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Everything posted by bartelby

  1. They've obviously changed since I enquired about a new battery clip for my compressor pedal. The email I got back contained one line: No, we don't have spares.
  2. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1344593471' post='1766767'] As for Cliff... maybe "get a sound engineer that knows how to set bass guitar levels correctly in the mix"? [See also AJFA, of course, et al.] [/quote] That was all down to Hetfield. He told the engineer to "take the bass down until it's only just audible, then take it down 3dB more." EDIT 2: Didn't get it quite right: "Newsted himself was less than happy with the results, later remarking, “The Justice album wasn’t something that really felt good for me, because you really can’t hear the bass.” Flemming Rasmussen agrees: “It’s inaudible. Jason, Toby and I are probably the only people who know what the bass parts actually sounded like on that album, and that’s down to Lars and James. I didn’t mix Justice — Steve Thompson and Mike Barbiero were already hired to do that before I became involved with the project, and after [b]Lars and James heard their initial mixes the first thing they said was, ‘Take the bass down so you can just hear it, and then once you’ve done that take it down a further 3dBs.’[/b] I have no idea why they wanted that, but it was totally out of my hands, and I didn’t even know about it until the album had been released. When I heard it, I went, ‘What?’ I wasn’t too keen on it, either.”" [url="http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/may11/articles/classic-tracks-0511.htm"]http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/may11/articles/classic-tracks-0511.htm[/url] EDIT: I was always surprised that Newsted stuck it out as long as he did. I also wonder if ol' Robbie T has a term of employment in his contract. To me he's just a hired gun.
  3. Björk and a tesla coil. Doesn't get much better than this!! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQnFzcuL83o[/media]
  4. [quote name='BassBus' timestamp='1344448814' post='1764777'] clearlyhehasntbeentoskooltolerntworiteinglishither [/quote] Might be English is his second language. He's based in north Wales. But let's carry on being judgemental...
  5. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEbkKP-LIio[/media]
  6. Finally can post this: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usCgO_COsUM[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnyUhXKnEQo[/media]
  7. The vinyl master of DM wasn't too bad, shame the songs were awful. All of them were overly long with enough endings to put The Return of the King to shame... I liked St Anger more, shorter songs and no solos. Shame about the no snare snare.
  8. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1344440791' post='1764566'] He seems to play better on that Streamer Jazzman than he does on anything else, I reckon that's his #1 bass. Also the Warwicks will probably sound better on that track just because we're used to hearing a Warwick on it. [/quote] I've never heard the track before.
  9. I cannot believe that people would not have noticed the change in tone if they weren't made aware the basses changed. The 'Ray sounds nothing like the Alembic that sounds nothing like the Jazz that sounds nothing like the Warwicks... let alone any of those compared to the fretless.
  10. Having a Basschat morning. [b]alpa male tea party[/b] (because I've just read Shep's interview and I want to hear robotic cows being slaughtered) this will be followed by: [b]ANTA [/b](I think Shep needs to interview [b]Joegarcia[/b]) and [b]Caricatures[/b]
  11. Look for Om, not so much solos but the majority of their stuff is bass, drums and vocals. I can't link to youtube as I'm in work
  12. New Tom Waits video: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Fju9o8BVJ8[/media]
  13. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1344337092' post='1762902'] Isn't that like giving poachers a slap on the wrist, then giving them the elephant tusks back and telling them to go about their business? [/quote] As they're still allowed to source the wood from the same suppliers I guess, some of, the wood wasn't illegal.
  14. According to the info Gibson posted on Facebook all siezed materials, in the 2nd armed raid, were returned to Gibson.
  15. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1344283150' post='1762303'] They mostly sounded very different to me. I closed my eyes and only looked at the ones I enjoyed the sound of. [/quote] I did the same thing. Turns out I like the Jazz the most. Followed by the Warwicks. Loved the sound of the fretless stingray too.
  16. I remember when mine looked like that... Wonderful basses...
  17. I love Maiden, excluding the non-Bruce years and The Final Frontier.
  18. [quote name='dave.c' timestamp='1344002048' post='1758542'] [attachment=114819:dave-meros_spocks-beard_02.jpg] ...and bound all the way round as well! [/quote] So it's a fake then?
  19. He seems to do a good job these days with his Ashdown setup (lovely amps those JJ500s), so don't go ripping your speakers. As BRX says, the most important factor is the man himself.
  20. bartelby

    New Zoom B3

    I use my Ashdown compressor still. Mainly to free up an fx slot on the B3. If the V2.0 upgrade happens, or they release a B5, then I'll stop using it.
  21. Shouldn't have looked!!! Shouldn't have looked!!! I have a long term dream of building a modular synth set up.
  22. bartelby

    New Zoom B3

    [quote name='BluRay' timestamp='1343845350' post='1756291'] Anyone know if its possible to delete / hide effects?. The B3's great - but there's too many effects I'll never use. It would be good to get it down to 20 or so of the best ones. [/quote] Just build patches of the ones you will use then...
  23. Juan Alderete is currently doing one right this minute... http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/xijzu/bassist_for_the_mars_volta_juan_alderete/
  24. Laibach - Monumental Retro-Avant-Garde (live at the Tate Modern 14/04/12)
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