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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Apparently, I'm a keyboardist and I playedThe Kings Arms AUCKLAND, NZ, supporting Amanda Palmer and The Grand Theft Orchestra Bizarre
  2. I had an 84 in this exact style. Real ebony pickup, made by Bill Lawrence, IIRC
  3. Ya can't beat a bit of gratuitous sax
  4. Yeah fair point. Just a bit of a giggle, but TBF, that bass looks awesome
  5. Thats hilarious 5th Sept. Its a bass i will never sell 8th Sept. Bass for sale £650
  6. Vintage TV is great for Neil McOrmicks NEEDLE TIME. Some great interviews
  7. Not sure what you mean. I'll take a guess and say you're talking about resting your hand when plucking, or leaving your hand free floating ???
  8. Nor me As for the string vibrating more over the pickup, how can that even be true ? At the pickup end, the string is barely moving at all As for high or low action, If the string doesn't hit the frets anywhere at all, then its not going to choke and will vibrate the same whether low or high A high action will make a difference when the string is fretted, though
  9. Cheers UKL I shall fess up though, and say they were sprayed to match the bass, and had water slide decals applied
  10. Well the pups and pre have been upgraded as you can see and read, and there's room for more, but anything else wont improve the sound, AFAICT Its welcome to fall over anytime it feels like it
  11. How to buy gear on BC Message seller, and pay. Job done A hearty 10/10 for straight dealing from Dan the man
  12. I used to have a beater or two and then i didnt
  13. Very short interview from Prince Charles, wasn't it ?
  14. Sex Type Thing - Stone Temple Pilots It was anti macho man's view of women. Scott even had to explain it at a live gig to all those men he was singing about
  15. Brilliant Thanks people. Mystery solved !!
  16. Anyone know what model this is and wattage ? Are they pre - green face TE combos ? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/TRACE-ELLIOT-2-X10-Bass-Amp/332374342861?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1431.l2649
  17. [quote name='Yank' timestamp='1505120226' post='3369526'] What? Thought you meant John Paul. [/quote] The ex Pope ?
  18. '76 footage of Jones with Soft Machine . Jones had already joined Brand X the year before, because he'd stated in an interview that with his £200 advance, he bought his PB fretless, which it seems he's using with Soft Machine 3rd track at around 10:50 you can hear the Jones style , and even more so at 19:00 , with that oddball home built flangery wah thing ( he was a bit of an electronics wizz ) [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VBHygKgilM&t=203s[/media]
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