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Everything posted by Stag

  1. [quote name='Mike' post='204357' date='May 22 2008, 03:33 PM']I was in the London one the other day and they seemed really short on guitar and bass stock![/quote] the one in Zavvi? SO was I - very low on bass stuff and looked like they were moving stuff OUT of it!
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  3. i imagine going into those shops with a name like yours might be a bit of a wheeze... :-)
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  5. yeah, I get that feeling too (hence the amount of celebrity visitors). Shame really, if the prices were a little bit less ridiculous I might have bought that EB there and then. I probably didnt look like a bloke with a lot of money though with a Roger Waters T-shirt and a rucksack! lol
  6. ah was that the Black one at the end of the room? I nearly had a plunk but wanted to try the EB3 at the back out, but at £1395 for a 71' example I just couldnt even bring myself to pick it up incase I fell for it. (desperately want an EB3 you see, hence me doing to Denmark St in the first place)
  7. will not do any form of "party", particularly weddings anymore. Its nice to be liked by the bride and groom at such events but to not be liked by pretty much everyone else attending is not fun, for whatever money on offer. Also, random things can happen like a pigeon fancier's association having a meeting in the room next to the wedding. Bizarre evening!
  8. had my first trip to Denmark Street yesterday, id never really bothered before as its a bit far outta the way for me. And well... is it just me or is everything £300 more than it should be? V&R stands out as one in particular. Some beautiful kit but surely a bit overpriced? BC was much the same.
  9. D'Arcy, Melissa Auf Der Maur or Ginger Reyes. Because they are all hot (in different ways) and have played for The Smahing Pumpkins. And that counts for a lot in my book!
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  11. very Sting-esque... forgot to add that. And a price tab that Sting can afford but not mere mortals!
  12. here [url="http://www.andysguitarnet.com/component/option,com_adsmanager/page,show_ad/adid,114/catid,8/Itemid,57/"]http://www.andysguitarnet.com/component/op...id,8/Itemid,57/[/url] Mmm. Thats nice.
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  14. Stag

    P-bass convert.

    all this talk of P-Basses going on an many threads, must be something in the air. I know one thing... ...its firing my GAS. Oh dear
  15. yeah... i thought the price was pretty nice for a USA P tbh...
  16. YES that picture is awesome lfalex
  17. looks nice but that decal just doesnt look "right" to me, im no Fender expert mind you... [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-Precision-Bass-With-Hard-Case-gibson-ibanez_W0QQitemZ170201020786QQihZ007QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-Precision-Bas...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]
  18. I like his username in relation to what he's selling!!!
  19. hmmmm, ill give that a try... something funky for me to bop along to is aways welcome! Woke the missus up by playing slap the other evening though (with no amp! lol)
  20. +1111111 for Ricks. You wont get that sound elsewhere (although you can get a luvverly punchy sound with a pick and a P-Bass, everyone loves that tone)
  21. as per urb's note - you'll never, ever use it... unless you get a solo I assume. Its a challenging technique to get yer chops up though!
  22. Hi chaps / chapettes. Since i acquired a slightly more "slap friendly" bass (Fender MM) and have been playing it at home more than my normal gig workhorse (Ricky 4001) I thought id give slapping a go again. I have never, ever, had to use the technique at a gig and doubt I ever will but it is so cool. The thing is, even with a short scale easy bass like a Musumaster I am still rubbish. Hints / tips / videos / anything appreciated! Just for my own amusement really... id love to steam into something funky one time in the middle of a rock song for a solo or something...
  23. gets the approval from Dood as well!!!
  24. Im still lovin the poodle picture lol
  25. Cliff Burton's Ricky 4001 or Geddy Lee's 4080. Pure Ric porn for me as usual!
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