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Everything posted by ezbass

  1. Obviously derived from their experience of producing a faker 12 string and getting away with it (one of the guitar players in my band uses one).
  2. Grolsch rubber washers. Free beer with every strap lock.
  3. Perhaps we might see a slew of new, US boutique builders.
  4. ezbass


    Quality post, quality result for you patience. May the three of you be very happy.
  5. For my tastes, it’s mainly: EQ pretty much flat (perhaps a little low end cut), gain set to just under clipping and master to suit room/stage.
  6. You are correct. However, it is at whatever their is rate and not on top of the quoted price. Then again, I suppose, we’ll be able to buy them without their VAT and have whatever our rate will be at the time added on.
  7. Just as we're about to become liable for import duty and VAT from Germany. GAH!
  8. The walnut bodied ones are lighter than the maple. Glo is just a Ric word for ‘burst AFAIK, except Jetglo which is all black (go figure). They’re passive and the newer ones have a capacitor on a push/pull to give a vintage Ric tone.
  9. Nothing Ever Happens - Del Amitri. Seems terribly appropriate these days.
  10. Which is why he is so opposed to the secondhand market. It’s nowt to do with fakery, that’s just a smokescreen.
  11. After the journey you've had with it so far, you've got to keep it for a while at least.
  12. Nice purchase, you won't be sorry. I didn't chime in as I'm a PB300 powered cab and Flightcase top user, but the description of the sound of your new cab sounds remarkably similar to my own experience (not surprising really). I'm a bit of a Phil Jones fanboy, but I can honestly say my current rig is the best sounding bass setup I've ever had. Really precise, without being sterile (it certainly showed up some of my technique shortcomings when I first had it, now corrected) and requiring very little in the way of EQ. Really good for FX too (I have my rig emulate an SVT for certain gigs via a Tech2 VTDI). Enjoy.
  13. 12 replies and no one has posted this emoji? Surely BC is slipping. Let me rectify the situation...
  14. That white, right there looks the biz.
  15. That picture is rubbish, Dan. The most important bits are out of focus! 🤣🤣🤣 Congrats on the gig.
  16. Ernie Ball Colbalt Flatwounds, I have them on all my basses except one.
  17. Makes a change from too much drums
  18. The thick polyester finish on the normal models can restrict the resonance of the wood, although not always. But if a difference is heard in the bass acoustically, then this could certainly be a contributing factor.
  19. Never rethink surf green, unless it’s for sea foam green
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