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Everything posted by PaulThePlug

  1. Yes and No... Some do, which is some times handy, some are glued and don't... Often Split P covers are over wide at the ears, and the pup bobbin can fit in a smaller cover... if it isn't glued in! So Foam underneath gives the pressure to keep the pup bobbin in the cover... then screws 'n springs to adjust...
  2. Maybe the Basschat Admin could drop Rob 'Status' a line with a link showing the love for his work...
  3. Rewind - Craig David. (Shoot me now!) Bo Selecta!
  4. More Really Hammerdin than Reggie Hamilton
  5. Ian Dury - Hold on to your Structure... DVD from Hammersmith Odeon '85. Norm is weilding an Alembic...
  6. Gonna have some Ini Kamoze... Shockin' Out..
  7. AutoCAD for Drawing, and CADStar for Schematics and PCB Layout circa 1989 - 1990s... DOS Days... Word Perfect and Lotus 123...
  8. Deirdre Cartwright... Girlschool / Tour de Force...
  9. I think you answered your own question... Alnico it is then... £22.90 free Delivery from Vanson Guitars... Amazon cheaper than the bay... Wilkinson WPB Premium Range AlNiCo V Bass Pickups for 'PB' type Guitars, Precision Bass https://amzn.eu/d/iZ12HZL I've got a PJ set of Entwistle Ceramic Pickups on their way...
  10. From looking at other pics on the net, and being put in a squier... back of the pickup having a bar magnet i'd say ceramic... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-Wilkinson-M-series-WOPB-Bass-Humbucker-Pickup-for-PB-type-guitars-Precision-/112261429296?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0 I think the Alnico's have magnetic poles https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-Wilkinson-WPB-AlNiCo-V-Bass-Pickups-for-PB-type-guitars-Precision-/112531501958?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  11. If ya look in the mirror' and say his name backwards 3 times... @neilmurraybass may appear!..
  12. They look the same to me... I'd take em out and see if there is a sticker with the model on the underneath... They might be ceramics...
  13. I don't think each half are Stacked... I think they are conventionaly wound with the Humbucking Effect from each half being wound in an opposite direction... I think the price difference is in the more expensive Alnico v's the cheaper Ceramic Magnets. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.northwestguitars.co.uk/amp/wilkinson-pickup-shop/ Some Jazz pickups are wound 'stacked' to reduce the hum associated with a single coil
  14. NOTE: I think the Firmware can be updated / changed with that of the B1 Four... for all the Bass Effects and Patches... and the G1 Four is black!
  15. Banana Split (The Tra La La Song) - The Dickies
  16. Tim Allen @ gig ink... Skin It for a pro look but maybe pricy... If its a simple-ish logo, single colour - or individual bits made up of different colours? - I've had a few custom stickers made by Omni Vinyl on the bay... very helpful and nothing to loose for around a Fiver...
  17. did ya offer to sort it out while you were there?... either needs a shim - or there are no screws holding the neck on, relying on the overhang chocked on the plate! and maye a drop of lemon oil or Hi Karate! Poor P... Basschat - Never Puts a Bass Down...
  18. From the vid... i thought they were on about a Jumper...
  19. If you liked your Harley B Jazz... how a bout an HB Enhanced MP or MJ?
  20. Beautiful People - If 60s were 90s (Sampled 'n Looped Hendrix with Drum 'n Bass... If ya not heard give it a go...)
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