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Everything posted by krispn

  1. Mint Source? I thought they did shower gel. Bold move into the world of FX. I guess all sorts of companies are having to diversify....... I'll get my coat! Bump
  2. These can be expensive/hard to find but the FEA Labs dual dist or Photon Fuzz look frickkin awesome. Very tweakable, blend control etc. I know I'm on the look out for them! Fuzz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaJZsIwIlR8 Dual Drive http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqaMp3dRH1Y Tasty!
  3. Loving the jazz flats - my favourite string to date. I'm looking forward to the round wound TI's when I get my next set of rounds.
  4. Michael was a pleasure to deal with. Prompt postage nd great comm's. Always kept me informed at every step of the transaction. Danke!
  5. Killer basses these and that custom shop pick up! Oi Vey!
  6. Likewise I'm rehearsing and gigging that weekend otherwise I'd have drove over from Edinburgh. All the best with the bash folks!
  7. krispn


    Certainly is. Currently holding down the low end in a covers band thing I'm jamming with some mates. Got round wound strings on her and the sound is classic! Pump it Up never sounded so good Still for sale but not in any mad rush..... actually this is the last bump for a while. This covers thing is coming together nicely and the MF is the perfect sound for it!
  8. Bought this just last week on here but in my haste totally missed the fact that my jazz is a road worn and this just wouldn't look right along side the aged parts! D'oh! Looking what I paid which is £42.50 posted http://www.basscentre.com/hipshot-d-tuners/hipshot-bt3.html http://store.hipshotproducts.com/cart.php?m=product_detail&p=60 Cheers
  9. At least they are doing something different with the pawn shop series and they are normally witin most of our budgets (if we go without food for a month or two) Good thing about the pawn shop series is if you don't like it you can confidently say it's a genuine I have the money and I'm not gonna spend it. Do fancy a go on the pawn shop Fender Bass VI I could see me playing one of those in a bad with a good dose of filth on it and a heap of stoopid efx and just do quiet/loud post rock twiddlings
  10. krispn


    Cheers It really is a great unit. Go on blow the Christmas money
  11. krispn


    What that coming over the hill it's a BUMP!
  12. krispn


    (Sound system gonna bring me back) UP!
  13. Having recently picked up a Tone Hammer I no longer really use this pedal. Previous to owning the TH I had an Aguilar DB924 pre amp and the EWS was the mid control I used. This is a very compact, very powerful pedal which allows the user to select theirs preferred frequency which they can then boost or cut. I never really went in for active controls preferring passive basses but the Aguilar Db924 added a really nice boost to the bass and top end while the EWS allowed me to focus the mids. I also used it with a BB bass pre amp for the same function (it was in line after my A/B switcher so I could switch it on or off depending on the part I was playing, clean or dirty) I found myself leaving it on for the whole gig which is why I got a tone hammer! See the website http://ews-us.com/item_bassmid.php and there are many youtube videos too! This is probably one of the single most useful pedasl you can own regardless of the style of music you play - As I have semi-parametric mid control on the TH I'm sadly no longer in need of this. £120 delivered next day as soon as the Post office reopens! Cheers for looking
  14. Up for sale is this Sadowsky VTC tone kit. This would be used in conjunction with something like a Aguilar OBP-1 pre-amp which is a Bass and Treble [i]boost only[/i] preamp (Aguilar designed the original pre-amp for Roger Sadowsky). What this kit does is allow the active circuit to be used along with with the bass's normal passive tone control in either active or passive mode. The passive tone allows to you engage the passive tone on your bass while the bass is in active mode i.e. add some sparkle but retain a warmth without having shrill sharp top end. Might sound counter intuitive but go try a Sadowsky at your local shop and mess with the VTC. Really nice feature IMO which opens up the number of tonal options. The kit also means you can switch the active circuit on/off with the push pull switch. It's a very useful control which I first discovered while noodling on a Sadowsky and loving the added level of control it afforded. I was gonna combine with an Aguilar OBP-1 but got a tone hammer instead. [i]So to recap this is for the VTC kit: a concentric bass/treble boost only pot (25k) for use within an active circuit and a passive tone control with pull /push switch (active circuit on/off). It also contains the relevant caps and the original wiring diagram.[/i] A firm £65 posted thanks. The kit can be seen in the bottom right picture in this link http://www.sadowsky.com/pop/vintage_tone/vintage_tone.html
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  16. New pick ups arrived today so these should be good to go tomorrow bump. Richardd - I'll get some samples done and let you hear what differences there might be.
  17. Cheers Ghost Rider I need to review the value as it will be with machine heads included. If anyone can recommenmd the value of an all maple precision neck with machine heads PM me. I'm not sure what the breakdown in value of a bass is i.e. body, neck etc. Cheers
  18. Sorry guys the neck I was after has already gone so I'm looking for trades for a jazz neck for now.
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