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Everything posted by SpondonBassed

  1. Thanks for that. I've enjoyed it a couple of times now. A highly respectable tribute to the late great man himself. The video should prove to be excellent promotional material for your band too. Tell them to focus on your hat a bit more next time though. Heeheehee.
  2. Good thread. I'm learning lots. Thanks.
  3. Thanks for that. For the rest of today I will mostly be "seriously enigmatic". I hope the lad does well, he seems passionate enough.
  4. SpondonBassed


    [quote name='toml147' timestamp='1464194341' post='3057440'] Yeah, sorry it was a an RB3, dunno why I put the X, one of these right?; [url="https://www.amazon.co.uk/Laney-RB3-Richter-Bass-Amp/dp/B000S6JS2C/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1464192929&sr=8-3&keywords=laney+rb+3+bass+amp"]https://www.amazon.c...y+rb+3+bass+amp[/url] <snip> I like the look of the stick basses by Hohner I've seen, can't recall seeing any Steinbergers tho... I was looking at the Hofner Shorty because that's a short scale stick bass. Essentially I'm just trying to downsize and economize my rig as much as possible. Could be a good topic on here... [/quote] Yes to the RB3. The Steinberger is the same design, Hohner makes it under licence. This photo shows my two side by side.
  5. Still not sure what you mean but as long as you are happy.
  6. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1464178416' post='3057243'] is it an established working band doing 4 hours gigs? if not, it is probably going to fold.... the majority of bands do [/quote] Hahahahahaha!
  7. I play bass as an amateur. It is my second bite of the cherry, so to speak, having laid up my guitar for thirty years or so. It is that long since I played to an audience. I'd very much like to forge links with percussionists and drummers locally. This is with a view to tightening up my technique within a rhythm section and ultimately building a band on top. I like to play from my era, sixties, seventies and eighties pop. I am open-minded about other tunes however and quite happy to expand on that.
  8. Yeah... imagine what it'd be like if you performed in just a top hat though. It would restore a touch of class to the whole act don't you think? Heeheehee.
  9. Think what way? I am just quoting from the Guardian.
  10. Not all of the slapping sounds come from Flea's bass... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqM86gj58OA (Warning. Not suitable for those who are intimidated by nudity)
  11. I have had a similar experience just a few weeks ago. I was auditioned by a drummer and guitarist who had a singer absent whilst undergoing chemo-therapy. They are all senior citizens. It was explained that they were holding the singer's place in anticipation of a good recovery and that they wanted to audition for bass, keys and rhythm guitar thereby making a six piece band. On the night the singer dropped in for a short practice on his way home from hospital. We all got on well. A couple of weeks after we jammed I was offered the bassist's role. I duly learned the first six suggested songs and was waiting for a further six as promised. After a little delay waiting for the new material I went along to their place of practice and discovered them on their second rehearsal with a new bass player and a new set list! It was an interesting way to find out that my efforts were for nowt. I came away a little bit wiser and with a few more songs in my repertoire. Stuff happens. Still looking.
  12. Indeed. PS. I had never heard the name before you mentioned her. This was on page one of my search results. HTH. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2013/sep/06/marin-alsop-proms-classical-sexist
  13. [quote name='Bobthedog' timestamp='1464120346' post='3056774'] Somewhat of a cheat as it is in a private party I am giving - so a captive audience who will have to cheer me! Thank you though. [/quote] I think we all do this sort of gig at some point or other. It's all good experience. Just tell the doorman to search guests in case they've brought rotten fruit to throw at yer. Oh and GOOD LUCK! Have a blast.
  14. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1464117968' post='3056736'] Personality issues, drama, focusing on petty nonsense about things we don't like or what we won't do is for amateurs and newbies. [/quote] Well done Blue. That was hardly patronising at all. Heeheehee.
  15. [quote name='Bobthedog' timestamp='1464112006' post='3056662'] I am happy playing bass and making music. That is all. [/quote] No better reason to do it. Money, some might argue, is. IMHO that makes music work rather than play. It is still a good reason to perform but is it as much fun?
  16. My parents lived in Twickenham for years. I used to love to visit the Mulberry Tree when I was there. Great small venue, a music pub then. I think it became a Mongolian restaurant. I suppose pressure from local residents stopped the music licence being renewed eventually.
  17. Welcome Bigjimmyc, Better late than never eh? GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) affects most of us here it seems. Left-handedness is no excuse! Heeheehee.
  18. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1464106260' post='3056604'] [color=#333333][font=Arial, Helvetica, freesans, sans-serif][size=3]Marin Alsop.[/size][/font][/color] [/quote] I've been reading up the guardian's blurb associated with that name. I won't comment other than to say I would question her nationality before questioning her sexuality. Of course, I am doing neither, you brought the name up.
  19. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1464091751' post='3056462'] [size=4][color=#34495E][font=Arial, Verdana][font=inherit]...[/font][/font][/color][color=#34495E][font=Arial, Verdana]video your part and upload it.[/font][/color][/size] [/quote] Come again?
  20. SpondonBassed


    [quote name='toml147' timestamp='1464022074' post='3055830'] ...I have a Laney RBX 3 <snip> How's that? [/quote] Welcome Toml147! I have two headless "stick" basses. Both are long scale with 24 frets and they're fine once you get used to not having a full body to rest your picking arm on. Some people dislike them for their odd balance but I am so used to it that I no longer notice. Of the two, the Hohner is the nicer instrument. It seems somehow better than the Steinberger in the way it feels and the tone is far more mellow. Must be its age, as my Steiny is only a young 'un. On the Laney combo - I haven't seen an RBX 3 so I will assume this is like my RB 3. I like it for practice at home and the one time I fired it up in an almost empty community centre at audition I was quite happy. I am thinking it might just work in that sort of venue when full with [s]victims[/s] an audience. Just to be on the safe side I got myself a nice 300w Ashdown combo though. It is fair to say that neither have been used in anger so I am wondering how you've been doing with your Laney?
  21. I thought for a moment that "Rimshots" was one of those weird drinking games that first year Uni students are expected to play. Carry on.
  22. Yes. I had a set of 5 light intermediate round-wound double ball ended strings from them. I find them okay although I am no string connoisseur. I liked that they were ready two weeks before Rattle and Drum rang me to say they'd got some for me. I had to turn theirs down. I find it objectionable that a local shop is unable to get strings in quickly enough and blames it on Internet suppliers. Come on guys, you aren't even trying.
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