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Everything posted by Skybone

  1. So I'm still GAS-ing for an amp, and I'm currently between the GK MB212-ii OR the Fender Rumble 500 (or the GK MB210-ii as well), though I do keep coming back to look at the Ashdown Rootmaster 420 210 combo too. They're both light weight combo's that pack some punch (or so I am led to believe from what I've heard on here & other sites), pretty reliable, loud enough for rehearsals & gigs, and all importantly, relatively affordable... The thing is now to decide which one would be best for me. Both amps "tick all the boxes" of spec, but unfortunately, I'm unable to try either out, so I'd have to take a punt at getting one from an online retailer. Sound/style wise, I'm playing in a rock-y/punk-y style band, so would like something that sounds good and rock-y & punchy sounding, but also relatively small & light. The Fender is the front runner just now, because it's the cheapest, but also one of the local music shops can get one in for me (but don't seem too willing to get one in to try out). Benefit: shop backup if things go wrong. Also, with adding a suitable (and reasonably priced) cab, you can access the full 500w. The GK's sound ideal as well, the 212 uses the full 500w with the internal speakers, where the 210 needs a powered cab (according to the GK blurb). Can the MB210 be used with a suitably rated passive cab to get the 500w? How does the Rumble compare to the MB sonically? Has anyone tried them side by side? Does anyone know if the Ashdown Rootmaster 420 210 combo gets the full 420w through the internal speakers? Confused? Certainly! Still need to sell my G&L L2000 Tribute to fund it too.
  2. Skybone

    Zoom B3

    I agree, the amp sims are very usable. In theory, you should be able to use the DI Out straight to the desk (without the need for the PA DI box), and get a usable sound. Though I would spend some time in rehearsal plugged into the PA, tweaking your sound so it works. That's the whole reason I bought a B3, but I admit that I'm GAS-ing for an amp as well now! You could also plug it into your computer & install a recording package to see how it sounds "on record" so to speak.
  3. Was it just me, or did Mr Grubinger look more than a little bit demented? It was certainly a brave move for the interval piece, but a darn sight more interesting than more flaming singers.
  4. Skybone

    ACG NBD x 2

    Gah! Been drooling over the ACG website for a while, some darn fine looking basses (and guitars) on there. Nice basses btw. Enjoy.
  5. Was his name John Hall by any chance?
  6. How long do you all think it'll take for the OP to resist GAS for his next bass?
  7. Nudge & price drop. Now £325
  8. Don't mind whether it's vol/vol or vol/pan, it's having the choice that counts. Though I would choose vol/vol/3 way over vol/pan any day. It still amazes me, when you get a twin pickup bass that doesn't have either option in this day and age. Surely it makes more sense to have one or the other for the sake of versatility?
  9. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1432297928' post='2780151'] I can't imagine that bass sounding particularly out of place on anything. Or any other bass, for that matter. And why would you need a bass with a completely different 'feel'? I would question this advice. [/quote] "We dislike your choice of instrument, therefore, if you bring other instruments with you, you won't be too offended when we tell you that your instrument sounds like poo" OR "we are only able to get a good bass sound from specific basses, and yours isn't one of them"?
  10. An amp - potentially either a Fender Rumble 500, a GK MB212-ii or an Orange Terror Bass 500 combo, though this is subject to change without prior notice.
  11. Any of your mates/mates of mates got anything that they're willing to loan you for the recording session? Did this recommendation come from the studio? If so, then ask them if they have anything you can borrow (not hire, as it's their recommendation!). Change the strings on yours about a week before going into the studio, and get them "played in".
  12. And a one, and a two, and another bump.
  13. Most of these bands aren't "new", but they're definitely not getting the kind of exposure they should IMO... The Human Condition Unsilence IronVoid Arkham Witch Solstice 40 Watt Sun Iron Hearse Witchsorrow
  14. I blame "Rock School" from the 80's... their bass player used either a Thunder II or III (can't remember which).
  15. Having a long think about this one! My old Thunder 1A was a great bass, shouldn't have sold it.
  16. Maybe that's why places like Bass Direct & GBBL are doing so well.
  17. I assume that you'll be purchasing said new bass from a Musical Instrument Emporium? Try quite a few out before buying don't feel pressurised into buying anything, it's your money at the end of the day, spend it wisely. Don't look at spending all your budget, there's loads of great gear out there around £100-200. Look at Squire Jazz because you're used to them first, and work from there. Consider getting something like a Vox Stomplab, that you can use with headphones. Good luck!
  18. I'm hoping that their "retirement" is retirement from the long tours that they're known for. I'm hoping that they do come to the UK at some point in the not too distant future, and I'm also hoping that they continue to operate as a recording band, as Clockwork Angels was their best album in a long time. Best albums for a non-Rush fan? I' say that yo should try Clockwork Angels, Snakes & Arrows and Vapour Trails. Then work through the rest of the back catalogue if you like them.
  19. Price drop: £350 collected from the Highlands, £375 inc. UK postage
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