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Everything posted by T-Bay

  1. T-Bay

    Pedal Board Blues

    [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1505221084' post='3370314'] you perceive bass differently at different volume levels. It's important to set your pedals plugged into your amp, turned up to gigging volume [/quote] This^^^^ I near drove myself crazy trying to get a decent sound that stayed the same when I turned up for a gig. I live in a semi detached house so am conscious of noise levels. What sounds perfect at practice volume is totally different once I cranked the volume up. I tried headphones and they were different again. In the end I just get an 'about' setting and then dial it in when I get to the venue. Perhaps I will get better at this with more practice but every one I have done so far has needed slightly different tweaks. Especially outside v inside.
  2. T-Bay


    [quote name='dyerseve' timestamp='1504988602' post='3368763'] I purchased some canned tuna in 1983. It was a Tuesday [/quote] I bought some cod, it was a fry day.
  3. I have a Yamaha RBX375 and that is much lighter than my Thunderbird four string and lighter than most of my others as well.
  4. [quote name='Treb' timestamp='1504730588' post='3366999'] TC Spectracomp. [/quote] +1 very happy with mine and the TonePrint aspect adds a lot of possibilities.
  5. No feedback, stupidly cheap price, BUT eBay should refund if (ok chances are it will be a when) it's dodgy.
  6. That's working, I was just having a look but thought it was worth mentioning so you could sort it. Nice looking bass.
  7. And do a trial run a few days before the day. Also stack stuff in stuff, so make sure anything that has spare space has something in it. It's surprising how small you can pack stuff down when you really need to.
  8. Well worth a look and some very interesting stuff on there. It's nicely researched and laid out, enough info to be interesting, not enough to be boring. My top 100 would be very different but I bet everyone could say that!
  9. I love my Aria ATB, it doesn't have the tone of my Thunderbird but it's the nicest bass to play of all of mine. Mine is switchable between active and passive but I only ever use it in passive mode.
  10. I have looked on there a few times but never found any bargains. Even the B stock clearance stuff seems to be the same price as I can get new elsewhere. Am I looking in the wrong place?
  11. I like the green and I wouldn't want to mess with that. Each to their own but you would be stripping the history off it.
  12. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1504108699' post='3362745'] Professor Brian Cox was the keys player in D-Ream wasn't he? [/quote] I would have remembered him so couldn't have been them, it was one of those awkward 'don't you know who I am?' type moments, I was trying to sell the van so didn't want to reply nope, not a clue and the name was familiar.
  13. Looking nice! And good to hear Foulds is still going! Is it still on Iron Gate?
  14. My main bass is my most valuable, I was disappointed when it arrived a small the condition was a little 'optimistic' from the description. But the fact it's far from perfect is a relief in some ways as I don't worry about it picking up the odd nick here and there. If I had the same bass in mint condition I don't think I would use it half as much. It's like my Capri, when it was ratty I would take it anywhere, when I have finished the restoration I will probably be scared to leave it anywhere. It doesn't make sense in a way but there you go.
  15. I sold my old camper van to a guy who was the keyboard player from some 90s dance act (D ream or something, can't even remember). Never having been a fan of dance music I had to sort of nod and say 'yeah of course I remember you' which I didn't. He was telling me how he had learnt to play loads of stuff and was trying to work out if the back seat was wide enough to practice the bass in. I had my old one from when I (very) briefly messed about in my late teens so he tried it out and bought the van. Would be better if I could remember who it was, I know they had had a few number ones.
  16. I went for a cheap one in the end, but it's on a separate signal chain so can't affect the sound anyway. Before I rearranged thenpedal board it was in line and seemed fine. I have compared it to my B3, a small Korg tuner and a boss pedal tuner and it matches perfectly.
  17. [quote name='Louisss8sss' timestamp='1503593878' post='3359536'] what would you guys say was the best sounding and most affordable gig worthy combo amp to have. [/quote] That's always going to be subjective but as for value for money, I defy anyone to beat TE kit. My rig cost less than the price of a cheap head and still competes with anything I have heard. With my thunderbird going through it, it is truly a beast.
  18. £140? Oh boy. I know SOME things are a matter of taste but that can only be worth a few quid for small number of salvageable parts/ complete project.
  19. Mine has roto 66s on and has a tone I love, but, as mentioned above, they are a VERY bassy bass. Perhaps put up a clip so we can hear if it sounds right.
  20. Yup, just a bit of cosmetic damage and a set up needed. Got a set of new strings on their way (£5 off here), the ad said on knob was missing so I ordered a set of eBay specials only to find it in the bottom of the very cheap gigbag. Never had a 5 string so it's a cheap way to dip my toe so to speak, will be useful for a few songs we are planning to learn in the coming months.
  21. Always good when you get a problem solved! I was up in Spondon today on a Bass related mission, I have picked up a Yamaha RBX375 as a project from a Spondon guy called Luke ( he dropped it at my Mum's so not sure exactly where in Spondon he lives but thinks it's around Willowcroft area). Although after a good clean up it's less of a project than expected so just deciding whether to strip it all back or just do a touch up job.
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