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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. That old stuff is new again. Even Madonna stuff is from before today's youff was born. Must be about ten years ago anything Beatles would get a huge rise out of the younger set at an open mic. I was house bassist, even with me only 'knowing how it goes, sorta, what's the key?''...1234... riot on the dancefloor. My 16 year old niece has a vinyl collection heavy on David Bowie and ELO. Go figure.
  2. Presume you are talking about the vintage SMX badboy? Iirc there's a button for for stereo / full range so I am thinking you need to send both L and R to PA. Good luck with that. An easier way would run the mono fx loop full range but use it to send to another DI.
  3. Eyetrometer suggests you have a excess truss rod tension engaged at that rate, or at least flat. Is there any relief?
  4. Not really. Mine is around 3mm at 12th fret. It will buzz a little if I dig in.
  5. There's two ways you could find the action acceptable at the 12th fret with it as pictured. 1, you like a metric buttload of action. Or 2, someone has given the truss rod a real workout already. I hope you are using the proper hex tools on it.
  6. The bridge pickup has plenty of room to go down, so lowering the maxed up saddles is a nobrainer first step. Get those in the ballpark before any other adjustments.
  7. Any too loud guitarist made to point his own cab at his own head will turn down voluntarily.
  8. Too loud is all relative. You could find yourself in the danger zone I mentioned in the first reply. This is when you turn up just a little more, and a little more, then a little more doesn't add any more volume but cooks the driver. Beware of volume creep over the course of gig or rehearsal.
  9. Any reason you couldn't turn the cab upside down? If I was you I would run a cord all the way across and around the cab, up and over and around a 2fer hanger doofer and back again. It won't go anywhere.
  10. I see what you're getting at but hopefully you misstated whatever Alex was saying. Any amp is fine so long as the cabinet isn't distorting or going so far into power compression that it burns up. I guess Alex slapped on a 500w ''safety'' limit out of desperation, knowing that your average '500'w amp these days is more like 250wRMS anyway.
  11. Very strange. Ordinarily a cab rated for 250w RMS would be clean, to whatever standard of small amount of allowed distortion, up to 250w of whatever standard signal applied. Sure you can run that amp into it. Just don't make it sound nasty and stop turning it up when it doesn't get any louder, turn it back down a bit!
  12. I like how your drummer responds with a little lilt when you turn around and groove with him.
  13. Dunno. Most likely, reading between the lines, it's probably something like 300w RMS into 8 ohm. It doesn't really matter if you are following the advice already given. Read it all again. My 250w Trace amp puts out 165w RMS into 8 ohms. No problem for it to beat up my Trace 1518 300w cab. By beat up I mean break it with low end wattage as opposed to burn the driver motor wiring. Transient peak output is 500w and it will do 16th note open E's all day. I would say the 600w rating on your Ashdown cab has to be 'program' power or some marketing device. I don't know what your amp can really do but I venture my Trace could smash it. Once more, ignore the ratings and use your ears.
  14. Fretless basses. My first bass came with flats so my first string change was the other way around. I have never thought to put flats on a fretted bass.
  15. If I was playing a bunch of weird tunings it might be handy for the nights I give my roady off ( all of them ). But just to tune up, like someone said already, a solution for a problem I never knew I had, still don't have, will never have.
  16. Thanks for saving me from clicking on it. My drummer cocked up the count off one too many times, too badly by far. A slow ballad came over as The Chipmunks version. He got a tablet with all the tempos loaded onto the setlist. Problem solved, but he still sometimes starts off 1, 2 and races 3 and 4.
  17. A cautionary tale, exact same kind of relying on ratings blows up cabinet: https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/461396-help-please-ampeg-portaflex-vs-rm-cab-can-someone-smell-burning/
  18. Full volume is often found well before cranking is achieved. Knob position is useless. Use your ears. If it doesn't get hardly any louder with the last twist it's a good sign you could be about to burn up the cab. Best to turn it down a little instead. If it's making nasty noises it's too loud already.
  19. It would be trivial to make something to hang over cab edge secured by a strap over the top to cab handle.
  20. I count that as entertainment! It would be the minimum standard when they would give polite applause, even better if they would recommend friends, ranging up to foot stomping cheering singing along and coming back with friends. Otherwise it's not going to garner any compliments, not entertaining, not going to go far.
  21. If I read it right this guy has been writing and wants someone to play the bass for a new studio album. There's any number of ways that could pan out. Only one way that works in your favour is if you are getting paid enough for the studio work that it is worth your while. If you count the working for hero factor as pay then the maths changes. I am pretty sure you don't need the old singer songwriter scams musos into writing and playing all the parts before touring the album with pickup band routine explained.
  22. Begs another question. ''What do you call an artist who isn't an entertainer?'' Nothing complimentary most of the time.
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