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Everything posted by largo

  1. Bugga! I just got an enquiry for my cabs but needed the 2 as replacements. Ah well, good luck with the sale & have a free bump.
  2. Surely this is what insurance is for? If you gig as much as you say, then I'd have a backup bass & amp at least kicking around anyway.
  3. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1386777291' post='2304391'] 15 years ago I used a peavey 4x10 + 1x15 stack. Today I can get the same power/depth/grunt/whatever from one 15/12 inch speaker in a small light cab, its called progress [/quote] Nah, I don't believe you....
  4. Is "loud" & "shifting air" the same thing? I just rehearsed with an Ampeg SVT 350 & 8x10 cab and that wasn't overly loud but I could feel the bass as well as hear it. I'm still dubious if 2 x 12" BF Compacts could do similar. Call me old skool!
  5. My number one bass isn't even mine, it's my Dad's '73 Precision. Bought new and the only bass he's ever owned since then. It's beat up, has an old leather strap and must have at least 4,000 gigs under it's belt. I learned to play on it and my Dad still has it sitting in his little studio.
  6. If you're going to shell out that sort of money on a bass then I would suggest a hundred quid to get a train or driving to wherever you can try a Fodera is worth the money.
  7. [quote name='lefrash' timestamp='1382554464' post='2253645'] Absolutely loved that. 'Murdering a classic' is a ridiculous thing to say. Its different, but certainly not ruining it! [/quote] That's what's great about music, we can all have different views & opinions. In my opinion, they've reworked a classic pop song and it's not anywhere as good not even by half. Others may prefer this version.
  8. An example of very talented musicians murdering a classic, imo....
  9. [quote name='shizznit' timestamp='1382108507' post='2248145'] I understand that Jon runs his business more or less on his own and has to juggle a lot of things that don't involve building instruments. The guy is incredible and I have a huge amount of respect for him and for what he does just to make a few quid. I have read a couple of comments on BC slating Jon, but I can assure you he is very committed to his craft and to his customers. I will defend him to the hilt. You would not believe what this guy has to do to build you a very high quality instrument. [/quote] [quote] Hands down, I would give Jon my business again. When I picked up my bass for the first time I could instantly tell that a lot of skill and emotion went in to that instrument. I feels special...I can't really put it any other way. You can't put any price on that. I would have waited 24 months for it to be honest if I knew it was going to be that good. But, Jon really understood me as a musician and what I wanted. I am so pleased with the bass. [/quote] I couldn't have said this better myself....
  10. I said I knew the reason, completely appreciate where Alex is coming from but just have a different opinion. IMO, the type of speakers/amp/effects/tone my guitarist uses probably affects what I hear coming from my own cab more than a grill over a side port. Using the same anology, just imagine the British Army buying tanks where a large portion of the engine was left unprotected just so the gun could be a little more powerful.
  11. Is the new 3G finished in Black Gloss Hammerite? I know the reasons, but I still wish Alex would put the grill over the port as well. It would just finish it, in my opinion.
  12. Sorry to hijack this post, but check out my new bass at [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/217034-lightweight-shuker-pj5-just-arrived/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/217034-lightweight-shuker-pj5-just-arrived/[/url] Save yourself the hassle, get a custom build and you'll not want another bass again.
  13. Well folks, it's been almost 10 months in the building but it's finally arrived. My new "lightweight" Shuker PJ5 Bass Sorry there hasn't been many, if any build pictures but being honest I only got a few from Jon despite asking. I appreciate he's a busy man and wasn't going to hassle him too much if it meant I got my . It's taken slightly longer as Jon Shuker had Mr JJ Burnel asking for a lightweight bass and so mine went on hold while this was done. What it did mean was, Jon then rebuilt the body on mine to match the lightweight JJB build technique. Shuker PJ5 configuration *lightweight model* weighs in at around 7 1/2 lbs (not bad for a 5-string Jazz) 34" scale Set neck construction Sonic Blue Finish with matching headstock Mint green scratch plate, although he's also given me a tort & pearl one too because he thought it might look good! Rosewood Board with MOP inlays Flamed maple neck with vintage tint UV neck leds Nordstrand PJ5 pickups Vol + Blend + Tone with pull switch for leds I never yet met Jon during this build process (all phone calls and emails) and yet it's exactly what I was after in terms of looks & tone. Build quality is exceptional too. And did I say it's lightweight !!!! Here's a few pics, just to prove I actually have this. [url="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17309777/Shuker%20PJ5%20Bass/Photo%2014-09-2013%2011%2048%2021.jpg"]https://dl.dropboxus...1%2048%2021.jpg[/url] [url="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17309777/Shuker%20PJ5%20Bass/Photo%2014-09-2013%2011%2048%2057.jpg"]https://dl.dropboxus...1%2048%2057.jpg[/url] [url="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17309777/Shuker%20PJ5%20Bass/Photo%2014-09-2013%2011%2049%2012.jpg"]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17309777/Shuker%20PJ5%20Bass/Photo%2014-09-2013%2011%2049%2012.jpg[/url] Just had to share.
  14. For a "live" cab I'd say Schroeder and I have owned a few cabs including a Barefaced Compact. Seemed to sit better in the band mix for me and was bomb proof. I've never used one but the Barefaced Super 12T does look like a great cab too but not as small & compact as the Schroeder 1212L. For a one cab solution that's lightweight but not ultra-lightweight (still a one man carry) I'd suggest a a Schroeder 410L.
  15. I'm surpised Jamiroquai are playing gigs small enough that you hear the backline, surely it's all DI and front of house.
  16. Where was Wizard Pickups based, out of curiosity?
  17. I tend to search on ebay using the "Sold" filter and then price what I'm selling at the same, or slightly under what people seem happy to pay.
  18. [quote name='barkin' timestamp='1377093937' post='2183263'] I'd have thought that if you don't like the sound of the cab, adding another would just give more of a sound that you don't like. Sell the cab - get something that you do like. [/quote] I don't like the sound I get using one of my GK Neo 12 (too weak and not shifting enough air) but using both together I do.
  19. I still don't really know why people say cabs/amps don't sit in the mix properly or have certain tones. While an amp & cab can colour the tone I find that most modern EQ sections in amps can change the sound quite considerably. Anyway, if I was you I would go down the "different cab" route, I think what you miss is the "trouser flapping" feeling from the cab and you won't get that from a 2x10. Even my 2x12" doesn't feel like it shifts air like my old 4x10 used to. There's nothing wrong with the GK cabs or Markbass amps, so I'd follow the others and say get another GK Neo 210, so long as your existing is an 8 ohm cab.
  20. There's a lovely looking Sandberg on the Bassdirect "Second Hand" page just now, http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Sandberg_TM5_PBY.html
  21. I have a bass ordered with Jon since October last year and starting to wonder when I'll get it, sometime soon I hope! Are you saying yours has now taken a year and a half? How does the guy make money?
  22. Can only agree, it's a very good video and brings out the personalities of the band. Just out or curiosity, how much does something like that cost you. Constructively, I'd like to have seen more "live" shots i.e. the audience enjoying themselves too, but fantastic nonetheless.
  23. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1373822188' post='2141961'] I can't believe how some people have to crap on anything anyone presents here. Like it. Critique it. Or move on. They have to find SOMETHING to put down, I guess so they can feel better about themselves. There's no need to post Victor Wooton doing something similar. There's no need to comment on the fact that you don't like "that particular type of thing." It's like being a guest in someone's home and criticizing the food and drink they offer you. Be a little f*cking gracious. Geez, how petty. And I see it here A LOT. [/quote] It's todays society, where everyone seems to seek acceptance by posting their "life" on the t'interweb. If this guys prepared to put himself out there on the public domain, i.e. video himself and put it on Youtube then he has to be prepared for the bad as well as the good. He seems a decent player but I'm one of those in the "that did nothing for me" camp.
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