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Everything posted by Finbar

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  3. Just to echo that about the M9, it's fantastic. What is it you're not feeling about it? As essentially the sounds are identical to the ones in the FM4 and DL4 etc. Even if you only use the delays, it's better than the DL4 for versatility! (but more expensive if that's all you're using it for)
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  6. If you come to the conclusion that you have no other option, then use an ISP Decimator. They're really good, and I do use one sometimes. They do take some getting used to and proper placement in your chain though, you might like the results less than your noisy rig.
  7. I used to use a length of 2x4 with my Diago Tourman just to prop it up and give it a bit of an angle, so something suitably low-tech might do the job ;p
  8. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='908503' date='Jul 28 2010, 06:11 PM']Cheers for the photo that does help - I'm going to end up with one 9v supply (currently a wall wart) and an M9 on this board, and my wall wart isn't hugely tall, there's not much in it, maybe I can just prop up the back legs by half an inch or so! [/quote] It's not really big enough to velcro a 4 way into. You have to treat it a bit carefully, as it isn't a full surface join. But yeah, thinking about it, there's nothing to stop you removing the back feet, and then adding some spacers in so they stand further from the board itself. That should give you a bit more clearance. Might need longer screws though?
  9. Might not help, but here's mine. the power supply with the yellow electrical tape is the only wall wart on there, and it's not a big one. I don't think one bigger than that would fit though. The M9 power supply, and my Diago power supply are off to the side, velcro'd on as well.
  10. This is why I don't like wall warts
  11. Finbar

    Jack 210

    If it was the flat side down, it would still create a box tube effect, just a smaller one. As a general rule, the better a mechanical joint you can make the better, so I'd definitely try it the other way round if you do another, just to see which is best! Sounds like you're using polystyrene cement. It's as good a glue as any for that job I should think. Didn't know they were plastic though - assumed they were metal! But it makes sense, given the cost of them
  12. There's a 4 way mounted under my pedaltrain. I'll try and get a photo for you, but it is velcro'd and cable tied in, with the plug sockets facing the floor. It isn't a perfect mechanical joint, but it has done me alright so far!
  13. Finbar

    Jack 210

    Probably would have used the offcuts the other way up, so they have more area in contact with the assembly? I'm watching this with interest though Might need to build myself some BFM stuff soon D:
  14. That third clip sounds a lot like Squarepusher when you whack the Bugcrusher on!
  15. No longer want to trade this, just want to sell. But Bump all the same!
  16. It's not that the Vintage isn't sensitive, just that the 1212L is SUPER sensitive. If you can cope with the characteristic tone of the 1212L, it has several major plus points in its favour IMO. Anyway yes, Lee came to pick this up today, nice man, now one cab richer. SOLD.
  17. This is pending payment and collection tomorrow actually, I'm really bad at keeping these threads updated ¬_¬ But for the sake of the conversation, I'd say that this thing will go loud and take what you throw at it, but in direct comparison to a 1212L, it isn't as sensitive. Doesn't mean it won't get to the desired volume by any means, just takes a bit more amp juice to do so IME.
  18. Also would trade for an ISP Decimator G String.
  19. Thanks Ste, I asked Shep about it, but he's sorted for horrendous noises for now! So this is still available
  20. Not really in the market for much. Maybe a Nova Reverb or Nova Repeater? Or something similar.
  21. Dodgy photo, apologies in advance. Bought a Noisebox, and it's a bit too much for me. Used it I think three times to have a play, but it's never been on my pedalboard - it still has the rubber feet Subdecay sell it with. It's boxed, with instructions and mint condition. Pretty much brand new. It's a glitchy ring mod/synth/fuzz.. thing? Youtube it, go wild £115 posted.
  22. Finbar

    DIY Effects

    [quote name='gnasher1993' post='882574' date='Jun 30 2010, 11:16 PM']Pics or it's a DS-1. [/quote] Uh.. Okay? No natural light, blurry shot of the 'hole enlarging' more accurate shot with bits in position, and paper placeholders for the writing.
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