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Everything posted by Finbar

  1. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='955448' date='Sep 13 2010, 08:47 PM']Well I mean having never tried a GT200 Man it's the best freakin pedal for the GT200 ever it should come standard with the amp. I use to use it as a dirty boost but now I have the Chili doing that and the SFT for overdrive, it's still boosting the amp, just a great great pedal. It's the one pedal on that board I couldn't gig without.[/quote] Just to go back a few months to this! :| What makes you say it's the best thing EVER for the GT200? I'm curious Infact, I'm going to start a separate thread too.
  2. Okay, got an EBS Microbass II hanging around. I guess I'm just a bit bored of it? It does so much stuff, some of it very clever, but I just fancy trying something a bit different It's never been used live, it has been sat on my computer desk as my audio interface for playing bass through for the whole time I've had it. It has had one owner before me though, but the only wear is a couple of very small paint scratches, and one of the rubber feet is slightly deteriorated (the pedal still stands up flat without wobbling or anything!). Basically, I'm looking for something similarly priced, with a similar function! Straight swap, or a swap for something cheaper with cash my way. Let me know!
  3. Looks like a beaut. I have mucho respect for neat boards, especially when they don't have the the pedaltrain style slats to hide messy cables under!
  4. 40-50Hz? Woah. I wouldn't be accentuating that, I'd be high-passing that out. I have this pedal, but I've never used it. I know that isn't too helpful :/
  5. It is a little bit overkill, but we want something rugged and fairly idiotproof, without having to worry about batteries going etc. If we can stick it on one of our pedalboard, even better really. We also may end up using it to trigger things like sub drops during songs and stuff, where we won't have any free hands to trigger things that way. Thanks for answering the question though I'll go check that PDF out, and start scouring eBay for one of the JML2s I think!
  6. I've had 3. And I miss each and every one of them.
  7. Right, I'm looking at getting something for loading some audio samples into for gigs, to play before/between songs etc. Sending it straight to the PA - I'm sure you know the kind of thing. Was looking at the Digitech Jamman, and then getting that external footswitch to select between samples easily, but then I noticed the Jamman JML2. I'm not too bothered about the stereo thing - we'll probably just use it to send mono signals anyway. But am I right in thinking that the JML2 does away with the need for the external footswitch? Those two extra switches look to do the same patch up/down job that the footswitch did, and I don't think we'll need to change the mode of operation so that third switch looks kinda useless. And just to check, the Jamman can be told to just play a sample once, right? Without looping it? Cheers!
  8. I'll get some better pictures at some point.
  9. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='1022855' date='Nov 13 2010, 08:11 PM']I think you had quite a few more pedals though if I recall... Lots of smaller stomp boxes...? Not got any George L's left you want to part with do ya?[/quote] I just went looking for the pictures cuz I couldn't remember, and found this one, from the height of my lunacy. It makes me really sad I don't still have it :/ I do have a few George L's knocking about still, but I decided to keep them just incase I ever do something stupid again!
  10. Depth and Gain both have notches, every other knob is super slidey.
  11. [quote name='harvey1-8' post='1022597' date='Nov 13 2010, 04:48 PM']The size of the reminds me or Finbars old board.[/quote] Both Diago Tourmans - same size!
  12. Realised I've made a wiring error though, looking at it. Should have the volume pedal after the decimator, not before it
  13. Here's where I'm at after slinging together a new board the other day. Not too different from the last incarnation. I'm about at the point now where I have more stuff to put on a PT2 than I can fit, but not enough to go for a PT-Pro. I don't want to go back to a board that size either :/ And the back incase people are interested in that kind of thing o_O God knows how I managed without cable ties.
  14. Had no idea you were doing this build man! It's looking really sweet
  15. I've plugged my bass into it plenty of times and haven't noticed anything amiss. Otherwise though, no, they're the only two things I can think of off the top of my head.
  16. Also take a look at the Rolls SX21. Don't know how easy they are to come by anymore, but mine's really useful
  17. Looks like a non-slip mat. You can pick big rolls of it up from Wilkinsons for a couple of quid. It's the kind of stuff you put on your car's dashboard to stop money and thing sliding around
  18. Still keep trying to find a way to work an OC-2 back onto my board. It's just a great sounding, characterful octave pedal all round really. I'm not really sold on the one in the M9 myself :/
  19. Finbar


    Is it just the DD-3's hold function?
  20. Oookay. X2 receivers have regenerative powers. Mine now works again with no detriment to performance o_O
  21. Let's whip Stu's out and test it. I'm sure he still has it
  22. Didn't see that coming... You're a lucky man Andy
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