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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Oh dear Sounds like them Dave, but it seems some didint have any problems with them, but we certainly did, and not just us Our problem was the night we turned up for our booked gig, there was around 6 people in the whole pub. LL basically freaked ( unknown to us ) and tried some really underhand tactics to do a financial damage limitation scam It didnt work. The threat from our drummist was enough PS I should now add that if they left The Red Lion, then its not on the name and shame list anymore
  2. Its always been the voxists that kept messing our band up. Over 7 years we had 5 of the annoying bar stewards. I was on the loose a month or so ago, because i thought our band had simply given up on crooners, then we got a call from rhyth gitwrist, that he'd found a vocalister. Myself and rhyth git were the only 2 members who bothered to turn up to see how this new guy was. As it happned, he was a dreamer who'd told himself he could but he could do nothing of the sort. Soon after me and the other guy had seen this non singer, the other guys sent emails that they had come to the end of their tethers. 7 years together down the toilet Thank voclasits, you effing prima donnas
  3. Red Lion, Cropredy. If its still the same landlord as 2 / 3 years ago, avoid like the plague They tried a big stunt on us and apparently, as we found out later, we were not the only ones
  4. 40-50 year old Not bad considering i'm 15. 25hz , nothing . 12khz , nothing. So i can hear from 40hz ( maybe even 35 but there wasnt that option ) to 11khz
  5. Yup no sctratch plate here either so a neat job needed. At my age i'm well happy to be called ' sonny '
  6. Arrested doesn't mean convicted and jailed for wanton destruction and criminal damge, though i hope thats how it ends up
  7. I need 2 pup cavities routed, + a rear cavity for the leccies routed, but i'd rather not send it in the post, hence someone local enough that i can deliver and pick up Anyone around Oxfordshire would be ideal ?? PS all templates have been made by another Bass chatter and will be supplied
  8. Senseless violins but no gratuitous sax. Thang yow, i'm here all weak
  9. I always thought Eastbourne was for retired wrinklies, and that it was yob free because of the said wrinklies
  10. Took me ages to get my fingers round the Rhythm Stick bass line. Bar Steward ! They were such a tight band too , all great musos Good to see NWR is out of hosp. Yeehar
  11. A short scale bass at 32" will be a difference in reach of just 1" and 30" scale is a difference in reach of 2" because the scale is between the nut and bridge, not all at the nut Strings will feel slightly floppier on the 32" and a bit more floppy on the 30" , but you can offset this to a degree by using higher tension strings. This will obviously be harder to achieve on the 30"
  12. [quote name='Steve Browning' timestamp='1499836463' post='3333905'] This. I would be particularly galled to note the charge has only be levied twice in 10 years and I had been chosen despite a not inconsiderable purchase. [/quote] Quite unlucky, is our poster. On average, once every 5 years they pick on a customer. This half decade appeared to be your turn !! Shop elsewhere
  13. Wouldn't this better left in JapanAxe's feedback thread in the feedback forum ? http://basschat.co.uk/topic/189435-feedback-for-japanaxe/page__st__30__p__3296312__hl__japanaxe__fromsearch__1#entry3296312
  14. Same here - and yes, i;m no slap lover but that bass line, and especially that awesome tone, is stunning. So its a one pickup Stingray thingy, and the cabs look like ampeg - any idea of amp ? I'd also like to know what bass GAD is playing. Looks like jazz pups , i think
  15. Thanks guys - i'll see my local tech. He's damn good at this sort of thing
  16. Just sold Dan a pedal Dan messaged me and had paid within the blink of an aye - thats the way to deal Cheers Dan
  17. Thanks Terry So like the poster above , Norris, who had some mod done to his Peavey which was doing something similar , can i get someone to add a mod to the amp somewhere ? A capacitor across the power switch according to mr Norris ?
  18. Someone on talkbass asked Plati on his forum and Plati replied saying they got bored, and since GAD is a decent guitar player and can also slap just as well, it didnt make any difference, and they had some fun in the meantime
  19. I have now swapped the speaker sockets round and plugged the internal jack and extension cable jack in opposite sockets, and the 1x15 still leaps into the air with a loud pop accompanying What i didnt notice before, presumably because the four 10" drivers are so much smaller, is that they also jump, obviously its no where near as much as the 1x15 and the loud pop is not there. Also, i tried switching off and then back on again in a few seconds, and this really lessens the speaker jump. So what is happening there ? I leave it over night and the speakers all jump forward, the 1x15 a lot more than the 4x10, and the 1x15 also pops loudly, where the 4x10 do not Is there some build up overnight that discharges when turning the amp on ?
  20. Thats because there's nothing remotely musical as far as slap bass goes. Well, there's exceptions of course, but they're in the minority Mark Plati springs to mind and shows how its possible to be musical http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNqo0kIR-TU
  21. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1498584541' post='3325711'] When plugging in the extension cab did you then stand the rest of the rig on top, bringing it closer to your ear line? [/quote] Its not really feasible to stand a 4x10 combo onto the 1 x15
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