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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. If you aren't certain you should knock off telling people to have at their cabs in future.
  2. So you weren't stretching the cab. What makes you so certain the OP or any other band isn't loud enough that a 115 is going to be pushed to the limit?
  3. Not joining dots here. No bent sheet metal to be seen, only compressed surround and gasket, and a creased cone.
  4. You keep saying that but it isn't true. People are playing at the bleeding edge every day. Some blow up their cabs way before they go deaf and some were wearing earplugs. The clever ones examine with plugs just how loud and low they can get before nasty noises happen with clean tones and are wary of distortion pedals hiding the sounds of cab complaining. It's not easy to hear the difference at high volume.
  5. If you give a closer look there is a definite creasing to the right side cone. It looks like 2 sets of damage. Something squidged the surrounds well and truly at some stage, like it was left face down on top of a hard rimmed box for a day or two. The grill got reinstalled. Cone creased at the point of the earlier damage. I think if it was mine I would get the reconing done before OE reconing parts are all gone.
  6. @agedhorse must have got distracted earlier today.
  7. Agedhorse will be along in a bit to tell if there's pukka recone kits for it. GB used a lot of special brew drivers in their cabs.
  8. Use steam infused with the blood of a virgin barmaid? Never heard of this witchcraft either. One would hope UPS told the seller where to go and he coughed for the replacements himself, having innocently failed to notice he had way overpowered his cab at some stage. Hats off to UPS for a change, for delivering a cab with no forklift fork holes.
  9. Yerp, 110w of bass would flap the best driver to bits. It's a guitar amp.
  10. Since learning to control my plucking in multiple ways some years back I have progressed to no longer thinking about it directly, and just do it.
  11. What happens to all the worn out bicycle chains in the UK?
  12. I guess if you can't find a free used bike chain that's the next best deal going. You could always go top down over the side with long screws or coach bolts.
  13. Something tells me we've on just begun on this thread.
  14. Gimme a spoke wheel any day if all else is equal. Hex keys get lost. Hex key holes round out in desperation with the wrong key. I reckon a spoke wheel should be almost immune to those issues.
  15. The letters and first two numbers dates and locates the modern Fenders. If they want more than that they better have a good reason, which they won't, so they can get stuffed.
  16. Hendrix would have been the Democratic candidate that beat Trump in 2020.
  17. Age and p'ing off all who would help shift the Leslie.
  18. If you understand that everything you do to one side of = you must do to the other, you've learned algebra. The rest is spotting which operations to apply to get down to B =.'Russian '. Less cunnng required than Quordle if you ask me. ( P-N )÷p = ( B-P )÷b Smash both sides with algebra until left with B and what is left on the other side is the calculation for B. multiply by b: ( P-N )÷p×b = ( B-P )÷b×b. ( P-N )÷p×b = B-P [anything divided by itself is 1, anything divided by 1 is itself] Add P ( P-N )÷p×b +P = B-P+P [- something + something = nothing] Rewiting B= P + ( P-N)÷p×b If they had called it 'Bob' instead of 'Algebra' maybe more people wouldn't have missed the bus.
  19. See the sketch above. Basic school leaver algebra steps. Plug measurements into calculator, job done. No strings nor Russian required. Bp is shorthand for B×p. ( I should really have done it B.p ) You can test your own basic algebra by working from other similar triangles to arrive at the same result for P=... Eg side pairs P-N, p and B-N,(p+b) Similar triangles are only different in the lengths of the sides. They are similar in that all the angles are the same. This makes the ratio of the side lengths the same also. Very handy. You may notice I drew it with a horizontal base. Extending the apex of the actual shape out to a triangle and working with half you will see none of the maths changes. Triangles, the most powerful maths in an unforgettable box, alongside circles. Put them together and add some calculus and you can just about get to the moon.
  20. Solving for P P×b - N×b = B×p - P×p P×(p+b) = B×p + N×b Pideal=(Bp + Nb)÷(p+b)
  21. Won't make a noise without a proper mic preamp in between.
  22. You should also try solving for the ideal pickup separation at the chosen placement with the existing bridge at the correct distance. If the difference between that and the current pickup is a couple of mm I wouldn't worry about changing bridges.
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