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Everything posted by Finbar

  1. I bought an XDS95 a while back, and totally loved it. For no reason whatsoever, my receiver stopped working. No big loss I thought, I'll just buy a spare. Might even upgrade it to the rack version while I'm at it - the transmitter is the same. But now it's discontinued, and replaced with the Relay series. Which is FAR more expensive. Why's that? So I'm kind of annoyed, I can't afford to splash £300 just to have a working receiver. Nothing much I can do by posting a thread really, but I just think it's a bit devious of Line 6 to rebrand and then inflate the prices THAT much. So I guess incidentally, does anyone have the XDR95 or XDS95 they're not using that they'd care to part with?
  2. The GT200 is on that site, you just have to scroll sideways on the images.
  3. For software, I'd recommend Reaper. It's very cheap and easy to use. The demo version lets you decide if you like it, and doesn't restrict features. Plus it's a very small download. www.reaper.fm
  4. Finbar

    DNS issue

    Won't load if I type basschat.co.uk into the address bar, but going via a google search of basschat and following a link, I can get in fine.
  5. I tune to D standard/Drop C on my 4 string at the moment, so I'm well up for trying these next time I need new strings.
  6. Trying to see how quickly I can scrape 500 quid together now. I hate this site
  7. [quote name='charic' post='978879' date='Oct 5 2010, 09:56 PM']Thats like saying 'fek you're gorgeous but I'll keep it in my pants thanks' [/quote] Haha, I didn't mean I wouldn't buy it because of how it looks. I just wouldn't buy it regardless. A 1x12 is a bit of a nothing cab to me, regardless of how good it may be!
  8. i officially want one. a few online stores seem to have them in stock?
  9. I quite like how it looks in a weird way. But I wouldn't buy it.
  10. A tray that slides out is the best suggestion I have then
  11. You could always mount it to a rack tray? Might need a 2U tray through.
  12. [quote name='GarethFlatlands' post='962829' date='Sep 20 2010, 11:05 PM']I've got to do it for a wedding. I hate most of the songs on the setlist.[/quote] I am in concurrence with you.
  13. Add some kind of killswitch or volume pedal after one of the outputs? Means you have two things to switch on/off when you want to tune though.
  14. [quote name='1976fenderhead' post='960740' date='Sep 18 2010, 08:22 PM']Thx mate. Is there a way you can check by looking at the bar of the volume pedal model and see that it comes off zero straight away when you start rocking the pedal forward? Would just like to be sure before I order one [/quote] Someone else would probably be best to check that - I don't have mine set up for expression pedal use right now, and I'm certainly nowhere near either the pedal or the M9 and won't be for a week or so
  15. The P-Split did everything perfectly. No noise or anything. But I just wanted to go back to basics. Valve amp + microphone = gig tone. Well chosen effects should solve the problem of keeping good tone throughout, and I'd only go back to multiple cabs/amps etc if I had the excuse to be elaborate and do it just because I could as an international star
  16. [quote name='Phaedrus' post='960174' date='Sep 18 2010, 09:25 AM']So how's the P-Split working out? Is it the P-Split II? I've my eye on one for my rig, when I can afford it.[/quote] Well... It splits stuff I've outgrown my need for it as I no longer run a dual rig. I used to run two differently effected signal paths into two different channels of a poweramp and then two different cabs. But I realised how silly my rig and pedalboard were getting, so now it's very much simpler. However, the Lehle is always there if I do happen to need the splitting option. With it around, I wouldn't consider using anything else, though if it didn't have it, I'm sure my DT-10 would kind of work, until I wanted to mute things to tune.
  17. I've never noticed any odd swell issues with mine, for what it's worth.
  18. When I had a massive one, every pedal was used for something in one of our songs. We didn't play every song every gig, but we could play any of them at any gig. So sometimes I didn't use many, and sometimes I'd use all of them.
  19. Currently for my band I've got my board with the M9, 2 VP Jr pedals and a few other stomps all on a PT2. But I'm considering putting together a smaller board similar to yours actually. Think the SFT might make an appearance if it lives up to the hype. Might make a neat always on dirt pedal.
  20. Is the SFT really all it's cracked up to be? See it appearring on a lot of boards, but I don't know if it's really worth checking one out if it's only going to be driving the front end of the GT200 anyway?
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  22. A lot like that. Except a bit bigger. And metal. I'll try and get the actual measurements off my head soon, as I may have to make one.
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