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Everything posted by Stag

  1. High praise indeed Wayne... ill see what little cash I have left after Chrimbo and see... ...funnily enough you also appear to have the same Trace head as me
  2. All Ampeg stories welcome... :-) Seriously considering the B2-RE as a viable option as it appears my Trace has "issues".
  3. Ive been considering the B2RE as an accompaniment to my B-410HLF... can you post on how it sounds (and critically, how load it is?)
  4. [quote name='steve-soar' post='340920' date='Nov 30 2008, 09:00 AM']Is pretty bass, you leave money in bag under bench in park I see you get bass later[/quote] lol - love you long time... That's about as bent as a nine-bob note. Strange to go for Wal rather than the usual "I haves 1973 Fennderr and it eees nice please geeve me your credddit carrd"
  5. one to watch with interest I feel... i mean, the story checks out... good luck if you bid!
  6. I also fancied buying a Gibbo LP a few years ago. Tried it out, very nice, finish was a bit iffy though.... tried the Epi copy of exactly the same thing and bought that for less than half the price. No major difference in sound or playability...
  7. you've missed Rock/Prog guy with a Rick sometimes with two necks
  8. Ive never really been able to "get" DC. It doesnt help that the track of their we cover in the band does not require the use of the fretting hand throughout the entirety of the song (Hell Aint A Bad Place To Be), so I use it to drink a pint with during the song.
  9. so, three cabs in that set up? Bloody hell... thats impressive. Was chatting with Dood earlier (he's quite the electrician) about the whole subject and answered a few more of my queries so ill bother you guys a little less! Dont you have to have some form of special cabling to run in series though?
  10. This thread is bizarrely missing input from Mr Veall... so far!
  11. That is an attractive bottom. I dont care about distortion anymore.
  12. If only the Ampeg had been 8ohm I would be pushing one hell of a lot of air at my next gig - very very loud indeed, deaf audience, 5 x10's and a 15 ! lol ! Although from what you have been saying and what ive been reading, I should a hefty sound at 4ohms from the 4x10 on its own anyway, no power going anywhere else but into one cab... look forward to it.
  13. ...and thanks for your help Protium, you've explained something quite foreign to me that I might just remember now!
  14. I doubt ill have issues to be honest, that 300w will get heard pretty clearly out of an Ampeg 4x10 400w cab, probably better than out of my poor old custom built 2x10 and 80's Trace cab - just would have liked to have the whole caboodle all together to look proper raaawwwk! Hehe. At least the missus will be happy because ill only be carting one big cab around with me now... ...still a b*gger about 4ohms tho innit? Seems odd to make them like that if you could make them all at 8ohm and everyone would be as happy as Larry. Does give an excuse to blow some serious dosh an an SVT 2ohm head at some point though - lol
  15. hmmm... starting to think I shouldnt have invested in a 4ohm cab then, as it renders my other cab pretty useless... unless I get a 2 ohm head in the future. Oh well... shame I got confused with all the maths
  16. me again... So, basically, I can only ever use one 4ohm cab with my amp? Thats a bit sh*te! Why arent all cabs made at 8ohm? Second thing... if I wired them in series (Is that basically daisy chaining?) would that be OK as per [url="http://www.tunemybass.com/bass_amps/how_to_hook_up_heads_and_cabinets.html"]http://www.tunemybass.com/bass_amps/how_to...d_cabinets.html[/url] , because the load would be 12ohm rather than 2.67ohm (if I wired in parallel using both outs on the amp) ? Im such a noooob! haha!
  17. Ummm - in plain English then, should I just be using one cab, or two? The thread at the top of the forum refers to [url="http://www.duncanamps.com/technical/impedance.html"]http://www.duncanamps.com/technical/impedance.html[/url] - ive had a shufty at that, and that infers that id be doing 12ohms total impedance, so ummm..... oh I dont know! And if I cant just use the head and the Ampeg alone- why not? They are both rated at 4ohm... so that would be ok? Sorry to sound daft, but, i am when it comes to this! Basically - both together, or not? Cheers peoples EDIT - is it just daisy chaining that is the issue... could I run each cab from separate outs on the amp? EDIT 2 - so, basically, according to [url="http://www.about-guitar-amps.com/speaker_ohms_calculator.html"]http://www.about-guitar-amps.com/speaker_o...calculator.html[/url], I cant really ever really use any combination of 4ohm cabs at all with my amp, because it's min load is 4ohm? EDIT 3 - sorry, will stop editing soon. Sooo... [url="http://www.britishaudioservice.com/inst/SMC.PDF"]http://www.britishaudioservice.com/inst/SMC.PDF[/url] is my amp. Now that has REALLY confused me - the pic of the backplate states (as I said before) - "Min load 4ohms" but the Tech Specs page has completely befuddled me as there are about 6 difference impedance values. Hellllllpppppp!!!! (lol)
  18. That Ben Folds one is quite interesting... thats kind of the sound im looking at, a driven fuzz sound but not so OTT that it rules the whole song. Their sound guy was on the money for that one. My question again isnt really where it "should be"... some times I can "feel" where it would suit but then the other little voice in my head says "noooo... the band wouldnt like it". Or is that just me?
  19. Quick query on this then : I have a Trace 300w 4ohm min load head. If I drive my Ampeg 4x10 (400w, 4ohm) on its own, I get 300w straight through it... right? If I daisy chain my Trace 15x10 (300w, 8ohm) into the equation via the Ampeg, I actually only get 100w through the Ampeg, and 200w through the Trace cab, due to the ohmage? My simple question is : the two cabs will certainly be louder than one. Why? Is it not better to just dump all that power into one cab? Im a bit of a beginner at this electronics business.
  20. im not at work today DJV... awaiting delivery of Ampeg B-410 HLF at home!
  21. yes... Mr Lee has made some good things happen with it, and not necessarily all the way through a song either (Tom Sawyer being the obvious good example under the solo). Still thinking about where I can drop it in our set... and get the level right on it like mentioned above, dont want to just drop out of the mix :-(
  22. ...how do you actually use it, in a live gig situation? Im in a rock covers band. I have a nice Rick 4001 and a Les Paul bass. Both of these are grrrrrreat (as Tony T Tiger would say) for using with distortion but, its just [i]where[/i] you use the distortion thats the thing that gets me. I know it would suit a blazing solo or something but we dont really have a lot of call for that... yet. haha Anyone else's opinions would be welcome. Do you like it? Do you use it? Tell me your stories oh wise ones...
  23. These are in use at my local rehearsal studios, and I have to say for the price these have got an awful lot of "WOOMPH!" to them. Great little amp when used with a matching 4x10 in my opinion, and that Ultrabass function is just pure joy (if not totally practical!), so have a free bump.
  24. hmmm - ill have to get 3 whole new pots in this case then! B*gger.
  25. Hi guys... A friend gave me an old Korean Squier gu*tar to fix up, restring and generally clean to keep for myself before he moved to Scotland - it's actually one of the older ones with both Fender and Squier decals on it, and has a surprisingly nice neck. Its also red and looks a bit like Gilmour's strat, so I can pretend to be Dave at home and blast out some Animals-era stuff. Thing is - ALL the pots were loose, the volume and both tones. All over the place, no idea of what vol/tone position you were at by looking at the knobs, Took the knobs off, et voila, no nuts holding the pots to the pickguard. So i order some standard 3/8" x 32 thread pot mounting nuts... they arrive.... and they are too big. They fit the pot thread on my other guitars just fine but of course not the Squier. So my question is... where would one find the correct size nuts? I would say there's about 1mm, maybe 2mm difference between the width of the thread on these pots and a standard Fender pot (the ones on my Musicmaster) - is this a bit weird? And if anyone has come across this please fill me in on this oddness... and perhaps where I can the correct nuts (even Allparts dont do them). Cheers!
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