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Alleva Coppolo GAS!!!


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Righto, a very kind mate brought an Alleva Coppolo to me today at work and I just can't stop thinking about it. I'm unsure of the exact model i played...it was one of the uber Jazzes...

My only complaint was that it had a bit of a chunkier neck than I was expecting. Sure i'd cope.

I sat down comparing it to my (admittedly Mega) Fender Jazz Basses, and although it wasnt £2000 better than either of them, I could certainly tell there was a difference.

And, i'm just thinking, I own about 10 basses, and only ever really manage to play one at a time - Is it time to grow up, save some space (my house is full of bloody cases and gigbags - as well as basses) and sell everything, and have just one really f***ing good bass?

I'd need to shify a heavy few of the basses I have on to fund it.

I'm having a real internal debate around it. Am I just being an idiot?

When will GAS end?

If it's any help my brains current spec was...

LM4 Deluxe, Maple, Blue Sparkle...with the little Bell Cover over the neck pickup.

Beat me up, tell me i'm stupid/daft/right/wrong...

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The idea would be that GAS stops, and i'd only probably keep my Fretless Precison, as i've started record a lot with the fretless...

But there are 2 Jazz Basses, 2 Precisions, one P/J, One Warwick, the Fretless, a Jap Yamaha BB, and a Ricky 4003.

This particular Alleva Coppolo was not offered to me, this mate has cot some ridiculously nice basses, and he knew i'd love this.

Unfortunately, i won't have the luxury of many nice expensive basses like him, just one...

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Unfortunatley Andy the GAS is a life long illness which has no cure...you cant stop the symptoms, but an Alleva would certainly slow them down.. :) ..

Personally i think a bass like that is worth getting...it really depends on how well you gel with it.....the bummer is IMO it takes time to gel with an instrument...

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[quote name='Happy Jack' post='948873' date='Sep 7 2010, 09:58 PM']So start by offering Clarky one Jazz plus one fretted Precision plus the Yamaha for his Alleva Coppolo WW and see where the haggling goes.


We've spoke...

No deal yet, haha.


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If you need the room and you've basses you don't play a lot, then yeah get something a bit special. However, if you're anything like most of us here on BC, one bass probably won't be enough. But a small handful (eventually) of bass like gems is better than a vast quiver of good, OK and so so instruments. Of course as ever YMMV. I find that the GAS monster never goes away, but it's kept in check by having stuff you really value.

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[quote name='bubinga5' post='948893' date='Sep 7 2010, 10:07 PM']Unfortunatley Andy the GAS is a life long illness which has no cure...you cant stop the symptoms, but an Alleva would certainly slow them down.. :) ..

Personally i think a bass like that is worth getting...it really depends on how well you gel with it.....the bummer is IMO it takes time to gel with an instrument...[/quote]

13 years in, I dread to think how much i've spent on God Knows how many basses, and I think i'm a bit fed up of having so much bloody gear in the house, and don't feel secure enough leaving them at the rehearsal space (two break-ins and one acoustic bass going walkies has taught me that).

I'm not usually indecisive like this. Or am I? (sorry, had to...)

But i sold a few basses last year, and felt fantastic for it...

The remaining nine will be a tough seperation...

Warwick Corvette - Taught me everything I know, and is suitably 'road worn' by me, started life as white ash, and is now dark tan in colour.
Rickenbacker 4003 Blueburst - Dream Bass looks wise, just not being used as it gets lost in the band a bit.
Fender 75 Reissue USA Jazz Lake Placid Blue - Mega Bass, took a long time to find this particular edition.
Fender 60's Mexi Reissue Jazz Burgundy Mist - Again, awesome bass in a bit of a special finish.
Fender 50's Mexi Reissue Precision Blonde - Missus bought me this, doubt i'd get away with selling it.
Fender '62 Jap Reissue Lake Placid Blue - Import From Ishibashi, mega bass, looks like Beedsters old '64.
Squier 1983 'SQ' Japanese Precision Bass with added Jazz Pickup in the bridge.
Yamaha 1983 ish BB300, not worth much, but was my first ever bass.
Fender Japan Fretless 70's reissue Precision Bass, gloss Maple board, Ash Body...doubtful i'd let this go.

All very nice gear...but in the current market, not worth anywhere near what i've got invested in them.


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just over 2 years ago i sold of all my basses to buy my Sadowsky NYC!

i now have 3 Sadowsky's!

Its an expensive addiction!

i cant help but smile though! every one of my basses is absolutely awesome!!

If i were you, i'd sell the lot and use the money to buy a used alleva to put me on until Jimmy Copollo finished the custom order

2 Alleva's! ahhhhhh lovely! :) :rolleyes: :lol:

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Fender 60's Mexi Reissue Jazz Burgundy Mist - Again, awesome bass in a bit of a special finish.
Squier 1983 'SQ' Japanese Precision Bass with added Jazz Pickup in the bridge.

Now that's two basses that tweak my interest BUT as has been pointed out; now is not the greatest time to be selling stuff as prices are seriously depressed! :)

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[quote name='warwickhunt' post='948942' date='Sep 7 2010, 10:41 PM']Fender 60's Mexi Reissue Jazz Burgundy Mist - Again, awesome bass in a bit of a special finish.
Squier 1983 'SQ' Japanese Precision Bass with added Jazz Pickup in the bridge.

Now that's two basses that tweak my interest BUT as has been pointed out; now is not the greatest time to be selling stuff as prices are seriously depressed! :)[/quote]

Both well worth keeping for that very same reasons.

Just to clarify so the Mods don't shoot me down, i listed the basses with no intention of starting an auction or owt, just so people could see I've not got the easiest of decisions, should I go on with the plan.

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[quote name='AndyTravis' post='948950' date='Sep 7 2010, 09:45 PM']Both well worth keeping for that very same reasons.

Just to clarify so the Mods don't shoot me down, i listed the basses with no intention of starting an auction or owt, just so people could see I've not got the easiest of decisions, should I go on with the plan.[/quote]
"get yer luvly basses ére, two for a pahnd. Leg it, its the rossers!"

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[quote name='AndyTravis' post='948925' date='Sep 7 2010, 10:33 PM']Warwick Corvette - Taught me everything I know, and is suitably 'road worn' by me, started life as white ash, and is now dark tan in colour.
Rickenbacker 4003 Blueburst - Dream Bass looks wise, just not being used as it gets lost in the band a bit.
Fender 75 Reissue USA Jazz Lake Placid Blue - Mega Bass, took a long time to find this particular edition.
Fender 60's Mexi Reissue Jazz Burgundy Mist - Again, awesome bass in a bit of a special finish.
Fender 50's Mexi Reissue Precision Blonde - Missus bought me this, doubt i'd get away with selling it.
Fender '62 Jap Reissue Lake Placid Blue - Import From Ishibashi, mega bass, looks like Beedsters old '64.
Squier 1983 'SQ' Japanese Precision Bass with added Jazz Pickup in the bridge.
Yamaha 1983 ish BB300, not worth much, but was my first ever bass.
Fender Japan Fretless 70's reissue Precision Bass, gloss Maple board, Ash Body...doubtful i'd let this go.[/quote]

some lovely stuff there!
My question would be... say you only could have one bass. What would it be?
If you only had one, for what you use it for, would you want the Alleva over say that lovely looking '75 RI?
What I mean is if you could be satisfied with one bass- would you want/need to upgrade?

If you narrowed it down to one fretless, one precision, one jazz and one other what would you keep. Then would you still want to swap jazzes (if you could only have one).
In my mind, having looked at photos, you've got a pretty amazing JAzz bass, it's not a Alleve, but it will do you.

Plus i may want to wave photos of my streamer under you nose to tempt you soon! :)

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As long as you play the one you want, and it really does literally sing to you, then go for it!

I personally had a limit of 6 basses. I wont play them all equally, but I want them! Ive now got a collection of 'my' favourite basses.

As yet, the uber high end bass GAS hasnt really hit me, and I dont think it will for a long time. Personally Im happy with a brand new Ray and another new amp, and keep the change :)

That's me though.

Just dont sell anything youll regret.

I admit as well, sometimes things are so hyped, im let down. Although this only applied to the Metros I played in GuitarGuitar.

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[quote name='Musicman20' post='948964' date='Sep 7 2010, 11:04 PM']it!

I personally had a limit of 6 basses. I wont play them all equally, but I want them! Ive now got a collection of 'my' favourite basses.[/quote]

I have a limit (3), but what I don't get (not just you) is why lots of similar basses? How many stingrays/precisions does one man need? (ok apart from John Entwhistle...) If I had a limit of 6 there would be 6 random different basses there.

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[quote name='LukeFRC' post='948975' date='Sep 7 2010, 11:19 PM']I have a limit (3), but what I don't get (not just you) is why lots of similar basses? How many stingrays/precisions does one man need? (ok apart from John Entwhistle...) If I had a limit of 6 there would be 6 random different basses there.[/quote]
I tried other basses/manufacturers, and didnt like them as much as the core three. I vene tried uber high end stuff.

I get your point though, Im crazy. All my Rays are different models though. :)

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[quote name='Musicman20' post='948985' date='Sep 7 2010, 11:25 PM']I tried other basses/manufacturers, and didnt like them as much as the core three. I vene tried uber high end stuff.

I get your point though, Im crazy. All my Rays are different models though. :)[/quote]

oh yeah, just noticed! All your stuff is surprisingly new though!

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[quote name='LukeFRC' post='948975' date='Sep 7 2010, 11:19 PM']but what I don't get (not just you) is why lots of similar basses?[/quote]

well this is how i justify the stupid amout of basses i've amassed...

1 Jazz Roundwounds
1 Jazz Flatwounds
1 Precision Roundwounds
1 Precision Flatwounds
1 Precision with no Frets - fills a similar set of frequencies, as i manly use the Precsions in the band
1 Precision/Jazz Hybrid, total mistake, but is my jamerson Sunburst/Tortie/Rosewood (a mate got me to do a setup on it before he sold it, did a great setup and loved it and I demanded he gave it me) my real roadworn.

Warwick Corvette Currently strung A-C, great for practicing at home and my daughter loves the chordal nonsense she hears from it (Future Bassist). This was my first 'fancy' bass, but i strung it up in the tenor setup just so it would get used.

Rickenbacker 4003, just because, and doesn't sound much like any of the above. I've stopped it being nicked twice...so it never leaves the house.

Yamaha, as stated, 1st bass...going to make a coffee table with a glas lid for this to live in when we buy the new house.

The AC shocked me today, i was very impressed with it and can confirm the Hype makes sense.

I've been underwhemed with the only Metro RV4 i've played, but Sadowsky NYC was another consideration as well as Nordy VJ's...and Fodera Empire 4...

I like the Alleva paddle headstock in the flesh too. Never thought i'd say that.

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[quote name='LukeFRC' post='948975' date='Sep 7 2010, 11:19 PM']I have a limit (3), but what I don't get (not just you) is why lots of similar basses? How many stingrays/precisions does one man need? (ok apart from John Entwhistle...) If I had a limit of 6 there would be 6 random different basses there.[/quote]

I had a silly amount of Streamers at one point and even though there were x2 SSII's they were very different sounding and despite the MANY and varied SSI basses I've had they've generally sounded different... to one degree or another. However I accept what you say, as evidenced by the big sell outs that I've had over the years and I now own very different basses; Bolin, Zon, PRS, Warwick (x4 but 'definitely' different models), which are used in different situations. :)

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I did fine with just two basses for about 10 years. Well, in fact I only used one (a Celinder J-Update 5), but I just couldn't sell off my MIJ Fender Jazz 75 RI as it was my first 'real' bass.

However, the GAS hit me eventually, and I don't find it likely that it will ever disappear... Now, it's an extreme attack of Vintage GAS (hence the AC that's for sale right now). :)

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