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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. The maths is simple if you apply the principles of ''similar triangles''. Nut separation Pickup " Bridge " p is nut to pickup distance b is pickup to bridge saddle distance. SIDE 1 is difference P-N yadadayada similar triangles: ( P-N )÷p = ( B-P )÷b Solve for B... B = P + ( P-N)÷p×b
  2. I did not know these details. Parties should have to register all experts about to be consulted or they will shotgun the field until they get the opinion they want. Something tells me there must be plenty of 'experts' who routinely find 'similarities' and collect their fee. The judge seems to have been much better informed on this one. <similarities don't cut it, case closed>.
  3. The SMX fx loop is not a loop in the usual way, it is a send parallel blend.
  4. I doubt many amateur orchestras require anything other than the DB. Play it how you like, no worries.
  5. Maybe, but remember that the spacing decreases over the distance to the pickup in the same ratio as the distance to the nut. Ie not an inconsiderable amount.
  6. The prices were converted to GBP from NZ distributor's retail prices including GST 15%. Maybe there's one of those for the UK?
  7. Most effects are much happier with guitar level signal. The amp fx loop is meant for line level units running off mains power. I have never had a problem running a pedal board right into the front of the amp where the bass would normally go straight in. The input gain usually winds up a bit lower.
  8. You'll have to spell out what you mean by that as it could easily mean something other than what you think it does. Can I go ahead and assume you want a gnarlier sound without a whole lot of extra volume when you stomp on it? You should put it in front of the amp.
  9. Ramp it up to 50 people in the room. @1/11 gives less than 1% chance of nobody having it. I'd say UK has what's called endemic Covid now.
  10. The probability of someone having it is 1- the probability of nobody having it. 1-(10/11)^⁴ = 32%
  11. It used to be fairly common that DI on amps was a perfunctory excuse for a DI that would indeed pop its clogs with phantom 18v applied. You should see your manual for the words 'phantom power' and 'protected' in the same sentence as 'DI'. In any case there's no reason his DI couldn't have been fed from your DI or your fx loop. I have always found no milage in pub size gigs having FOH for bass. The whole band has to be onboard with low volume everything or you wind up with a hot mess.
  12. I helped load in one of those cabs up the stairs, once. It would have gone through the wall at the bottom if it had gotten away from us. Imagine no speakers in a box but half full of concrete instead.
  13. The hardware builders suppliers have a mess of cheap waterproof tool cases but they look a bit nasty to go with.
  14. Max cases from Italy cheap as chips here MAX Cases - MAX235H105 - Internal Dimensions: 235 X 180 X 106 Mm. About 40GBP. Next size up about 55.
  15. It wasn't something as simple as changing the pickups from series to parallel?
  16. Alex is covering his end by insisting that the eventual tone is clean(ish). That way the speaker can't be easily overdriven as it would then not be clean. There is still a risk that someone could high pass the pish out of the signal and send that at max volume melting the drivers.
  17. Yet when a compressor is well engaged the overall volume RISES!!!!!!!!!
  18. Bugger. There was a thread not so long ago about a courier (DHL???) waylaying a Wal on its way to the US. It took heroic efforts from the, UK or EU I forget, sender, going up the chain of command a very long way and never taking their word for it that it was gondburger and eventually it was found and delivered. So keep at it.
  19. ... and a nice soft pick up near the neck would help, if it comes to it.
  20. One time exposure is relatively unlikely to result in immune system mayhem. You are one of the 95%, so far. I am one of the 5%. My system has settled down but it has taken over ten years. Trust me, nobody would go down that rabbit hole voluntarily.
  21. Have you not seen the ''air guitar, tonewood" YouTube?
  22. We've been round the bases on that alread. Rehashing it won't do any good.
  23. I expect the SCR does a fair mess of compression in doing its thing.
  24. Seems like nothing has sunk in from all the advice you got in your previous thread. You can use a 500w RMS or 1000w RMS or even a 2000w RMS. Any will work. All could blow up your cabs if you let them. Go back to your old thread and have another read.
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