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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Just looking at the individual bridge pieces, they're appallingly out of place, and not just that E string piece either. What a chancer
  2. What an excellent vid " what if the small luthiers prices are the norm, and all the big factories getting their axes made wherever, are too cheap " Quite right
  3. It would be advantageous to post smaller file size photos - i'm on a good connection but they're taking way too long to load
  4. In the great scheme of things you've been a member for 5 mins here, and you're bored with Jaco threads. What are you, a lowly troll ?
  5. Quite right. I nearly laughed too
  6. Opinion, yes. Sort of means a reason for or against. Where was your opinion ? You just posted a big yawn. If you see a thread title that has no interest for you, move along. No one forced you here
  7. Cab serialiser box built by OBBM / Rock-Wire on these forums. Connect 2 cabs in series and you can use two 4-ohm cabs together to give an 8-ohm load (they would give 2 ohms in parallel) Two 8-ohm cabs would give a 16-ohm load. If it wasn't obvious, these are speakon connectors and 1/4" jack post free
  8. Quailty all right angled FX patch cables. Never had a hint of trouble with any of them 30.5cm for the long ones ( or 12" in old money ) 15cm for the short ones ( or 6" in old money ) Postage free
  9. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  10. I noted many members in the past didnt bother with location. I guess that isn't going to change. Not sure what they were scared of . Being tracked down ?
  11. Only ever had one pink torpedo up <------ nice swear filter We were setting up for a gig. Everyone had got to the point where it was time to make a noise / soundcheck I had nothing - zilch, zero, nowt, nada. Swore at the amp, checked fuse, checked guitar cable, borrowed a guitar cable, checked speaker cable, borrowed one off the landlord, Swapped amp outputs, ..this all took 30 mins and we were kicking off in another 30 seconds. I had to go direct to PA without a D.I. and no backline I was guessing most of the notes were ok, as i couldnt hear myself. I guess rehearsals really pay off ! Turned out it was a dodgy speakon socket on the cab. Amp detected a problem and shut down. Bar steward socket
  12. Either / Or I play what's easiest at the time.
  13. You have a seriously sh*te bass, as witnessed by me at many Fat Lils jams. You seriously need to get a damn good plank in your arse nal
  14. Some can think but not in the right order.
  15. Is it possible to see a list of which mods er,.. mod which forum ? I need some help and i tend to go to the mod of that particular forum i need help in
  16. How do you know they weren't necessarily in the right order ?
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