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Everything posted by bartelby

  1. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1342865794' post='1741980'] I'm trying [i]really [/i]hard to be a Rush fan - it's going very well - just the music bit to sort out now, and I'll be there! [/quote] Same with me, I've tried to like them and Yes. But failed miserably. I love Rick Wakeman's stories of touring, so I'm more of a Yes fan that Rush.
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1342775791' post='1740679'] OK, then. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XsYuHbXZUk[/media] [/quote] Ta. The track still leaves me cold...
  3. For £200 off, is there such a thing as a wrong colour?
  4. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1342820096' post='1741639'] Mugs? Mainly, as I could sit and advertise the forum, the amount of tea I drink in the office Lanyard sounds good (could never get into the building without my pass, so why not). [/quote] Decent size mugs, like pint size! That'd be good. Lanyards too would be good. As long as it doesn't look like it says asschat.
  5. Some Laibach: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJ_gAShRSsk[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwdOX19_ETI[/media]
  6. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1342805590' post='1741359'] +1 especially Angelina's spindly veiny forearms spoiling an otherwise damn perfect package. [/quote] Excluding her trout face, of course. Anyhooo... this is the best I've ever heard a Ric sound: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usCgO_COsUM[/media]
  7. With 2 daughters, one 2 1/2 and the other 8 weeks old, all I've had is a bit of drool on one bass. That was when it was lying on the floor for the eldest to explore as she loves the sounds it makes. They're normally wall mounted, the lowest part of the body is 5' up the wall above a desk and drawers.
  8. No one going to link to the Japanese (I think) girl playing this on an organ? I would, but Im in work and can't access youtube
  9. Was just looking at this thinking "Ooh, that's nice. If I had the money I'd snap it up" Saw "in Dorset" at the bottom. "wonder where?" I thought. Scrolled up to see who posted the ad. Lo and behold it's my personal bass gear shop!
  10. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1342690702' post='1739250'] Well I'm now in my 50s [/quote] I'd not have guessed that!
  11. [quote name='pst62' timestamp='1342619236' post='1737984'] ooh pardon me! He was using something black with a rosewood neck back in '82 (could've been a Yamaha). Sure he was using it at Reading in '83 too, minds a blur TBH. [/quote] [quote name='merello' timestamp='1342625265' post='1738131'] Defo used a Yam for a while. [/quote] I was just about to post this: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qfAUHA4hH8[/media] I think this is a Yamaha...
  12. This one? [url="http://www.chambonino.com/construct/const17.html"]http://www.chambonino.com/construct/const17.html[/url]
  13. bartelby

    New Zoom B3

    [quote name='dood' timestamp='1342529517' post='1736610'] Now that's an idea I really like. [/quote] Yes. I hadn't thought of it that way.
  14. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1342466855' post='1735731'] [size=1]Low-pass play limit[/size] [size=1]8Hz[/size] ....nice [/quote] That, a massive power amp and a Warwick Dark Lord are my new GAS list...
  15. bartelby

    New Zoom B3

    [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1342467701' post='1735747'] Not heard a thing, but a quick google made me stumble across this [/quote] Interesting... [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1342467701' post='1735747'] Oh and by the way thanks for cramming the theme from Mr Bloom's Nursery back into my head [/quote] Not a problem. If I have to suffer, other people should too. Annoying Bean!!!
  16. It's a mix of: [url="http://audio-database.com/MITSUBISHI-DIATONE/diatonesp/d-80-e.html"]http://audio-database.com/MITSUBISHI-DIATONE/diatonesp/d-80-e.html[/url] and [url="http://audio-database.com/MITSUBISHI-DIATONE/diatonesp/d-160-e.html"]http://audio-database.com/MITSUBISHI-DIATONE/diatonesp/d-160-e.html[/url]
  17. bartelby

    New Zoom B3

    [quote name='GarethFlatlands' timestamp='1342455784' post='1735397'] Slightly off topic but has anyone seen the Zoom Multistomp series which made it's debut at NAMM? Looks like an M5 style version of the B3 but more compact. [/quote] Nope, got a link? I'd like a B5 too, wonder if Zoom have one of those planned...
  18. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1342432637' post='1734620'] I would need two that look like the below Amazing if someone has some? PM me Cheers Si [/quote] The ones I have are older than that. Large with the straight raised bit.across the centre line.
  19. I have 2 from an old chorus pedal.
  20. bartelby

    New Zoom B3

    [quote name='silentbob' timestamp='1342385119' post='1734194'] Just noticed that there's already a version 2.0 upgrade to the guitar version of this pedal which allows you to use six effects together by allowing you to scroll the screen, rather than three as before. Anybody know if this will be available on the B3 anytime soon? [url="http://www.zoom.co.jp/products/g3/"]http://www.zoom.co.jp/products/g3/[/url] [/quote] Interesting, how would you turn the additional pedals on and off? Or can you only do it in pairs? A B3X would be quite nice too EDIT: Just read the G3 manual. Looks like you have to scroll across to the pedal to turn it on and off. Will have to learn how to tap dance for this...
  21. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1342381547' post='1734128'] Bloody hell! Although you'll notice that neither of those actually sold. I got mine second-hand (although in perfect condition and with all the "case candy") from Ishibashi for less than £300 including shipping and import taxes. [/quote] I didn't notice, was too shocked at the price. I'll give you £150, seeing as it's 3rd hand
  22. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1342376474' post='1734001'] Great isn't it? I used it for a song writing practice at Mr Venom's house the other day. Wrote two news songs with it - "1980's Hardman" and "Dead Deadbeat Delinquent" As it says on the bass: "She's here to brighten your day with her warm heart and fun-loving ways!" [/quote] Just looked at how much they go for, the rare occasions they appear on ebay.
  23. Oh god!! My 2 1/2 year old daughter just saw the Fernandez... She's going through a Hello Kitty phase at the moment! " 'ello Ki-iy... 'ello ki-iy 'ELLO KI-IY!!!!"
  24. [quote name='mike257' timestamp='1342369910' post='1733861'] If they were just rounding off the last song and saying goodbye then it seems a bit harsh chopping them off at that point. [/quote] They were 30 mins over the curfew and from tweets going on they would have played more
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