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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. A lot of tunes you will find the note for note bassline only properly grooves if the rhythm guitar cops it right on. Drums also. As soon as one of them wings it you can forget about note for note. Generally it takes the guitar player to get with the programme and then the drummer will fall in.
  2. Once upon a band jam both my feet left the ground simultaneously. There is no other way to describe it. I didn't jump, I was lifted up by the music. I can't fake that.
  3. The classifieds are all over the place on my Android regardless of ensuring it's set at newest first.
  4. The only organisations that get my (actual) birthdate are my bank, my doctor, and the government. Everyone else don't need to know, why even ask?
  5. Are there any Squiers worth counterfeiting?
  6. You could, ahem, scale it down and it would be very close.
  7. A couple of nifty Latinish pop tunes floating my bass boat of recent years.
  8. Challenge accepted. I have played a few weddings but I don't consider myself all that flash as your average wedding band bassist. Playing straight quarter notes perfectly is a lot harder than it sounds. Walking at the same time ramps it up some too. About 180BPM for me. It's right there on the chart! If I was to set to 220 I could probably mash it out leaving out the twiddly bits.
  9. Good idea so long as the level in the loop is manageable by the pedal.
  10. That'll work so long as 1 the aforementioned cone breakup isn't required. 2 the amp isn't one of the new breed with classD power stage tuned in breakup. Some cabs can be rewired to 16ohm to help out there but I wouldn't bet on it solving the neighbour problem because those amps are all 600 to 1000w afaik.
  11. Splitting something up implies an ongoing use for the resulting parts.
  12. Hopefully not going to cause an amp to melt:
  13. As an early morning brain exercise I am putting my non electrical third eye to work to build the chocolate block crossover. Through the fog I think it requires 4 screws each side?
  14. At that rate you should probably stick with 1 per fret and see if it improves. Fingers definitely gain sideways mobility with practice.
  15. Not following. 2nd pic looks like your middle finger is having trouble staying under the 2nd fret but the crooked ring finger is going gangbusters?
  16. I used to play violin. The rosin dust got on the violin and strings and had to be wiped off before putting it back in the case. The rosin dust that got on the carpet stayed there until the next vacuuming so I guess 99% of it is still stuck to the carpet? Pro players tend to live long lives so it can't be very toxic. My teacher had a little bottle of some expensive cleaning cream that would take off built up rosin without harming the finish. We only used it once to clean up my vintage inherited instrument that Grandad hadn't cleaned.
  17. Put the cab on top of the amp?
  18. Deluxe Sansamps do that. One advantage is you can have a different volume level set to go with the loop on in the patches. I used to run: 1 clean. 2 effected unity. 3 effected and boosted. The fx are separately toggleable on off but revert when the patches are changed. So a clean boost was also on tap. I still had an EQ because the Sansamp has a baked in mid cut that can't be fully eq'd back in with a cut to bass and treble.
  19. FOH is going to dump compression on you if they feel like it, whether you like it or not. My sound is already fairly compressed thanks to the BDDI set to overdrive when I dig in. I heard them riding my fader at the last gig so I guess they didn't compress it or couldn't compress it enough to catch up with our ability to play ppp as well as fff without shagging the tone.
  20. People who are 5'4'' always make it look like hard work when playing full size bass guitars.
  21. It's 30 years ago now. I would be blowing holes in it left and right if you gave me a job today.
  22. Those sorts of terrible is what my OP was about. One time I went to a fools on stools after work and the guitar player was retuning his standard tuning for every song. W T H! He would chang chang on the new root chord and it would be ''out of tune'' so he would 'retune' sorta, to sorta suit the new chords. My poor ears. Of course his saddles were all over the place. At the break I made him borrow a screwdriver from the barman and we fixed it. He was very grateful! Side note, every used bass I have gotten has needed intonating. I deduce far less bass players than ideal are aware.
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