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Everything posted by Skybone

  1. It depends on whether it's a PEAK watt or a NOMINAL watt. Peak watts are with the amp at absolute maximum (everything on full), where Nominal watts is the amp's output before the signal starts to distort.
  2. Another vote for "keep the JV original". Could you afford a new bass? Why not look at a Squier P bass instead of the MIM, and you might have enough change left to get a replacement pickup to get that modern tone you're after, keep the JV for when you need that vintage tone.
  3. Nice to know there's another BC'er up in this part of the world. Welcome Neebs!
  4. Does it have to be a combo? Surely, if money were no object, something valve-driven & hand made would be high on the shopping list. Also of course, you would have the resources to try out pretty much any rig ever made.
  5. I avoid their website... cos every time I go on there, I come away [I][b]NEEDING[/b][/I] an Everson. Only used them once, and have to say that their customer care was great after I had some "issues". All got sorted out swiftly.
  6. [quote name='phil.c60' timestamp='1445520150' post='2892098']"Oh My Dear Lord what a sound."[/quote] Sounds like you answered your own question.
  7. [quote name='BassPimp66' timestamp='1356681721' post='1912278'] Jason Newsted / Metallica[/quote] Jason's recorded works, whilst he was in Metallica, were "buried" in the mix, he is, in fact a great bass player. If you listened to the three album he made with Voivod after he left Lars & Co., you [b]will[/b] hear some great bass work.
  8. Haven't tried the B1, but have a B3 and an MS60B. In truth, I haven't played with the MS60 too much, I bought it as a backup to the B3, and then my band disintegrated. I found the B3 to be both easy to set up and work with, and it sounds great through an amp or a PA. The MS60 took a bit longer to figure out, but still sounds good (basically replicated my fave B3 patches). I'd say get the B3 & expression pedal out of the three.
  9. I have an L2000 Tribute in the sunburst, it looks and plays brilliantly, but I just can't find "the sound" that I'm after. There again, I like Ric's & Faker's too much...
  10. Is it the same Martin Harrison that works at Electro Music Services in Doncaster? Resident luthier/guitar tech/vintage repairs/etc. Remember seeing a few of his guitars & basses on sale in there, gorgeous instruments.
  11. £350 budget? A cheap P or P/J bass A Zoom B3 A Zoom 9v PSU A couple of leads
  12. Tinnitus, check, both ears. Been using Elacin (now ACS) ER20's for years for music, found them to be comfortable and effective. Tried some similar 3M ones, attenuation was OK, but didn't fit as well as the ER20's, and the "stem" was too short. Used Howard Leight "Max" foam earplugs on the bike for years too (non-filtered, rated SNR 37), but then found some moulded "Christmas Tree" ones at SNR 35 by 3M, which don't need to be moulded before fitting, great for riding.
  13. As the Poll was bass specific, there's only 3 of them in my possession just now, & 1 of them is for sale. If we're including guitars, then there's another 4 to be taken into consideration. Why? 'Cos.
  14. Relax & enjoy. Try not to drink too much before you go on, 1 is ok, anymore might not be a great idea.
  15. The Zoom B3 & the Expression Pedal FP02. Great package & great sounds. Easy to edit patches. The only criticism is that the unit should have the option of having the Expression pedal built in (like the G3x/G5), as the separate pedal is a bit inconvenient. Other than that, it's a great piece of kit.
  16. Holy thread resurrection Batman! I still wouldn't swap my Faker's for anything else, other than a pukka Ric. As I definitely cannot afford 1, let alone 2 4003/1's, I can't see that happening any time soon.
  17. I expect that those links may end costing me dearly! Brilliant stuff, thanks for putting them up.
  18. In that case, "Bass Shopping Trip"!!!!! Convince the Boss, that you fancy a "City Break" somewhere interesting, and then when you're there just so happen to mention that there's a few guitar shops you'd like to visit while you're there. Likewise, where I live, there's only about 3 guitar shops in a 50 mile radius, and only 1 has anywhere near what you would call a half decent selection.
  19. Up until relatively recently, I was using my trusty old Line6 PODxt for both bass and guitar. In fact I bought and then sold both a Behringer Bass V-amp2 & a Bass PODxt, because the guitar version I already had sounded far better to my ears than the bass specific modellers. I then bought a Zoom B3 earlier this year, which sounds great.
  20. My wife wanted one of those 80's compilation CD's for Christmas one year. When she opened it, she was very happy, but was informed that she was unable to play it in my presence EVER. I hated 80's pop music, thank goodness there were plenty of other genre's that were producing great music & thank goodness for John Peel & Tommy Vance!
  21. Don't Mooer do a similarly tiny DI box too?
  22. Boutique vs Mass Produced? The big price difference on most Boutique gear is the labour cost. These things are made in countries which generally have high labour costs, by very skilled workers over a lot of man-hours using quality, and sometimes very specific or "unique" components. Costs add up to make a higher unit cost. Compare this to a mass produced item, designed by a highly skilled engineer, but then the manufacture is "outsourced" to a country where the labour costs are far lower. Add in mass produced, standardised components, all of which lead to a lower unit cost. It'll be that there economics again.
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