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Message to Bilbo re Beatles thread


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I can understand where Alan is coming from. I've known him for years and he is a particularly nice bloke who I count as a friend. Now I don't spend an overwhelming amount of time on BC nowadays (compared to how much time I spent here years ago) but I browsed the Beatles thread while I waited for the thaw to give me access home. I read Bilbo's comment that provoked Alan's reaction and given that Alan has emotional, cultural and family ties into this whole subject I'm not surprised he reacted as he did. I think the comment was poorly considered and inane in the extreme. There's a statement in NLP that I feel applies solidly here. [b]The Meaning Of Your Communication is The Response You Get. [/b]I believe that Bilbo should share some responsibility as we all should for comments fired off from our keyboards.


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[quote name='GreeneKing' timestamp='1360785379' post='1976576']
I can understand where Alan is coming from. I've known him for years and he is a particularly nice bloke who I count as a friend. Now I don't spend an overwhelming amount of time on BC nowadays (compared to how much time I spent here years ago) but I browsed the Beatles thread while I waited for the thaw to give me access home. I read Bilbo's comment that provoked Alan's reaction and given that Alan has emotional, cultural and family ties into this whole subject I'm not surprised he reacted as he did. I think the comment was poorly considered and inane in the extreme. There's a statement in NLP that I feel applies solidly here. [b]The Meaning Of Your Communication is The Response You Get. [/b]I believe that Bilbo should share some responsibility as we all should for comments fired off from our keyboards.


I think Bilbo meant it as cheeky humour as is his wont, but the reaction was uncharacteristic anger. Of course we are all responsible for our comments, They had a domestic, they apologised to each other, and are once again sleeping together.

How could we know about Alan's ties? And if we did would it have introduced some restraint? Are we now not to express our vibrant feelings on the Beatles?

I remember some berk posting that pathetic comment 'I would' (or summat like that) in an Ellie Goulding thread, her brother didn't kick off, he just said 'oi that's my sister!' (or summat like that) and that was that. I'm sure Alan had a bad day with his vicious retort, but maybe Bilbo did too. They were both throwaway comments that merited no scrutiny. While we are currently happy to call Adam Clayton a useless c***, how would things go if his son was a member? Would we avoid the subject? Be more polite? Or just carry on with the inane insults? Maybe his son would agree :D

Where do we draw the line? I bet there are plenty of us with strong connections to people in the public eye. Are we meant to anticipate that in every post? Do you really want Basschat : The Magnolia Edition?

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Alan's ties were clearly laid out in the thread. 'Cheeky humour as is his want'? I didn't see the humour there at all. I usually have a good sense of such subtleties too. I don't personally associate Bilbo with 'cheeky humour' and neither evidently, at the time did Alan despite what agonising might have followed. I think you are being defensive perhaps?

I'm a robust bloke but I do see an easy path of firing off clever anecdotes without taking full responsibility. If we were all sat around a room with all the extra clues available to us than it would perhaps be different.


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This is a thread of apology & making things right. I'm so disappointed that its gone sour, the original message has been lost & I do strongly believe it's going nowhere of value.

I Wish that this forum would have a separate area for flame wars & arguments, when a thread has gone that way the mods move the thread in question into that section so people can then carry on using the forum without seeing this crap. When the wars flare up I really do question if it's worth staying on as a user of the forum or just move on. I do agree that there are some people who post on here have a confrontational style (Even if they don't want to come across like it-they still do) and I don't like posting comments much anymore as you never know how your post is going to be taken. It does feel like if you say it's it's a lovely day someone will get their history book out & post up some complicated reason to make you feel like you should not have bothered.

The original tone of this thread was of apology & reconciliation, this is a positive thing & somehow negativity has come into it. Maybe its a reflection of the times we are in at the moment. I wish I could say something intelligent & clever but I guess that's for the forumites with qualifications and more time on their hands to sort out.

By the way Morrisons is better

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[quote name='fumps' timestamp='1360836460' post='1977080']
This is a thread of apology & making things right. I'm so disappointed that its gone sour, the original message has been lost & I do strongly believe it's going nowhere of value.

I'm going to compound the felony by agreeing with you, Gav. Definitely Morrisons.

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[quote name='GreeneKing' timestamp='1360788594' post='1976627']
Alan's ties were clearly laid out in the thread. 'Cheeky humour as is his want'? I didn't see the humour there at all. I usually have a good sense of such subtleties too. I don't personally associate Bilbo with 'cheeky humour' and neither evidently, at the time did Alan despite what agonising might have followed. I think you are being defensive perhaps?

I'm a robust bloke but I do see an easy path of firing off clever anecdotes without taking full responsibility. If we were all sat around a room with all the extra clues available to us than it would perhaps be different.


Sorry, but no one the right not to be offended by someone elses opinions. You might listen to my band for example and say that we're rubbish. So what? I might be disappointed but I'm not going to take offense at it. I've just re-read Bilbo's comment, and while I wouldn't have necessarily phrased it in the same way, I agree with the broad sentiment of what he said. Can't see anything to take offense at to be honest. And niceguyhomer has apologied, so it's clear that he acknowledged that he over-reacted. End of story.

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[quote name='fumps' timestamp='1360836460' post='1977080']
This is a thread of apology & making things right. I'm so disappointed that its gone sour, the original message has been lost & I do strongly believe it's going nowhere of value.

I Wish that this forum would have a separate area for flame wars & arguments, when a thread has gone that way the mods move the thread in question into that section so people can then carry on using the forum without seeing this crap. When the wars flare up I really do question if it's worth staying on as a user of the forum or just move on. I do agree that there are some people who post on here have a confrontational style (Even if they don't want to come across like it-they still do) and I don't like posting comments much anymore as you never know how your post is going to be taken. It does feel like if you say it's it's a lovely day someone will get their history book out & post up some complicated reason to make you feel like you should not have bothered.

The original tone of this thread was of apology & reconciliation, this is a positive thing & somehow negativity has come into it. Maybe its a reflection of the times we are in at the moment. I wish I could say something intelligent & clever but I guess that's for the forumites with qualifications and more time on their hands to sort out.

By the way Morrisons is better

I think this is needlessly pessimistic mate. This thread has gone way beyond the OP's intent, but aside from a few arsey posts it's an interesting discussion.

I'm still none the wiser about NGH's Beatles connections though. Despite GK's post to the ontrary, there's nothing in that thread about it.

Cheer up mate, please post without fear :) xx

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[quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1360848601' post='1977314']
I'm still none the wiser about NGH's Beatles connections though. Despite GK's post to the ontrary, there's nothing in that thread about it.

There is, but you do have to dig through a lot of erm.... 'stuff' to find it.

NGH lived in the house opposite Paul McCartney's back in the Beatlemania days.

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[quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1360848601' post='1977314']
I think this is needlessly pessimistic mate. This thread has gone way beyond the OP's intent, but aside from a few arsey posts it's an interesting discussion.

I'm still none the wiser about NGH's Beatles connections though. Despite GK's post to the ontrary, there's nothing in that thread about it.

Cheer up mate, please post without fear :) xx
Nah mate I'm not being pessimistic I'm telling the truth, I have now abandon the Off Topic section & it's doubtful I will go back again, most of the time I just lurk now. It's simply not worth the hassle.

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[quote name='icastle' timestamp='1360849103' post='1977324']
There is, but you do have to dig through a lot of erm.... 'stuff' to find it.

NGH lived in the house opposite Paul McCartney's back in the Beatlemania days.

Cool, thanks Ian.

I was born in the house opposite Hilda from Lieutenant Pigeon and I used to hang around with her grandchildren. Just thought I'd better let everyone know :)

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[quote name='fumps' timestamp='1360849556' post='1977331']
Nah mate I'm not being pessimistic I'm telling the truth, I have now abandon the Off Topic section & it's doubtful I will go back again, most of the time I just lurk now. It's simply not worth the hassle.

I think it's easy for many of us who have been here a while to take Basschat for granted. Basschat continually evolves, and changes, through it's members' contributions.

I remember a time when we had a lot of people on here (including me) who would annoyingly pick people up on their spelling and grammar, there used to be a lot of that going on. I remember you getting picked up on it back when you were a n00b, you quite calmly explained the reason. You taught me a lesson there, quite a big one actually, I have never forgotten it, thank you. The spelling police seem very scarce these days :) Thanks Gav.

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[quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1360850625' post='1977353']
I think it's easy for many of us who have been here a while to take Basschat for granted. Basschat continually evolves, and changes, through it's members' contributions.[/quote]

I wasn't here in the early days of this forum, but I agree with Nige - there are many more BC members now, from a larger geographical - and therefore, on occasion, cultural - area than before, and the community is evolving. There are also more trolls, because they appear to be a relatively fixed percentage of any online group of individuals.
Overall, though, as almost everybody has pointed out, despite a few glitches, we're way ahead in terms of respect for each other than most other forums!

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[quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1360849840' post='1977334']
I was born in the house opposite Hilda from Lieutenant Pigeon and I used to hang around with her grandchildren. Just thought I'd better let everyone know :)

I saw Kirk Douglas on the beach, filming a scene from To Catch A Spy, and dropped my ice cream.

That was in 1971 and I'll never forgive him for that and I hate his children as well...


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[quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1360850625' post='1977353']Basschat continually evolves, and changes, through it's members' contributions.
[/quote][quote name='Earbrass' timestamp='1360853495' post='1977444']...but the apostrophe gestapo are alive and well :P :lol:[/quote]

A comma before 'and' is unnecessary. :D

Edited by discreet
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[quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1360787521' post='1976607']
How could we know about Alan's ties?

[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1360853721' post='1977450']
A comma before 'and' is unnecessary. :D

A period (or full stop) is positioned after the :D.
[size=3] [/size]
[size=3](Source: Webster's Grammatical Usage - Revised Edition 2010 - ISBN: 12487539772)[/size]

Edited by skankdelvar
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[quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1360850957' post='1977363']
There are also more trolls, because they appear to be a relatively fixed percentage of any online group of individuals.

The thing I've always found with anything that's 'fixed' is that it comes undone if you use a big enough hammer and wallop it hard enough. :)

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[quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1360852841' post='1977418']
What do you call a Scottish shepherd who's lost his dog?

What do you call a Scottish shepherd who's lost his dog, but has large feet?
Big Shughie Douglas.

I am now going to track you down and sing sea shanties at you... <_<

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[quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1360850625' post='1977353']
I think it's easy for many of us who have been here a while to take Basschat for granted. Basschat continually evolves, and changes, through it's members' contributions.

I remember a time when we had a lot of people on here (including me) who would annoyingly pick people up on their spelling and grammar, there used to be a lot of that going on. I remember you getting picked up on it back when you were a n00b, you quite calmly explained the reason. You taught me a lesson there, quite a big one actually, I have never forgotten it, thank you. The spelling police seem very scarce these days :) Thanks Gav.
Hey mate I don't think I have ever been offended by anything you have ever stated on BC Nige, your posts are always well defined, thought provoking & also respectful to other peoples feelings. In all the time I have had the privileged to be a part of this community I have never seen you say or do anything to be anything but a good person which is why I always respect your views & opinions.Sometimes it doesn't come out right but your intent is always correct.

Though I have noticed lately that there is a bit of an era of confrontation within this very site of which I feel a bit fed up of seeing. Arguments over daft stuff that has no actual bearing over real life. It just seems so silly.
Not so long ago I had two pieces of bad news, news that really made me question who I am & what really is important in life, it's times like these you look at how you spend your time & think I could get more out of life than what I'm getting, I just need to sort out the negative things from the positive. And that's when I realised that arguing & confrontation is not something to seek out, it's not worth even taking part in unless you are going to get something out of it that really matters.

Life is something we all have & we waste our times talking about all the bad things that are. life to a point is hard & sometimes very unforgiving, so why spend our private time talking about negative things when we could achieve so much more ?
We all have a passion for the same thing, we a lovers of music in various guises we create music. We do fantastic things, we create songs & play music we love with all our hearts and we do it because it feels good. so why get involved in arguments that don't feel good ? It just doesn't make any sense at all to me.

Time is something I don't want to spend on negative things anymore, life should be better than this.

Edited by fumps
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