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Everything posted by SpondonBassed

  1. I've always believed that "Cover Band" means a group of musicians who do not perform material of their own. When I see how that looks in type it seems like a negative statement but I don't mean it that way. It's just the most concise way I can think to answer your question. How is that different to your scene?
  2. Leather punches are readily available and are quite cheap. I think ALDI had a set for less than five shopping trolley tokens recently. Man made materials such as seat belt would need to be "sealed" at the edges of the hole to stop fraying down the line. This is usually done with a heated punch sufficient to melt the material without oxidising (burning) it and thereby weakening it. Hope you get comfortable soon, I hate strap issues.
  3. Welcome Steve. That's the trouble with being a single man, GAS gets the better of you because no-one has your back, so to speak. [size=1]Just search this site for "GAS" if you think I am only talking about flatulence.[/size]
  4. This wasn't actually at the stage you could call forming a band but I think it is topical anyway: JMB had an ad from a local guitarist who is happy enough to invite me to jam at his family home. He's got good form, coming from a keyboard and MIDI background but wanting to play guitar and sing. We plug in in the kitchen and crack on with a couple of numbers. I get extremely self conscious somehow and lock up in a fairly major way for a minute or two. I work it through and get my timing back to some extent. We carry on. We do a few numbers and work one of them up quite a bit so I feel encouraged. Then he tells me to plug into his combo because it's got a fifteen and he wants to hear it instead of my twelve. He reckoned it was a tonal issue. In fairness I was curious and tried it. Mistake. The chap probably meant well but he went into one of the most patronising speeches about audio equipment I have ever heard in my life. It was total boar-locks! I think he was trying to be supportive having seen me "stumble" early on. I just couldn't carry on with that attitude so after I thanked him for the jam and left for the night we never spoke of it again. The band I was in kind of "press-ganged" me into play as a youth. I had turned my back on music in primary school but my mates needed someone to make some noise and they weren't fussy. We played in public a couple of times but I had commitments and left to spend time getting my engineering licences. Sometimes I wish I'd binned my apprenticeship but it paid for my house so I get over myself really quick.
  5. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1468927592' post='3094350'] We'd never met. She was 70 and a female drummer. This raised my curiosity. She was all for booking a studio. I suggested simply a meet down a local pub. This lady turned up in skinny jeans, lacey ankle socks, bright make-up and large ear-rings. Her hair was in a long pony-tail. This would have been ok, maybe, but she also was missing most of her hair on top and most of her teeth. She was clearly trans. I don't normally have a problem ... [/quote] I'm guessing... Drumsticks like an ostrich?
  6. ...finding out that you've been replaced before you even start after accepting the offer and putting in a few calendar weeks to learn someone else's set.
  7. Was that the bassist responsible in the yooboob clip or was he covering it? In either case, good link.
  8. SpondonBassed


    Welcome JezWynd.
  9. If you liked that, just wait until you meet Hotblack Desiato. It might be a while though, he's spending a year dead for tax reasons.
  10. Welcome FFTT. Slacklining must be a bit like trying to get a clean note from a cheap low B string only slower.
  11. Welcome Danuman. As Zaphod Beeblebrox once said; "Shee! You guys are so unhip it's a wonder your bums don't fall off."
  12. [quote name='bigjohn' timestamp='1466986543' post='3080289'] She's been playing with Tilbrook for years. She's a Fluffer. [/quote] I looked up Tilbrook first. I was so glad that I saw "The Fluffers" on that site because I am far too young and innocent to go looking up words like "fluffer" on t'net.
  13. Judge dread - Big Six https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTW0AybwyoY
  14. It was nice to see Squeeze again. When did they get a female bassist? She were all reet like.
  15. Cheers Blue. Nick Lowe, Brinsley Schwarz, Dave Edmunds. All favourites of mine. Thanks for the clips. Good knowledge there, worth knowing.
  16. Welcome Barking Spiders. You've earned your keep already by telling me something I didn't know. I hope you enjoy the place as it seems to have a good UK to world balance.
  17. I bought my Toneman a couple of months ago and found it a bit difficult moving it about when loading it in and out of my mate's car. It only had a top handle and being a strap, it doesn't give you much control when you are carrying the cab about. I suppose that's the drawback with a 15, you have a bigger magnet to lug around. No matter. I emailed the nice chappies at Ashdown and asked if they could advise me on how to go about fitting side handles. A couple of days later, I got a nice reply asking for postal details so they could send me a drawing. I rang and spoke to a bloke who told me that they'd never had a request for this before but that he would post me some handles and the template drawings for cutting the cab. How much do I owe you, I asked. "Nowt!" was the stout reply. Ta very much I said and complimented the company on their amps because I like them. A couple of days later the package arrived. [attachment=222034:HandleMod1.png] [b][i]Three templates and two handles were supplied.[/i][/b] [attachment=222035:HandleMod2.png] [b][i]Drilled the corners of each hole with a 10mm auger bit then cut the hole edges with a jigsaw.[/i][/b] [attachment=222036:HandleMod3.png] [b][i]Rounded the edges with a sander to get a snug fit with the radiused flange of the handle.[/i][/b] [attachment=222037:HandleMod4.png] [b][i]Had to buy the fasteners myself. Less than a tenner. I got black dome headed allen bolts, large washers, nuts and a bottle of thread lock. I got two lengths of bolt to cater for where internal bracing made it necessary to fit longer ones. I bought more than I needed to make sure I wouldn't get left short by dud bolts or nuts.[/i][/b] [attachment=222038:HandleMod5.png] [i][b]Drilled two holes then secured with two fasteners to hold the handle while the other holes were drilled with a 5mm auger bit.[/b][/i] [attachment=222039:HandleMod6.png] [b][i]I used the thread lock on each bolt shank to ensure no movement of my nuts during loud passages. Replaced the driver and gloated.[/i][/b] [attachment=222040:HandleMod7.png] [i][b]Very happy with the result[/b][/i][i][b]. Even our cat thinks it's cool. I can get a proper grip for lifting now, much better for me ould back.[/b][/i] There you go. How's that for woodshedding? [size=5][i][b]Edit: Thanks to Ashdown Engineering for being receptive and providing the kit. Cheers guys.[/b][/i][/size]
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