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Everything posted by scalpy

  1. Challenge accepted, although can’t say I’m overly familiar with the aforementioned material!
  2. This is a fantastic game and one I regularly participate in. I've got Fairytale of New York and Jingle Bells into carol arrangements at Cathedrals, the Imperial March into the Sewer scene in Les Mis and one show had a nightly battle with the guitarist to get Led Zep quotes into Grease. I was doing well, managed Dazed and Confused, Ramble On and Kashmir in various places if I recall, until he destroyed me by launching into Black Dog instead of the regular solo for Grease Lightning. I valiantly acknowledged defeat.
  3. Certainly was true back in the day. A studio engineer told us of a day wasted as the 2 guitars and bass being out of tune, despite all of them having their screens tell them otherwise- they were on 3 different brands. In my main band I’m on a polytune and the guitarist is on a tu3, there’s been no issues. Different story for the Sax and trumpet mind, don’t get me started!
  4. Never happens to me, although I do go looking. I passed on a 70s valve Park combo for £60 once, like a fool. And a friend of mine did work experience at a secondary school and found a large keyboard in the cupboard. The teacher said the students didn’t like it as it had no drum machine. He offered £50 and she threw in the cab that went with it. Mk1 Fender Rhodes.
  5. I have the lmt500 and am really surprised that one hasn’t sold at £300. Absolute bargain and not too fugly either.
  6. Great venue, but they’ll hold on to the cash for ages- be prepared to chase them up for a few months!
  7. I have just bust mine setting up for stage! Damn karma. But that band, would happily watch them again tonight.
  8. I concur, fantastic gig, midnight in Harlem in the set- BUT THE NEW GUY USED A MUSIC STAND!
  9. Have arrived in the big village, counting down the hours now. Chances of being asked to play increasingly slim.
  10. Whilst my teenage peers were posting pictures of Pamela Anderson to their wall I had pictures of these.
  11. Can’t decide if that blows, or sucks. I’ll leave now.
  12. West Side Story, got to be ready for June. I’ve done it before, exhilarating and terrifying at the same time.
  13. Dropped your wallet I notice! On topic- a beauty, congratulations and enjoy.
  14. Deal! That bass whisperer video has got a lot to answer for, most of the views must be me lusting over the particularly nice orange example he had. Mine's Ruby Red Metallic with masked binding.
  15. Pics or it didn't happen! I presume this is Andertons working their magic. I can recommend D'addario Chromes if you're interested in the flats route- delighted with them on mine. Harry
  16. How do the db112s cope with the 700 watt head please? My cabs are the tweed version, they’re staying but I’m thinking of changing my amp.
  17. What a surprise, he’d never had quail before!
  18. Definitely the former- I do the arrangements for the band and direct the rehearsals. The singers handle the aesthetics and the organisation but the buck stops with me with the music. It’s a double edged sword, it’s a lot of work getting up to five part horn arrangements ready, our keyboardist only reads and the guitarist has the memory of a sieve but on the plus side- if I don’t want to play a song, we don’t!
  19. My favourite piece of Flea is You Oughta Know by Alanis Morrisette, enhanced by Rick Beato’s great video on it too.
  20. There’s a markbass tube 500on here at the bottom of your budget. 2 inputs so easy to have two basses plugged in at once. Must admit I love mine and it does quiet no worries.
  21. Couldn’t agree more- and snap!
  22. Inner monologue at the moment sounds like this ‘I must pay off the driveway, I must pay off the driveway, I must pay off the driveway.....’
  23. Bass Direct advertising in stock at £1299. Makes the Monique Tardis on here look even more tempting.
  24. This is torture waiting for this to go- this is the perfect amp for me.
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