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Everything posted by jacko

  1. All my suggestions have already been suggested although i will say that Outbound is probably the one I listen to most. i'll also say that I can't listen to Victor outside the Flecktones.
  2. On the subject of endorsements, Alembic state that they have never done endorsement deals and that every Alembic player has bought their own instrument. In fact, i think the only one they've given away was the dragon's breath they gave stanley in recognition of his having played their instruments for 30 years... [url="http://www.alembic.com/info/fc_dragonsbreath.html"]http://www.alembic.com/info/fc_dragonsbreath.html[/url] Also, most of their 'employees' are family members and they go out of their way to make their customers feel like one of the family too, especially when visting their modest workshops. I somehow can't see the director general of CBS offering me a cup of coffee if I was to turn up on his doorstep. As for looking like a wally if you turn up to a gig with one, since 1995 I've only ever taken alembics to gigs and haven't been ridiculed .. yet
  3. I'm currently loving my 2 mesa Powerhouse cabs but i'd choose the 212 over the 210 if i was only allowed one. It copes with everything I put through it and sounds great regardless of the head I'm using at any one time. (and it has wheels )
  4. Godsmack do a superb version of 'come together'. goes down a storm.
  5. Eden are stil producing the navigator WP100
  6. so not really a UK tour then? no Scotand, Wales or N.Ireland.
  7. Difficult to fiind anything online - I managed to pick up Vimana at the rekord shak in edinburgh about ten years ago. features percy jones on bass. there's a brief entry on wiki.. [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nova_(Italian_band"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nova_(Italian_band[/url])
  8. [quote name='Pinball' timestamp='1402404273' post='2473062'] aah yes along with some other bands like Tod Rungrun, Ronnie Wood and Led Zeppelin [/quote] I was disappointed that the New Barbarians had lost Stanley clarke as i'd travelled down from Blyth especialy to see him. Was kind of bizarre to see Zep dressed in suits.
  9. They're supporting the Quo in December. looking forward to it.
  10. I give mine to my brother who is a wood turner. he uses them (roundwounds) to get a nice burn line around his pieces.
  11. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1398686244' post='2436494'] Just so you're aware, Joel McIver is a member of BC and checks up on comments about BGM from time to time. [/quote] Given that it always seems to be the same complaints every time this subject comes up, maybe he's not that interested in our opinions cos nothing has changed in the way the mag is presented for years. International Musician was head and shoulders above just about every other magazine there's been since the 70's. Still have most of my collection and I revisit them from time to time. fascinatiing to see how much gear has changed and how many companies from back then have gone out of business.
  12. the hippy strangeness kicks off around 9pm. Weed and psychadelics optional.
  13. loved LA 2 years ago and would go back at the drop of a hat. theres the Mesa boogie store on sunset blvd and, if you like cars, head down to the Petersen Auto museum (not too far from the labrea tar pits). For a great night of relaxed music i'd recommend The baked Potato on cahuenga blvd heading up to the valley. If you like planning ahead see who's on at the Greek theater in griffith park and book a dine-and-drive. hire a car and head up laurel Canyon to soak in the sheer hippyness(visit the canyon country store), then carry on over the hills and head west. Watch the sun setting over the pacific.
  14. We'll be providing hours of free entertainment in the kingdom of Fife this weekend from around 9.30.
  15. I was diagnosed with CTS in 2011 and underwent surgery in my right (plucking) hand in nov 2011. By mid december 2011 I was back gigging and haven't had any problems since. The docs said my left (fretting) hand wasn't as bad so they'd leave it to see how I got on before operating on that one. I'm glad they left it as I was unable to put any weight on my right palm for at least 12 months following that op. As I said - plucking has been fine but I doubt if I'd have been able to put enough pressure on a fingerboard if it had been the other hand. The most painful thing for me was the conductor tests - seemed to me like the nurse was putting a zillion volts up my arms - she told me the student docs like to pllay with the equipment when they've had a few.
  16. jacko


    i have LaBella deep talkin flats on my kelly Dragonfly and I get a really nice 'near-upright' thump - they feel great too. For gigging, I have Daddario Chromes on my fretless alembic and absolutely love everything about them.
  17. See if you can get a repeat gig sometime between August 22nd and 31st (except the 24th - my nephew's wedding). i'd gladly come and offer my support. :-)
  18. Since leaving Big tuna last august I've been gigging with covers band "The Signs". loads of fun and a really talented bunch This saturday we'll be at O'Donnells (or the glenhead tavern as it's also known) in Duntocher. music starts around 10pm.
  19. just to add to the love (it is valentines day aftyer all) edinburgh GG brought in a selection of Mesa Boogie powerhouse cabs for me to mix and match . gave me the use of their listening room for over an hour and only disturbed me to bring a cup of coffee. The experience did cost me an awful lot though - I left with a 210 and a 212
  20. my slightly modified '78 USA precision. Stripped the tobacco sunburst when it got too chipped. Fitted a Schaller bridge and it already had the ricky bits when i bought it from my drummer's cousin sometime around 1981 or 82. . Works in stereo too :-) [attachment=154320:fenderbacker.jpg]
  21. I think it would take more than a lottery win V. I have 2 weddings to pay for in the next couple of years and I'm going to be needing a new car soon too so another instrument is not on the radar for a long time although I would like to fit in another trip to the States and especially the workshop sometime. Our extended family are some of the nicest people I've had the pleasure to meet. Mica was incredibly nice even though she knew I was only there to have a look round and pick up your blue box. Can't think of too many companies who'd treat their customers so well
  22. Surprised I've not posted on this thread up to now. Here's my babies having some fun in the garden...[attachment=153942:basses.jpg]
  23. I swap between fretted and fretless 5 strings - takes about 5 seconds from pressing the mute button. Try to arrange your set where you have a handful of each type so you're not switching every other song. Also as previously mentioned, guitar or drum intros give you a bit of breathing space.
  24. Anyone remember him at bass day a good few years ago? Incredible playing and a really nice guy into the bargain. Sometime after that we met some polish bassists at a Stanley Clarke gig at the Jazz cafe and they weren't that enamoured with mr P at all. Seems everyone has their own taste. i liked him
  25. First off, I'll stick my hand up and admit that, although I've been a huge fan since the early 70's, some of the later stuff (e.g. brutal planet) I find to be too far away from his usual stuff and not to my taste. His live shows on the other hand a brilliant - great music, always great musicians and above all else ... FUN! Dennis Dunaway was one of my earliest influences alongside Squire and Entwhistle. His bass lines are always melodic and inventive - unusual considering the era they come from. Check out Gutter cat vs the Jets for a masterclass in double stopping. The aforementioned Halo of Flies should be on most bass players 'to learn' list.
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