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Everything posted by krispn

  1. Cheers guys The amp is a MarkBass made Ernie Ball Audiophile HD500 and with a Dr Bass2460 212 and sounds great. I understand more drivers will do more for volume than a 'louder' amp but I'm after a one cab solution as I cart the drummers gear abt too/space constraints on 'stage'. I guess I was just concerned the amp would be toiling and I'm not looking for 900w on stage as my stage volume is fine likewise at 8 ohms I wouldn't be getting the full 900w power of the GB amp. So the amp should be fine running 300w at 8ohms and if I need more 'power' just add another 8ohm cab. That's good enough for moi! Thanks again folks
  2. Hey folks, I recently picked up a 212 cab which is rated at 800w @8ohms I'm currently running a 500w head which is giving 300w output @8ohms. Since switching to the 'big' in favour to my 112 I'm certainly noticing 'more' onstage power/heft/punch with the 212 than the 112 I was using before but was wondering if I should be looking for a head which can give the cab more oompf at the rated 8ohm. I understand I'm not gonna damage the speakers 'under-powering' them but I'm concerned I'm running the head too close to it's limits (I gig for a couple of hours at a time usually between 5-10 gigs a month). I haven't had any issues with the head overheating or the amp protection circuit kicking in or anything like that but just speculating if I should be thinking about a slightly more powerful head just to be on the safe side. I might just be trying to convince myself that I need a Genz Benz Shuttle 9/Streamer 900 but realistically am I just being too cautious? Cheers for any thoughts.
  3. The Tone Hammer is a great unit but decide if you want to use it as a clean only or drive only (regardless of how little drive you need) as there is a noticeable boost between the two channels. There was a good review/user setting piece on Talk Bass by one experienced user which I found really useful when I used one. It explained how to get the best from the TH and the importance of the mid control in the drive channel. I'm currently using the MXR M80 as i find it's better suited to my needs or pre-amp/dirt box/di I really like the M80. It can sound a bit 'modern' with the drive engaged but I'm digging that sound and have other pedals for more low gain vintage tones.
  4. I've been using a mesa Scout 112 which I really enjoy but felt that a bigger cab would be better for on stage volume and projection as we started to play some bigger rooms. I picked up a Dr Bass 2460 (2x12 woofers, 150 watt 6.5" mid w/compression horn) and the difference on stage is certainly noticeable. Call it heft, or the feel it in your stomach thing but it's certainly hittin' the spot! Not sure that I want to get rid of the Mesa as it's a great wee cab but I haven't used it since getting the Dr Bass!
  5. I was gonna put in an offer only to see you had nabed it. Great looking bass and I'd imagine the tone and build quality are solid!
  6. krispn


    Long overdue bump - Pm for more details
  7. Ain't played a Pino but if the '62RI p bass neck is anything like the CS necks it was the nicest p I've ever played!
  8. On a slightly different note I tried a Far East made Spector recently and really liked it. it was a lilttle too much price wise maybe £50 overpriced but its certainly put Spectors on my radar. A;sp i notice a lot of nashville country guys have a Spector fpr their 'heavy sessions' over the usualy Fender style bass.
  9. krispn


    Stone Cold Bargain!
  10. Fresh from our live gig recording at The Caves a few weeks ago Titus Pullo are back and playing with Shooting Stansfield who are launching their new EP on the 7th June at this legendary Edinburgh venue. Doors will be from 7pm and it's gonna be a cracker! Titus Pullo have been in the studio and are keen to play some new material on the night! Make a note in your diary and I'll add more info as and when I get it! Thanks!
  11. krispn

    Gretsch GAS

    I looked at a gretsch hb bass yesterday at guitarguitar in Glasgow. The pick ups pole pieces and strings didn't line up with no way to adjust the string spacing that I could see. I didn't even bother to plug it in. At £800+ you'd expect the QC to be better. You might find one which is better set up so good luck.
  12. Our singer has done some singer/songwriter stuff in Dundee - wonder if it's the same guy. Either way I'll PM you for info
  13. I've currently just got the one, a jazz but it does a pretty good P bass tone wth just the neck pick up. My M80 pedal does a good job of making it sound like an active when I want to so kinda covers that sound. I do fancy a Ibanez Sr505 5 string but I think I'd stick some Nordy pick up's in it and make it passive. Guess it's off to the for sale forum
  14. xgsjx We're friendly with some promoters in town too and they are always looking for new bands plus they are decent folk and not at all a pain to deal with honestly! I'll be happy to pass on any links you have to tunes etc once you're going for it! G
  15. Hey guys. I've recently been couch surfing and it struck me how cool it would be if there were a similar network of bands who were offering gigs to out of town acts (couch and cups of tea optional). It may exist but I ain't seen it .....yet. I play in a band based in Edinburgh and we're just finishing up on a new recording which we are really happy with. Naturally we wanna get out and gig! We also want to get out of Edinbugrh and venture around Scotland, down to England - likely to places which we can drive to in a couple of hours like Newcastle, Yorkshire, maybe Manchester. Of course we have set our sights on a London show too but not having many contacts in these areas we were wondering how best to get involved. As an introduction we're Titus Pullo and we play solid, catchy tunes like this: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBdOZTfmYh0[/media] We want to seek out similar bands so if we do get a chance to come to your town we're not sharing the stage with a bunch of teenage scremo bands. We understand it's good to play to a diverse audience but within reason If you're based in Scotland and fancy gigging with us in your town or coming to Edinburgh get in touch and we'll do our best to get you on a gig with us. We're planning an album launch for the end of August/early Sept and if you know you're gonna be on the road an in the area get in touch! Likewise if you live further afield and want to 'bring a bit of strange' to your local gig circuit get in touch and we'd be happy to try and work something out. Naturally if we can reciprocate when you're planning on swinging through Edinburgh we will try and make something happen! Please add to the post or PM me if it's somehting that appeals to ya! Gavin
  16. Looking forward to hear more audio/user reviews on these. I've always like the idea of a TV Jones style pick up in a P bass!
  17. It was such a pleasure to play this bass. It's a keeper lads and trust me the amount of time I was sitting playing it and thought f**k it I'll take it are too numerous to mention! Someone will be really happy with this!
  18. Or run the highs through the 115 the larger speaker might take some of the zing off and run the lows into the 4 10 for tighter response?
  19. Thanks very much! Pity the stage was so cramped over my side.
  20. Oh and the question on everyones lips........ the LED's are pink!
  21. Tom at Cog has been tinkering away at a custom build for me which I can happily say have been finished and delivered! The pedal is a combination of his Darklighter OD, a Lovetone Brown Source clone and a Hao Rust Driver. I haven't had an opportunity to use it in anger yet but initial house volume tests reveal it's quite the beast covering all the bases from low gain, boost and ballsy drive. Tom has been an absolute delight to work with and his attention to detail and person focused approach speaks volumes. Cost wise this pedal was really competitive when you think it's a hand wired, 3-in-1b box and cost less than many boutique single function pedal. If you have an idea for a custom build or a mod to an existing pedal give this man a call and see what he can do for ya! Tell him Gav sent ya A link to the pedal is here: [url="http://www.cogeffects.co.uk/tituspullo.php"]http://www.cogeffect.../tituspullo.php[/url] Go check out Tom's gear and he has some new pedals in development. I know some forum users such as Shep have had Tom build them some gear! Thanks for reading!
  22. Tried one of these just yesterday and they sound fantastic - both pick ups engaged is such a great tone on these bad boys! Best of luck!
  23. NickyTheAfghan Tom is building me a box at the minute and should be ready in a week or so! I've a feeling it's gonna be MEGA! Using his OD circuit along with a couple of things I'm after that I use or have used in the past. Great guy to work with and my guitarist is about to pull the trigger on a pedal too. I'll post more info when its delivered!
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