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Everything posted by SpondonBassed

  1. Life was harder then. You had to wait for a musician to come along before your newest song could be played and if you were a singist you had to be polite to song writers. Ahhhhhh the establishment.
  2. On topic. I have never felt comfortable sat with a bass. If makes me feel like I am expected to play like a classical guitarist. Noooooooooooooo way. I gots to move with my groove.
  3. [quote name='Highfox' timestamp='1469449721' post='3098343'] A lot of Level 42 and Mark King is like that for me. Even Jaco, I get the bass and musicianship but not personally moved by a lot of it. I know I'll be lynched [/quote] I have to agree about Jaco, I respect his style and the work and all but a lot of it goes right over my head if I'm honest. Then as with most volumes of work of that quantity, there are bits I can groove to. Mark King made me notice bass in the eighties with The Chinese Way. I picked up my first bass guitar just after that, well, actually a left handed mate's to be precise. When I did get a righty of my own, I had to relearn everything. Ahhh youth.
  4. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1469433845' post='3098142'] If and when you can be arsed here's the live events programme form ... [url="https://www.prsformusic.com/SiteCollectionDocuments/PPS%20Tariffs/Programme%20Form%20Popular.pdf"]https://www.prsformu...m%20Popular.pdf[/url] [/quote] Many thanks.
  5. [quote name='4stringslow' timestamp='1469398221' post='3098039'] Does this help? [url="http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=cover%20band"]http://www.urbandict...rm=cover%20band[/url] [/quote] Thank you, yes. Heeheehee. [i][size=2]I LOVE the Urban Dictionary![/size][/i]
  6. Some folk like to feel loyal to an artist more than others I suppose. Others are loyal to the tune no matter who plays it. Remind anyone of politics?
  7. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1469359167' post='3097630'] If you are completing a PRS form for the promoter then you ought to tell the truth - but the PRS form is not the audience. The PRS form isn't interested in whether it's a so-called cover or so-called original - they just want to know the composers/authors/arrangers. [/quote] Thanks. I have it on my list to visit the PRS site and study the rules but for now I really can't be arsed.
  8. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1469357962' post='3097604'] It would be quite feasible to select an excellent setlist of, for example, obscure and for most people unknown northern soul tunes and have an audience drinking and dancing and happy. No need to tell the audience 'covers' or 'original' or anything. [/quote] Are there PRS issues with that?
  9. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1469356705' post='3097584'] Technically yes. But you'd be wise to mention that they're obscure covers because your audience is going to be very disappointed when they find out they've never heard the songs before. [/quote] That's a very good point.
  10. Just curious. If my band decided that we would only perform the B sides to popular record releases (pre-digital of course) and never played outside of that set... would we still be a covers band? I think we would because we are only aware of the B sides as a consequence of the A side being commercially available to the public. Let's not include LP tracks. Please regard this as a "what if?". It is not a feasible notion for earning. [i][size=2]If this thread is annoying you please keep it to yourself and move on.[/size][/i]
  11. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1469312267' post='3097382'] Can I request that there please not be a follow up thread, and relevant conversation be contained to this thread? [/quote] Plus one.
  12. [quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1469198717' post='3096584'] Once we have concluded this section of the debate, we shall move on post-haste to discussing a philosophically rigorous definition of "a band." [/quote] Wake me when they're passing the After Eights 'round please? Nah... What I thought of as a simple notion, the cover band, has become a good deal richer in my understanding as a consequence of this thread. Not sure why the OP is getting slagged for it. I am hoping that it is intended as endearing banter. Anything else would be disruptive.
  13. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1469142477' post='3096158'] I'm a year into playing for a living. I'm in a bar band. I have a mortgage and bills and I'm making our with no help from anyone. Blue [/quote] Well done. Without being cheeky about your age, it is a brave thing for anyone to do but I have to admire it as a transition into retirement and I am hoping for something similar for myself. I am not certain about my ability to hack it where paying customers are concerned however. That's a good bit down the road yet..
  14. [quote name='clarkpegasus4001' timestamp='1469144409' post='3096166'] Don't fly post illegally or you could get into trouble, and you may lose the gig too. [/quote] Thanks for that. I once had to call the council into our road when a fly posting campaign started for a new club a couple of years ago. The owner contacted me to ask why I had not approached him about it because he said it was a "good will gesture" on the part of his customers (was supposed to have just opened remember?) and that he had nowt to do with it and he thought I should apologise for nearly shutting him down. How I larfed. As for the OP, I would hope that you advertise in the real world anyway but only fly post where there is precedent to do so. If you fly post on let's say - virgin territory - you will get slapped.
  15. [quote name='FHB' timestamp='1469197164' post='3096552'] ...I've also ordered a Pitbull Guitars Music Man kit, as I can't afford a real one! Anyways, hope the forums will be a good place to geek out about bass stuff - I don't have anywhere to release my inner bassist! Cheers! [/quote] Welcome FHB, Good to have your company. You mentioned a Musicman kit. Thanks, I am now off to see if they do a fiver. [b][i]Edit:[/i][/b] Nope. Awwwww!
  16. [quote name='azfatboy' timestamp='1469132978' post='3096093'] ...viewable as my profile pic. [/quote] Good man! I never got fond of that style of riding (sit up and beg, that is) but had 25 years of all weather motorcycling before I eventually got a car. My last machine was a 1995 Triumph Tiger. Big and flexible it was. Like yourself I suppose, I got to represent the national flag with it. That gave me a HUGE buzz after Triumph started selling again bigtime. Made working for their R&D worth the trouble. I LOVE that Norton are again developing motorcycles. Glad the rotaries are no longer being foisted on loyal customers. Again, welcome and may you always ride between the ditches.
  17. [quote name='Lightlyseared' timestamp='1469146859' post='3096172'] Mesa Boogie Buster 200 2x10 - massive plummy valve cleans, tonal and physical heft! [/quote] How was it for wallop and flutter?
  18. Welcome Azfatboy. Is your screen name from a love of Harley Davidson 'bikes by chance?
  19. I am sensitive to noise because of Tinnitus. Spontaneous crowd noises are a particular problem for me so I avoid crowds unless I have something to fully distract my brain during whatever event is happening. Even I think this news is ridiculous.
  20. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1469026463' post='3095197'] Surely the only option for a 90's bass combo isn't on there! The Peavey TNT 150! [/quote] Recently we had a TNT140 in our local paper. By chance I bumped into the bloke who bought it who said he'd paid £80 for it. Are they any good?
  21. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1469061202' post='3095515'] My definition of a cover band? One that is working and earning. The general rule for our cover band is that any song we play has to have been a top 30 hit. We aim to play songs which the audience knows, likes a lot, can dance to, will sing with us and isn't played by every other cover band. [/quote] Great answer. Makes a lot of sense unless you're riding a hobby horse. Never having played and got paid, I include myself as a jockey. I have far too much time on my hands and can afford to be self indulgent... "which is nice" heeheehee. Asking a question like the OP on a site like this is just begging for sweeping generalisations, such is the range of ability or indeed interest in playing. When you get answers from those who are playing to feed themselves and their families however, I'd go with that. It's real.
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