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Everything posted by T-Bay

  1. I often wonder how many people enter these sort of competitions.
  2. [quote name='Painy' timestamp='1506360578' post='3378231'] On my old Trace Elliot head I press the pre-shape button. [/quote] Works for me too, seems better than any setting I can manually dial in for some reason.
  3. I doubt it's an air fed mask though, the standard filter type are no good for two pack. It needs to be a full face positive feed type, theybarent cheap but are completely essential. I understand it can also be absorbed through the skin so needs full coverage. To be honest it's best just to avoid it, there are good alternatives that are far safer.
  4. Placebo are up there as one of my favourite bands now, I have never disliked them but just didn't get them for a few years. They were very much take it or leave it or to me, then almost overnight I just seemed to click with them and now love almost all of their stuff. Similar with Stiff little fingers when I was a teenager, I didn't hate them but didn't get them. Then at about 16 got really into suspect device and the rest is history as they say.
  5. Don't even think about the 'model maker' or small project type they flog on eBay as they are useless for anything bigger than a model tank. There are small pot (around 100ml) guns on eBay from china for around £10-15, I have one for small areas on clsssic cars I restore and it's fine. Gravity fed ones seem to work best at the cheap end of the market. You need to check how much ar they require as some can use stupid amounts. You really need a reservoir so avoid the cheap car tyre type compressors. 25litre would do but 50 is better. Then comes the paint, avoid two pack unless you have a spray booth and air fed mask. I have heard idiots saying they do it and hold their breath. The vapour is very toxic and potentially lethal so don't risk it. Best bet is to talk to a friendly auto paint shop guy and they will point you in the right direction. Mine now asks me 'cars or guitars?' when I go in.
  6. Odd one for me, fifth gig I have played but the first where a lot of friends and family were present (including one of the esteemed members off of here). I didn't feel nervous at all as I usually don't, but my fingers seem to turn to lead as soon as we started playing, my technique was not the best so I went back to basics (changed to single finger plucking). This want helped by a female colleague and friend dancing like a complete idiot trying to put me off about 6 feet away (thanks). By a few songs in I had settled and it began to come back, by the end of the first set I was back to my usual self and absolutely loving it. The second set was a blur but went really well. One song in the first set needs work as a group but not sure if anyone else noticed. This was on the back of a bad week for all of us (we all work together) and a truly horrendous week for one of the band. It was the perfect ending to the week but did mess up rehearsals. Looks like we have been booked for a Christmas doo off the back of it as well so happy days!
  7. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1505938920' post='3375412'] Pub rock crap or Coldplay? [/quote] Obviously not Coldplay crap, it would take years and years of selfless dedication to get 5% as crap as Coldplay. I don't even think you could become Coldplay crap, I think you would have to be born Coldplay crap.
  8. Would you rather be the best player in a crap band? Or the worst player in a good band? The best player in a crap band would (usually) have a greater say on the direction of the music and can 'shape' the band how they want it to some extent. They are also unlikely to be replaced. The worst player in a decent band gets the benefit of learning from better musicians and playing in a good band, but may feel conscious of letting people down or fear being replaced. So which would it be? For me it would be the worst player in a great band every time, I know I will work as hard if not harder than anyone else so would hope to make up some of the gap that way.
  9. [quote name='radiophonic' timestamp='1505768754' post='3374228'] ^^ play through. Don't stop. It you corpse a fill, just damp the notes at the right tempo. The impression of low end remains and provided it isn't like 4 bars of it, most people won't notice. [/quote] This ^^^^^^^x100 and don't panic. For tricky ones I practised starting from anywhere in the song so I could just drop back in if needed. I now find that with enough practice (and I do put a lot of time in before a gig) I can do that automatically 99.9% of time. Most mistakes are likely to be a missed fret or bum note so it won't affect position anyway, a quick glance down and all will be well. I went to a gig with a very experienced mate just before my first one, we had the conversation about mistakes and he said no one would notice. He dropped in a couple of complete howlers and looked at me with a big grin, we were the only two people who noticed, the rest of the crowd were just bouncing away happily. That boosted my confidence a lot. But don't concentrate on the negatives, enjoy the experience.
  10. Is anywhere doing them on the interest free credit at the moment? Andertons are out of stock.
  11. It's a hell of a rush, I started 11 months ago at 44 years old and have done a few gigs now, got a big one (for us) this Friday. You can get away with a few mistakes and no one will notice, just play through. The first song will ideally be one you are comfortable with and then it will all flow from there. Before you know it it will be over and you will want to play the set again. Have fun.
  12. [quote name='FDC484950' timestamp='1505714543' post='3373651'] I think the thread title is over-rated. "Bands/singers you don't like" is more appropriate! [/quote] But there is a difference between unlinked and over rated, some of the bands I like I think are over rated, they are good but not as good as others that get less attention/ acclaim. Equally I appreciate why some bands I am not a fan of get the acclaim they do, for me Queen are a bit meh, but I fully appreciate why they are so popular, they just do it for me on the whole. Sometimes I think it's a matter of being the right band at the right time, sometimes it's a fashion thing, sometimes an anti fashion thing. Sometimes it's a complete mystery to me why they are popular.
  13. That is truly gorgeous. Beyond my price range sadly :-(
  14. Hmmm, since when did popularity = quality?
  15. I have just managed to resist buying one of these. Just........
  16. Another vote for the cube, I used one for exactly this over the summer. Sound was ok (not great though) and good for the size. It lasted hours and hours on rechargeable AAs.
  17. That's personal choice for you. A couple of my favourite bands of all time have been mentioned, ones I can't conceive of as ever being considered over rated, but then at least one response thought that about my suggestion of the Beatles. It's a good thing we don't all like the same stuff.
  18. [quote name='Jus Lukin' timestamp='1505413300' post='3371794'] And we respect that, Dan. [/quote]
  19. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1505404249' post='3371685'] Tamworth by the sea? So there's someone in the world with a worse knowledge of geography than me, incredulous 😊. [/quote] I know, it's great. They were convinced they had stayed in Tamworth Bay as a kid, we never did work out where it was they really stayed. Teignmouth was the best guess. Of course their dad could have been really tight and just sat them by Kingsbury lake for a week and claimed it was the Atlantic.
  20. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1505403555' post='3371678'] I always thought of it as a wise precaution against weirdos. [/quote] +1 and it seems to be what the majority do so I was a sheep and did the same. Mine evolved from a stupid conversation about where I live (someone thought Tamworth was by the sea) which ended up with me being known as TamworthBay by a few people which then got shortened to Tbay.
  21. [quote name='Blink' timestamp='1505306343' post='3370892'] Surely the point of popular music is that it is the soundtrack to everything else that is going on in your life at that time and usually the happy stuff. Listening to it again after a period of time transports you back to that time which revives good memories and therefore a liking for the music. There is usually some historical context to the music when it is first recorded, early Springsteen, early Oasis, early Stones, early Elvis, early Queen were all doing someone new when they started which is the bands gained popularity. Under a Blood Red Sky was a good album for U2 but fame and money change people....... I personally have never understood people raving about Elvis. An important historical icon but hardly the greatest singer in the world. Mind you he did sing in tune (most of the time) which is something that Marc Almond has never managed to achieve! History should not be judged purely by todays standards. Jaco is musician who's contribution to modern bass playing will still be felt by generations to come but musically his solo and most of his band leader output leave me cold. [/quote] Strangely some of the music I go back to over and over is when I am in a darker place. Bob Mould's awesome black sheets of rain in particular as being cathartic for me. I first heard it shortly after a bad breakup and it sort of stuck with me. Now it works as a way of,pulling me out in a sort of 'it's not that bad' way as it reminds of that time. I am usually melancholy after listening to it but it really helps. In fact most of my favourite music is a way of exorcising my frustration at how crap the world is to a lot of people a lot of the time, something I found very frustrating (and still do) even though I have been lucky in my upbringing and life on the whole.
  22. The smiths - take away Morissey and they are great, with him they range from passable to terrible.
  23. T-Bay


    [quote name='Pinball' timestamp='1505130902' post='3369634'] Give a man a fish and he will not be hungry for a day but give a man a fishing rod? [/quote] And he will bore you to tears for the rest of his life.
  24. Radiohead, don't get them at all, Muse, guaranteed to get me reaching for the power switch, and........ The Beatles, I appreciate voodoo dolls of me will get big spikes in them, but I don't rate them. They just leave me cold, whereas the Kinks don't half the credit they deserve. I can't deny their popularity but they aren't for me.
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