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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. That or Thomman didn't fill in the docs correctly, which would be unusual but if it can happen on the returns end it can happen on the sending end.
  2. Is what it's all about. Jim Marshall would never have got an audio lackie job in a TV production company.
  3. Even a regular guitar cable is way nicer to use when stored per A. I don't have ties though. What is this natural twist you speak of? Cables develop twisting from being incorrectly coiled.
  4. Outdoors, hunting and fishing type stores also carry deep cycle batteries. Figure on twice the capacity to avoid fully discharging as they last longer that way.
  5. I think it's more actual 'blah blah' as it's some weird cab design inside according to the blurb. The proper driver is 197USD plus shipping plus VAT when it lands but you might get it less for it being exported so no US state sales tax. I think I might have done the conversion the wrong way last night. Closer to 200 quid to your door? That's what I would do. There's a talkbass thread about using another Eminence 10 with a crossover and compression driver to get same enough sound but a lot of shagging around and probably cost same.
  6. Simple. Neutral means requires no external EQ to get to where you need to get with your cab. Clean means an absence of introduced distortion. Sterile means "I don't care for a clean sound I need some introduced distortion".
  7. No doubt. I guess the MC didn't introduce it properly or the couple weren't fussed about doing the whole 1st dance thing or it was a bunch of rednecks and that's how they do it in them thar parts.
  8. If your driver is toast you can get a drop in original replacement at no little expense from Golihurs in US. They are great at shipping but you're probably looking at 300 squid to your door after tax. Might as well get two as the last 13 in stock are all there are in the world.
  9. You can take the driver out and test it with a 9v battery on the the leads. It will either pop or just sit there. That's what I would do only because I am pretty confident from your description of how it went down that it's toast. Popping in a replacement is then the opposite of taking out the busted one. If it does pop you have some more investigating to do but I am betting it won't. If there is a jack panel you can take off that could be a better 1st move. Be on the lookout for burnt smells. It might save you from having to remove the driver if you find a lost connection.
  10. I am a firm believer in big name bands not taking gigs that are beneath them. Leaves more gigs for me.
  11. Were you wanting to diagnose / fix it yourself? There's not a lot you can do without taking to it with a screwdriver or two. By the same token there's not a lot more than that to having it up and running. You could save a fair amount on paying a shop if you're into that sort of thing.
  12. That's why you start off with a slow one for the B&G, then bring in the bangers.
  13. As 'bass faces' go that's actually a pretty poor effort! The aim is to look like the drummer just lost it in his shorts.
  14. Nix the plate and get a vinyl sticker cut. If it turns out you are a fretless fiend in waiting you can screw down the pick guard in a couple of years.
  15. Most likely you have toasted the driver. Possible loose connection. Optional recone / replace / reconnect. You might want to have a look at the crossover if it has one. Golden rule for getting loud: turn up until it's not hardly getting any louder and turn it back down a smidge. If that's not loud enough, tough. You can take out some low bass and try again but beware of it getting quieter all by itself. That means it's overheating, probably what you did.
  16. The older I get the more I come to accept that some people are outwardly perfectly normal, not serial killers, yet a bit misguided. It's okay.
  17. It's a maneuver for the cash strapped to be able to jump on some other time sensitive gas purchase they can't afford.
  18. An RCD is going to shut you down in the name of you not dying on stage. But then you are dying on stage, which is vastly preferable but not really a solution.
  19. A lot of times stuff really does go to Ebay. So I'd say it's really not working on you but who can count how many times it works on someone else?
  20. I combine all kinds of gear on the basis of what I can be bothered carting around and it all sounds pretty damn similar with some fx helping it along. I think sonic matching is a marketing invention to sell you an amp and a cab and a bass all at once.
  21. The 60hz harmonic is where it's at for low B meat. Cut below 60hz and your world will change. Note that the quintessential Ampeg 810 always had a good low E when it never got close to 41hz reproduction.
  22. A highpass filter will show you some B love. I very much doubt you are getting any fundamental of D.
  23. Bus stop right outside my house, be rude not to for gigs that don't go too late. I may start motorcycling again this summer when backline is available. Mostly use my car.
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