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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. There are pub gigs and PUB GIGS if you catch my drift. There is no average that will be all good for a PUB GIG. The Ashdown could easily be all you need. It could also be inadequate. A lot depends on whether you are joining a Big PA toting band or a Vocal PA toting band, or even a IEM toting band. You may have ideas of playing outside with no PA support and a loud guitar based band? You can pretty much forget about the Ashdown combo for that. It is very much horses for courses yada yada. All we really know is you have a four legged horse but we don't even know if it's steeplechase or gallops let alone track conditions.
  2. The professional standard I recall is 1.4V on a balanced connection, which would need 2.8V on a single leg unbalanced instrument cable feed to account for the 0v on the other leg. I only know from experience that the BDDI version of line is a fair bit less than what a power amp is expecting ie the full pro level. I cobbled up a grab and go rig out of PA and BDDI to do a last minute gig when my actual rig was locked up elsewhere. The output was only enough to make an a minimal amount of boom. The amp could have easily destroyed the cab if it had been fully driven! The way Blackstar word things you could almost expect it to work with any damn preamp pedal on the 1/4 and need Line on the XLR. But they are entirely coy about all of that so I wouldn't buy one without getting some good info.
  3. Looks like you might struggle to find one new anyway. Ask a seller what they powered it with. I found an Australian site saying you can use a Darkglass pre. Afaik those run on 9v so unlikely to put out much more than your Sansamp, if it is one with 'line' level option. When the description talks about passive input that is the speaker level input being driven from another amp and cutting out the onboard amp.
  4. If they were a little bit clever they could list just the Sansamp and offer the exotic stuff cheap to the buyer out of the back of the van.
  5. Farcebook is the goto place to fence stolen goods in fine plain sight. They may also be dumb enough to try pawning it. Having a police report is part of laying claim to it isn't it?
  6. There's a clue there that you will get your answer quicker from the sensitivity spec.
  7. Result also depends on Blackstar. If they did the same as GK did with their active bass expansion cabs you're SOL. Those require the hyperactive output of the matching GK combo extension output. I don't know of anything that will substitute. What's the input sensitivity spec of the cab amp? It will be very obvious from that if you have a chance. Later versions have quasi "Line Out" Level switch which has some oomph to it but not proper Line Level. So it's a definite maybe if a Sansamp can kick it. Sensitivity is the key.
  8. Jeebus. OP has two amps and two 4 ohm cabs. The solution is trivial and has been given three times. Only requires a spare 1/4 patch lead to link the amps fx send of the bass input amp to fx return of the slave amp. Now that's four times. Give it a blimin bone!
  9. I got a knock on the door only once. I was testing just how loud my amp would go and got a bit carried away. My bad. The neighbour's ADHD kid made fairly regular bumps and screams that carried so I guess we were even with my practice amp carrying now and then.
  10. Get ye to BC classifieds. With paying gigs some here would even let you pay it off.
  11. I played for almost a year solely through house rigs , if I was lucky, or the PA at open mics, when I only had a practice amp of my own. So I got a little bit of experience and out of the blue I get offered a gig that was paying some real money! So I had to make a decision on what I was going to spend my hard earned on, with a view to carrying on as a well paid bassist. Enter Messrs Trace and Elliot. They beat out Mr Marshall by virtue of a dealer driving to me. I was living way out in the sticks on contract. He demo'd the Trace and I was sold. < I only learned about Trace and Elliot being fictional characters that rolled well off the tongue many years later when the internet happened >
  12. I think something could be lost in translation here. Reading directly "they didn't need you<r awesome chops>". Perhaps the singer thought he was doing you a favour by releasing you to find a better band?
  13. Ime the line isn't fine at all. A bassline that is a bit different is nothing like the odd festival of unmemorable it has been my misfortune to witness.
  14. There's an echo in here. Job done. No need for any more gear.
  15. Without the white noise they could ask proper money for it. With the white noise it's a non starter for me. There's no excuse for a brand new amp that sits there hissing at you with nothing plugged in.
  16. I read he went around threatening the people who were badmouthing him for being a scamming so and so. So I will be quite happy to read of him getting the bash one day.
  17. Get off your high horse and acknowledge the rest of the world that often has no stage as such just a corner of the pub to set up in and play some tunes. You assumed a stage with FOH and monitors. Why does every hotshot assume everyone has monitors?
  18. You assume far too much. Way far too much. My amp fills the room just fine when it has to. Nobody has to bring anything to hear bass or make bass heard aside from me. I still cook on a fire when I feel like it too. Damn it tastes good. I made no assumption that IEM is only for big shows. It's just a fact of life that most small shows don't have them. That's because most of the small shows are played by people who might play a proper big stage twice a year or twice a decade. The best compliment I ever got was playing to a 200 seat theater. Soundman came up to me to tell me it was the best bass sound he ever heard. Do you seriously believe we should kit everyone with IEM when only bass, piano and singer is amplified? That's what you're saying!
  19. Actually you have to drive so you can stop in the clear distance you can see, within the speed limit and traction limits of the surface, with regard for intersections and other hazards. Any faster and you better have a much better reason than I like driving fast.
  20. You must never had heard the story of young Jimmy. His parents got him a bass and amp for his 16th birthday along with some lessons. After his first after school lesson his Mum asked 'what did you learn'. "I learned a quarter note riff on E" comes back Jimmy. Next week it's the riff on A. Following week Jimmy doesn't get home until midnight. Mum is beside herself. 'What the hell Jimmy where the f have you been?'. "We did the riff on B and a turnaround and I had a gig at the Dog'n'Duck".
  21. Your choice would leave you gigless in my backwater same as OP.
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