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Everything posted by Stacker

  1. Here's another one:- [url="http://www.lindersson.se/The_Ox.html"]'66 Slab[/url]
  2. I'm not a P-man but I kinda like this. Dont have Barry's book to hand right now so can the enlightened run past me what's incorrect about the Limelight slab, other than the incorrect TR adjustment?
  3. Try Peekamoose in the USA for faceplates ir Andy Yakub on the Steimbergerworld forum.. And is £2k too much for an XL? I wouldnt let my XL2A go for any less than that if I was to consider selling.
  4. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1370376111' post='2100053'] 4001 needs some love, looking in wrong place tonight [/quote] lol!!!
  5. I remember this one! There's also a spat about a Laredo complaint out on the web. Will c if I can find it later.
  6. The slugs have become part of the circuit?? (edited 'magnets'!!)
  7. I wonder how much they paid for it? Or is it a consignment sale?
  8. I call Hondo! Sure, it has a set neck like some of the single pick-up 4000 series had but it's not that either, due to the binding. And, as has been said, all (AFAIK) authentic Rics' binding stopped behind the bridge. Wrong pups as well for the era. Very surprised that such a shop didn't suss all the above out before putting a dog like that up for £3K!!
  9. The 'three-hole bell-plate', as it's known, is pretty rare. They do pop up on evilbay from time to time for around £20! Try [url="http://www.grguitars.com/parts_5bass.htm"]GRGuitars[/url] and [url="http://onlymusicusa.com/1960_JAZZ_BASS.html"]OnlyMusic[/url] in the 'States; they're your best bet for the whole shebang. The latter will have the correct cap and resistors in place so bear in mind IF you decide to fit a harness with those components, the bass will sound a little less bright. Maybe run a mail past Onlymusic first or check their stuff on USA ebay.
  10. In ten years, those fellas who haven't got their bass did nothing, just let the saga roll on? I'd have been at the guy's door a matter or months after any verbal contract had passed its stipulated completion date. The idea of throwing £4k at someone and having nothing to show for it after ten years is surely some kind of fraud? Proving it in court would be another matter.
  11. [quote name='lowregisterhead' timestamp='1370200543' post='2097550'] It can take some getting used to. I'd compare it to skate boarding or surfing - there is a certain 'eureka' moment when you finally let go, forget your need for a body or a headstock, and it suddenly makes complete sense. I used to get the most negative remarks from bass players who'd never even picked one up, based purely on the usual blinkered attitudes, e.g. it's not wooden and vaguely Fender shaped with a bridge at one end and tuners at the other, so it shouldn't be allowed! At least you tried one. [/quote] I remember the Steiny backlash in the early '90s; you were treated as a pariah if you had one and I certainly got that shid with my Status Series II long before I hada Steiny. They are wonderful basses, just not everyone's cup of tea. And they ain't made any more!
  12. I was there in '83, too! I thought it was a good gig, not as cosy as the Odeon ones where they sounded fantastic. Saw 'em in SECC in '97 and the sound was so bad I vowed never to go back and I never have, except for work. I used to be a massive Rush fan but I drifted away. And all that chicken in rotisseries and washing machines onstage was a bunch of pants!
  13. http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f8/darrin-huff-basses-over-ten-years-still-waiting-256053/
  14. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1370026907' post='2095805'] Bigger - longer - harder - & go down deeper, no contest [/quote] I HAVE to remember this!!!
  15. All I will say is that Im thankful he doesn't get much exposure these days. Anyone who could write such drivel as 'Goodbye, my lover' and sing in that wailing voice should be kept out of sight. Mozart would cut him a new one in a fight. Word!
  16. Actually, I hv to eat my words: there are two on ebay; rosewood boards, though.
  17. They were, along with a Precision model, known as the 'Plus' range (along with the Strat and Tele Plus) and, yes, they did come with maple 'boards as well. You don't see that many of them around.
  18. I don't use ebay anywhere near as much as I use to do in the last decade. There are many legit and accommodating sellers but there are a lot of chancers and liars on it, too. The abuse that is levelled at you by some people on that site is appalling and completely unwarranted. One thing I do not approved of is the access to your (required) telephone number. I do not believe a private buyer should have access to that unless there is a major problem. I had one guy 'phone me one night giving me the third degree, ask where his bass was, even though he had been told that I would not be able to send it until the weekend after auction end. We've all had our share of NPBs, for sure, but the straight-ahead, no issues deals outweigh them in my books.
  19. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1369473371' post='2089545'] Suggesting the basschat would have an effect on Ric sales is a version of some alternative reality. It's a trivial forum that people read - that's all. The man is doing the right thing. I applaud him. You know, I thought we generally frowned on counterfeit goods as a nation - but apparently not when we have a vested interest. [/quote] Now when did I suggest that? The salesman made a statement about RIC sales and I, in this reality, merely pondered why. When did I suggest that slack RIC sales in Edinburgh were down to a thread on Basschat? C'mon!! The counterfeit issue is secondary to John Hall's bullying, which is the main thrust of this thread. I could only [u][i]dream[/i][/u] that his company's sales dry up in the UK because of this thread!
  20. Slightly off thread but [i]a propos[/i] of Ricks, I'd popped into GuitarGuitar in Edinburgh the other day for a mosey and a chat. Trade was good, they said, as I turned to the small selection of Ricks in the corner. "How are they selling?" I enquired. Not well, came the reply. The cynic in me wondered why. I wonder if anyone from Rosetti (RIC UK importer) is following this thread in angst. I also wonder if they've had the courage (and temerity) to call up the little guy: "John? We need to talk........"
  21. I used to have an early '90s one in shell pink. You could get some Rick tones out of that wee bass and I don't know why I sold it! Quite fancy picking up a Dead-on '58 one of these days.
  22. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1369340125' post='2088166'] In my case, having a decades old 'faker as my first bass guitar has left me with a fondness for the look, sound, feel and general design of Ric basses which will probably result in me owning one at some point. Admittedly this will not be be at any time in the next couple of years, as my finances aren't up to it, but I fully expect I will pick up a nice mapleglo Ric somewhere down the line. If Ibanez hadn't been able to make their Ric copies, I would probably have never considered this style of bass as an option. I'm sure I'm not the only one with a similar story. [/quote] My second bass was an Ibanez Rick copy, unfortunately the one with the left-over EB3-copy pups. But I loved that bass! It felt like a Rick. Took me another ten years to get the real McCoy (it was a bit of a disappointment compared to the Ibby!) but if i hadn't bought the Ibby (and been a Chris Squire megahead at time) I would have never been interested as I was a P-bass guy as a kid. John Hall needs to let the past go but he cant: he's bordering on megalomania. Ok, must go hunt down that [url="http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk259/koizguitar/GRECO%20RB%20RICK/IMG_9243.jpg"]Rickenfaker[/url] I've always desired
  23. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1369297372' post='2087348'] I think it might be more fun if as many posts as possible now in the forum used the words rickenbacker, rickenfaker, rockinbetter, toaster, etc. etc. thus ensuring that the legal beagles of RIC have more to search and more work to do. [/quote] Yeah, I'm for that! Ever the gadfly.
  24. I'm in two camps over this cessation of the use of the 'R' word. One one hand, I'm all for it but that means the little b'staad has won, to a degree. On the other hand, I don't see why we should stop commenting about Ricks AND the fakers and post as many pix of the latter as we want. Who knows, maybe the discussion will lead to off-site sales. On the sales side, has anyone had a faker pulled on Gumtree? That site, as far as I am still aware, is owned by evilbay.
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