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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Interesting note : Dave Grohl palyed drums for KJ in the early 2000's
  2. He had a great sound indeed I saw them live at a CND rally at Trafalgar Square in 1980 Raven hadn't joined at this point, as Martin Glover ( Youth ) was still the KJ bassister http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBw3W3zh-ew
  3. If its bass amps, i'll hang on to my Carvin BX1600 for another 45 years and it'll be a vintage must have for mucho moolah
  4. She eventually did learn keyboards to a good standard. Early days dodgy musicianship aside, i always liked her. She was a proper human being and very compassionate woman. The planet could do with more people like her
  5. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1507369212' post='3384969'] I grew up near Florence Park and know the guy's brother, and his band. [/quote] Good grief. I worked for Oxford Council back in the early 80's as a maintenance gardener and Flo Park was where i worked. And i still wore a hat
  6. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1507295782' post='3384589'] Seven heads?? [/quote] Not exactly. I figure i'm quite cunning and only wear one at a time. Sometimes i amaze myself at my own ingenuity
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1507294917' post='3384580'] And... did you get ahead..? [/quote] Some say i've gone far. Some say i haven't gone far enough
  8. I wanted to get a ahead and everyone knows if you want to get ahead, you get a hat I've got about 7
  9. George is a gent and likes his cameras. Faultless sale and good feedback well deserved as a good buyer
  10. Apparently, I'm a keyboardist and I playedThe Kings Arms AUCKLAND, NZ, supporting Amanda Palmer and The Grand Theft Orchestra Bizarre
  11. I had an 84 in this exact style. Real ebony pickup, made by Bill Lawrence, IIRC
  12. Ya can't beat a bit of gratuitous sax
  13. Yeah fair point. Just a bit of a giggle, but TBF, that bass looks awesome
  14. Thats hilarious 5th Sept. Its a bass i will never sell 8th Sept. Bass for sale £650
  15. Vintage TV is great for Neil McOrmicks NEEDLE TIME. Some great interviews
  16. Not sure what you mean. I'll take a guess and say you're talking about resting your hand when plucking, or leaving your hand free floating ???
  17. Nor me As for the string vibrating more over the pickup, how can that even be true ? At the pickup end, the string is barely moving at all As for high or low action, If the string doesn't hit the frets anywhere at all, then its not going to choke and will vibrate the same whether low or high A high action will make a difference when the string is fretted, though
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