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Everything posted by PaulThePlug

  1. Proper people will be along soon... from a novice, i would say if you can lift the edge up with say a fine blade, then get in some warmed pva wood glue... bottle in a bowl od warm water... to help it flow... from both sides, and down from opened end... then bind till the glue dries. Might be a bit of residue to sand down... depending on the rest of the neck laquer and plans, maybe clear nail varnish to stop any lift and splinters?
  2. Rule #1 in design... Form Follows Function... Rule #2 in design... Learn from your mistakes... Ruld #3 in design... Enjoy what you do...
  3. Alan Parsons Project - Stereotomy and I Robot... 1977 blimey!
  4. Nice... and the subtleties of Paul Rudolph... Astounding Sounds...
  5. IIRC... If I Remember Correctly...
  6. Will the pickups need to be sunk in to the body lower than the raised center? If so the raised centre would look like a ramp... with a slight radius on each corner... and the mounting screws won't be 'edging'... Nice... Neck pocket, how much difference? can't a little be taken off each side and the neck pocket made the correct width that way. especially if length needs to be changed for scale length. 3 n 2 on a fender-esque headstock... rather than ya typical 4 n 1 interesting. Colour or Stain? Standard Style scratch plate, none or something else? Whole length to include the V n T controls?
  7. I wonder how much post production has been done on the sound? If ya got the money, a pro or otherwise, it's £500 for a distortion pedal...
  8. The Darker blue on the headstock wings on the blue burst is nice, and way darker than the body edges... wonder if the back is the dark colour. Glo's look a lot subtler than the Bursts in transition and more appealing.... Then again? dark stage, under lights 'n dry ice - them were the days...
  9. Fate telling ya to keep it wood... Danish?
  10. I'm itching about a pb-50... Re-do the headstock. Would need to loose the EDA900 first.
  11. @Useless amateur Have some Karma Points there fella. Nice gesture.
  12. Some stand out finishes on some of this lot... from Wood to Wowzer!... ^^^ and well above the price point...
  13. SR600 & EDA900... The GSR200 is out of shot, sulking...
  14. Nice and interesting intro... but i'm sure you know the rules... Pictures (or pictures of pictures if need be...) or it didnt happen! lets see 'em... specially the old and home grown... Take at a look at the build diaries... ya never know? Edit: Just googled Harmony H49... more knobs than a boy band!
  15. Headstock front and back, and back of body pics may help a bit... I think you have covered some important points... A hand me down from ya Dad, and a good player... Nice hazy anodized looking Blue enjoy.
  16. Love the Rick Bass shape... Iconic... Never even held one. (Don't really like their guitar shapes, look overly fussey) But to me that blue burst makes it look like a cheap toy... too bright i think. Natural Wood, or a Classic Plain Black or White for me... Style v's Fashion.
  17. Could it be that the Bartolini Mk1 are a 'Reverse P Split Coil' in a soap bar, as fitted to the likes of my SR600, are being compared with a Bartolini Humbucker soap bar? Apples 'n Oranges
  18. Bourns? but check the mounting bush dia. replaced the blend pot on the SR for a MN, had to open the hole up a little...
  19. Professional Music Technology https://www.pmtonline.co.uk/?gclid=CjwKCAiAn7L-BRBbEiwAl9UtkJWCxaFB9Za3SbyswHqdIFkYazPQz2BqzSePBZpoMHXdkt5_gHHEVBoCap0QAvD_BwE
  20. Used to love it when Weekend World used to come on the telly on a Sunday 'afters back in the late '70's 80's
  21. Nice... I voted clear, and so did a few others... What do you think Yorks5? Happy with the look? Noting the Carbon neck 'n headstock, if it were a 'modern normal P body' and usuall pickguard would of suggested a Carbon or Carbon Wrap.
  22. Subtle n simple... Nice Initial familiarity of the pickup and pickguard to the eye... Then the 'Tele' difference to the body. Bit like when reverse headstocks started making an apperance. You going reversed Tele-stock?
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