin
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[quote name='omikin' timestamp='1461771191' post='3037504']
Gonna be using mine at decent volume tonight at band practice. I will report back on how it compares to the Super 12...

If it`s favourable I think I will start to send you hate-mail, as I`m really trying hard at the moment to not swap my S12T for one of these.

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Ok so I gave my new cab a proper test on Monday. My grin factor was pretty high.

Trust the guitarists to roll eyes at the new gear. "my amp is only 50 watts" = Vintage Marshall tube amp which kills at 50 paces.

I'm genuinely impressed at how the BF410 cuts through the whole band. It has bags of depth and range. As promised, it delivers a bigger punch than my 4ohm rig at similar output settings.

If anything it's a bit disconcerting. I found myself changing my style, changing the very notes of tried and tested tunes, going for the low Bb, standing further away and actually playing quieter.

It's also revealed some problems with my amp which were masked by the old speakers :( . More repair bills coming. But otherwise, on an ABM 500 at about 5 on the output, this cab is deafening. An amazing piece of kit.

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So a bit of feedback from last night's rehearsal:

First impressions from the rest of the band: fear. Both guitarists use AC30s and they were definitely worried about keeping up with this. Obviously I wasn't going to just deafen them for the sake of it, but it was gratifying to put them on their toes.

In terms of volume, I was a tiny bit apprehensive that this would need more power from my amp than the Super 12 as that was a 4 ohm cab capable of handling 1200w, and this one is an 8 ohm cab capable of handling 1000w. I was also thinking that if I did have to push the amp harder it would break up sooner at the same volume (does this make sense?).

I needn't have worried. I left the amp settings all the same as I had with the Super 12 and the 410 was actually slightly louder, so much so that I had to turn it down slightly to get to the right volume. Absolutely no concerns about this cab being able to handle any volume requirements i might have for it.

The tone is fantastic. Definitely different from the Super 12, but the only way I can describe it is even more full and warm. I am really really happy with this cab.

Sorry, Lozz!

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[quote name='doomed' timestamp='1461863996' post='3038347']
I look at it this way, I don't kid myself that I'm any great player, but I am sure of one thing, I'm here once, and once only. So as long as you're not spending money you haven't got I'd say have it mate.
youre not helping, i have some money there but can i justify 800 quid on a bass cab? how much do i value my testicles? do i have enough wife points? (sorry that last one is stolen)
i've never had gas like this before, i always thought barefaced were cool for what they did but nothing got me, must be something about 4x10s that floats my boat and a 4x10 that works effectively gives me the horn :gas:

Edited by lowhand_mike
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