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Everything posted by T-Bay

  1. Or perhaps he doesn't like the bass player and is being sarcastic saying 'love the E, fat'.
  2. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1500321343' post='3336957'] With the price of "old" TE gear why not pick up a 130/200w head and use it with your 2x12? You know what you're getting and how to set it up to your liking. You could probably find a good TE head for under £200. [/quote] Oddly enough that is exactly what I am in the process of doing, I am waiting to hear back from a guy on eBay with a decent head for sale. May also save up for some lighter weight kit at a later date but for now it seems the easiest way forward.
  3. Nothing on Schpock at the moment but I will keep an eye out as usually have a nose through all the bass stuff on there anyway.
  4. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1500308232' post='3336832'] 25,000... ... hopefully one day there will be another as good as the finding of the waistcoat wearing conservatory lunging Trace Elliot guy. [/quote] This post seriously needs a link in it.
  5. I have one, I may be biased but I think it's the best one due to having a sensible bridge (love the Gibson sound, hate the stupid bridge on stand at T birds). I looked long and hard at prices before buying my scruffy one and £500 seems very low, I would say the amount it went (or didn't go) for was about fair, but that depends on the neck - as mentioned that action is mighty high.
  6. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1500260366' post='3336507'] My tone comes from my fingers my style of playing, not an amp or bass. On a good night it great on a bad night, not so good. Blue [/quote] Partly but if I stick you with a Stagg with an action as high as Mt Rushmore through the Peavey practice amp we have at work that sounds like wasps trapped in a tin you won't get the same tone. You are right that your fingers are critical to it but you need kit that will allow that to show through.
  7. What is the compressor like on it?
  8. Just had a look and they are seriously cheap. Are they the same as the RS Jazz but without the silk winding?
  9. Forgot to say they are nickel so the rorobass sounds like a good shout.
  10. My recently acquired Gibson came with a new set of strings and I am more than happy with the sound so want to get a spare set. The seller has not replied to requests for info so I am trying to ID them. They are roundwound. There are no visible cotton/ silk/ windings and the ball ends are red, blue, white and red E-G. I think they are rotosounds but would be interested to know which type. Is there any way of finding out?
  11. Bought some of the Doc pro generic ones and not overly impressed as wanted some to sit in the outer ear (used acs generic for years). I think I need to bite the bullet and go for custom ones but suffer from nausea/ motion sickness due to medication that can start if I use traditional earplugs. Do the acs custom ones put much pressure on the ear canal? How much do you feel them in there?
  12. Hynoptic straps are a third of those prices and very comfortable, they do a lot of padded Ines including a 4" variant. I have four now of different designs and quality is the match of any I have seen irrespective of price.
  13. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1500155871' post='3336016'] Because then the owner would get the $20.00 and the employee would get nothing except their $2.00 an hour wage. Blue [/quote] And that's why your system is broken. The average gets done over every day. The inequality here is terrible but nothing compared to America. But that's a whole other thread! I presume it's similar when you play and you rely on the tips?
  14. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1500147574' post='3335952'] Tipping, yeah it's really accepted in the States. I found out from a friend that use to cut hair where I get my hair cut, they get pissed if you don't tip at least $5.00 for a $15.00 haircut. Igrtit and I'm cool with it, I know the corporate hourly wage there is a joke. Blue [/quote] Then why not charge $20? And they wonder why some people find the world complicated ;-) the difference I find is that in the states it's expected, over here it is still for good service. It shouldn't be just a way of bosses paying poor wages as seems to be the case in some parts of the states. I don't tip just for turning up but if I get good service I will leave a good tip. My brother lives in North Carolina and we have travelled around a fair bit on visits and there is a massive variance. We left a good tip in a diner in the back end of Arizona and the waitress came out after us to say thanks, in New York they would come out if it wasn't enough!
  15. It's worth doing if you have decent wire to replace it with.
  16. I don't know the Peavey so can't comment on which pots to go for but it sounds right. It is an easy job, just take your time to get all the solder joints nice and I would suggest swapping out one component at a time. If you can get the whole setup out onto a table it will easier still. It's very much within the abilities of even a beginner.
  17. To be fair it is a bit pop for our set but I thought we had punked it up enough to work.
  18. [quote name='kevvo66' timestamp='1500113435' post='3335684'] Just wing it m8 , it's not the greatest bass line so I use to spice it up with some fills to fill the song out a bit but I like to spice things up a bit but don't get me started on that one has I like to put guitarists in their place , ha ha ,good song tho [/quote] After fiddling about with a load and getting something I enjoyed playing that didn't bore me to tears, we dropped it........ Guitarists weren't happy with how it sounded and with a longer than usual gig coming up we had to focus on stuff we could stick together quickly. I was happy with anyway and couldn't see the issue but there you go.
  19. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1500112858' post='3335674'] UK Tour on the cards Blue Dave [/quote] He did say he would like to, it would only be polite for us to help out :-)
  20. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1500108166' post='3335636'] I think most of us here can sense and feel when we have engaged a crowd, be it large festival or small bar. I didn't feel it. Blue [/quote] That may be support act syndrome though, I have seen some brilliant support acts where the majority of the crowd just don't even bother listening because it isn't who they came to see so the support act just don't get the atmosphere no matter what they do. It's sad when people are so blinkered. Some of my favourite bands are ones I saw as supports acts first. And if you ever wanted to come over here I am sure that between us all on BC we could get you a good few gigs. I know a few places locally who I am sure would have you play.
  21. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1500107356' post='3335624'] It was a very cool slot and hard to get. To answer your question, I indicated I didn't think we were very good. I think there are bands more deserving of that kind of gig than us. Blue [/quote] Did the punters enjoy your bit? If the answer is yes, then coupled with your reply you have the answer. The whole performance is much more than a sum of its parts.
  22. Confidence is a weird one though, I don't suffer nerves particularly, in fact barely at all and never have. I know a guy who is a truly truly amazing musician of the rare gifted variety. He rarely plays in public because he suffers from horrendous nerves before any performance which ruin his enjoyment. I find it tragic that someone so brilliant has this one thing that prevents him being able to do what he enjoys most. He works in music every day and it pays his bills but he would love to be able to cure his nerves. I have always taken the attitude to everything in life that you do your best and who cares what others think, I know he is very self conscious and terrified of making mistakes which no one else would even notice.
  23. Slight curveball but what about a zoom b3? You can use as an amp emulator and have the other effects as well.
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