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Everything posted by Elfrasho

  1. That's ashame. Post a photo if you can be arsed il compare them to mine to see if they're fake or not
  2. I used to have one of these. Brilliant bass. Loved the neck.
  3. Just embrace it! The space is one of the characteristics of a 3 piece and isn't necessarily a negative! Nice bit of dynamics and actually it sometimes helps the tightness of bass and drums punch through which in itself adds a new layer to the sound! Especially in pubs where the sound isn't necessarily great!
  4. Some basses just look like a dream to play. Tgis is one of them. That woodwork!
  5. A USA Jazz. Bought one 2nd hand black on black with maple neck. Sold it within a few months, it was just not quite right!
  6. I've been lucky to play in some 2k-3k venues and I soon learnt that my 1x15 cab was pretty much pointless once you factor in the monitors and side fill cabs. So. I'd bring nothing!
  7. I tried the mezzo in merchant City music, pre covid so I'm sure they'll still have them when you come to Glasgow. It was a nice bass but just felt the body was too small for me. I still want something that feels substantial but just was easier on my fingers! I got a acg single cut so the body still feels like a proper big bit of wood. My 33" is the bachhuss 33". Think they are 650 brand new and not one if their premium lines. Again, the body feels substantial.
  8. Definitely consider medium scale. I've got a 31.5" and it still maintains the look and feel of a 'proper' bass but is outrageously easy to play. I've also got a 33", and even that makes life alot easier! The only downside to medium scale is there's not a massive selection if you're in the budget end of the market.
  9. I'd say oasis. In fact most of that era indie rock. I was in my teens at this point and I was into Steve vai and Mr Big, so oasis just want fir me. Fast forward 20 years and I've got many of their albums and really enjoy them! Probably says more about my attitude when I was younger more than now
  10. I moved up to 5 and the svt pack I had in 4 was directly available on 5. Sounds great but I do think there's a noticeable delay in opening it up, which is annoying. But once it's up its very nice!
  11. Aye, I'd be keen to hear your thoughts too. Mine are still going strong.. With Almost daily use and abuse. They sound lovely for bass practice and general purpose, however I've actually recently been considering changing them for something with a more flat response for audio work. 16 quid though is a no brainer!
  12. As long as there's no transport issues then its a nobrainer taking a spare. Don't get me wrong, I've only started doing it in the past 5 years or so, as I've now moved more into wedding gig scene where I'll almost always be driving so sticking an extra bag in the boot is no trouble, but I'll definitely be taking a spare in the future for any pub gigs I'll be doing. Not worth the risk in my opinion. I've had electronics issues just appear overnight on basses randomly, so who's to say it won't happen mid gig.
  13. Both sound great. But as others said, I think it's more down to other factors like strings, and plucking position.
  14. And again, amazing how noisy the file is considering it's new (ish) music!
  15. Not sure you can tell if it's one take or not from that? Could easily be either in my opinion. This should also be shown to every wedding band bass player out there to show them what the main riff is.. It diesnt just go straight from d to g.. It flicks off the f onto the g!
  16. Aye, these always make the big name pros sound like mere mortals in my opinion! Love it! @Bart Funk Bass cheers for doing these, I know you've posted a lot of them recently! Very useful!
  17. that is brilliant! Welcome to the ACG club (if you weren't already)
  18. Who doesn't like to own nice things? As long as you can afford it and you've got space, why not! The other way to look at it, if you buy 2nd hand, you'll not be losing money - especially if the basses aren't getting battered from gigging etc! As an aside, I look back and cringe over the years I did some quite massive gigs with no back up bass. Literally one loose wire away from a disaster! From about 2017 onwards, I've always carried a backup. Not worth the risk.
  19. I learn almost everything by ear so 99% it's a close approximation rather than an accurate reproduction! Don't get me wrong, some things need learned note for note, but most things don't. Different in a tribute band, but that's not a route I've gone down! Funnily enough, over the years I've found myself crack out the main slap bit from pow - Graham Central Station when I'm noodling away in the house . Pretty easy when you break it down. Turns out I've been playing it wrong the whole time and I've played it so often wrong there's not a chance I'll ever be able to play it right now!
  20. Generally I find, if there's a sound engineer thdn they tend to do both. Probably because they have a bit of pride in getting the best sound-especially if it's an in-house pa and they've got time for micing. If its a gig where the sound is getting sorted by a member of the band, at the same time as setting their own gear, setting up pa, then normally it's just Di. There's just no real benefit in mixing the 2 lines unless someone out front can mix and get the mix right.
  21. Dream theater perhaps? 1st album really quite stinky poo with a stinky poo singer although admitidly some of the tunes to this day still get played live... 2nd album 'images and words'. Change of singer, highly polished production, and every tune is a stonker. If album 2 was to the standard if album 1, they wouldn't have lasted long.
  22. I must say, I struggled abut with my acg pre for the first wee while too. Not ensure what I have but it's bass mid(sweepable) high with a pull pot for ultra high. In fact, I found its output was actually clipping the input of my b3n. But persevering with it is the best advice I can give. You'll get used to it, and you'll find the little settings you like. I find I tend to roll off a tiny bit if bass and push low mids. Or sometimes I go the complete opposite.. Push bass and treble and remove the mids! Very powerful!
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