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Everything posted by Finbar

  1. Had a look at Stu's - it's WAY smaller than the vent on my amp. Which looks the same size as your vent, Gareth.
  2. I *think* the one on Stu's amp is smaller than the hole on mine (I might steal it anyway, see if he notices), and that's Matamp's standard size too. So I don't think they'd be of too much use for this. Plus finding one, ordering it and screwing it on is much easier than going up to Matamp for essentially the same thing. Poup.
  3. Just wondering if anyone knows where you can get hold of vents that go on the top of amps? Like the one they now fit to the AD200b. Aesthetically, the only thing about my Matamp head that grates on me is the top vent, and I'd far rather have a metal tray like that than the open hole and bit of mesh that is there now. Google is failing me. Either because it's hard to find, or because I don't know the correct technical term Looks something like this:
  4. If you're after sweepable mids, go Aguilar.
  5. I don't think combine was the right word. But I know what was meant by it. I very much like my Lehle P-Split for this job. Splits stuff just fine and I think it's actually bombproof. Might be a little pricey though.
  6. Think I'll pick one of these up. Need a new strap for my Precision, and I've been unimpressed by Comfort Strap, and fancy a change from the lat few years of Levys straps I've had!
  7. I suggested a few things to them for an update too a while ago. No idea what they were now, thinking back on it! Think one of them was an OC-2 model (not mad keen on the Octabass model), and one was for some drive settings with clean blend controls. Wonder if they'll make it into a future patch ;p Press and hold for the setup and tuner would be excellent additions. However, I think if we really want a change, the more people who suggest it to them, the better? I know even if a dozen of us all suggest something, it's only a drop in the ocean, but you never know!
  8. I swore by my Korg DT-10 for ages, but went for a Turbo Tuner out of space necessity. Tried going back to my DT-10 the other week as I suddenly foud some more space on my board, but I realised how much I missed the Turbo Tuner almost immediately! Great pedal
  9. PM'd By the way, that's a delicious good price for a 1212L. Someone needs to snap that up!
  10. The one about it not remembering settings isn't a problem to me really. I'd imagine it isn't a problem to most users either. As has been mentioned, setting up a scene just for A/Bing and testing wahs, then copying over the one you like most would work well. The one about muting by accident is a small problem, I've done that A LOT. Those buttons are close together. But they've done miracles getting the functionality into that box, and of course it is always going to be a compromise compared to the M13 in that respect. But the way I see it, other units have problems just like that, if not worse, and it's still the only multi FX I've been remotely happy with. Just remember, nothing is flawless!
  11. [quote name='wotnwhy' post='932664' date='Aug 22 2010, 12:16 PM']Oh.. though by the way.. i have the biggest pickup... [/quote] You sure about that..? ;p
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  13. Finbar


    Only just found this thread. I'm shocked. When I first signed up to the forum, Si wanted to take my bass down to Jon Shuker's to get it measured up as he liked the neck on it, and he effectively chauffered me around, bought me food and coffee, and even gave me a free Jaco CD for doing pretty much nothing on my behalf. I said I'd pay him back in kind with all the snacks etc next time around, but I know he would have had none of it had the time come. That pretty much convinced me how good a place this forum is and that it was worth sticking around. Based on my experiences with him, and what people have been saying here, I think it'd be quicker to find a list of people he didn't have an impact on than the ones he's helped with his absolute generosity and selflessness. He will genuinely be missed
  14. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='927367' date='Aug 17 2010, 11:27 AM']4x12 is tempting though in an 8x10 enclosure [/quote] That is exactly what I'm going to ask Jeff for when I have enough money. It'll look splendid in white to match the head. I really like the look of the Matamp 8x10s visually, but I hate 8x10s. 4x12s, I know I like
  15. I didn't really find much in it using separate effects to be honest either. But I've never been a fan of fuzzy synthy bass really so I guess I never experimented that much.
  16. I wouldn't be happy using it without securing it in place with some gaffer tape.
  17. Indeed, I tried one with an active bass and it was cack. Lots of tweety bleepy noises. That'd be great if I only ever wanted to use passive basses, but alas... The X2 was far cheaper, had a good reputation and worked with everything perfectly, so I bought that. The receiver stopped working last night though and I'm not sure why So I might be off to buy a Relay.
  18. Right, I'm going to be getting a couple of rack units in the next few weeks. They're both for signal processing, rather than amplification, so I don't think they'll be particularly deep. Hard to say until I get them, but a shallow rack should do the job fine. Would prefer ABS to a wooden one, just for the weight really. This rack won't get abused, it just needs to stand up to being taken in and out of venues possibly by slightly clumsy band members D: I'd like a rear rack rail so that I can attach a rackmounted 4 way to it. Self contained racks ++ So what options do I have? The Gator is the obvious, though I'm not a massive Gator fan. Even their shallow model will have loads of room, but I can never get over the fact that the butterfly clips are left ON the case itself. The rattling drives me insane, and I'm not taping them down everytime I play. The SKB and the Boschma would both be preferable IMO, but I don't want the full depth of the standard model of either, and both of their shallow cases have a non-rackable rear, which puts a spanner in the works. What is a boy to do?
  19. Finbar

    Stoner fuzz

    If anyone needs an idea of the Meshuggah bass sound by the way, check about a minute into this video. Real tight sounding. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOR0hUIGb4Y"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOR0hUIGb4Y[/url]
  20. Has the Octamizer not fully pushed the OC-2 from your board then?
  21. iirc, the driver faces at the inside wall of the cab, so not entirely.
  22. All I can add to that is just to try the M9 with an open mind if you decide to try one out. It doesn't feel like you're using a multi FX, which was my main worry with it at first.
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  24. [quote name='PauBass' post='915798' date='Aug 5 2010, 12:07 PM']For those who use the Line6 Relay, which cable are you using? If different from the one that comes with the unit of course.[/quote] Is it the locking 1/8" socket? I haven't even unpacked the lead that came with my X2, I got OBBM to make one up for me and it's perfect Think it's about a foot long, and goes to the wireless transmitter sitting in a pouch on my strap.
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